Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
UK: Promoting Falun Gong and Clarifying the Truth in Swansea
2004-06-03A student from China asked some questions which practitioners answered one by one. She was curious that there were Western people practicing Falun Gong too and was also astonished to learn that Falun Gong practitioners do not receive any monetary reward for promoting Dafa outside. It is done voluntarily and free of charge.
Sweden: Practitioners Celebrate the 9th Anniversary of the Introduction of Falun Dafa to Sweden
2004-06-03On April 22nd,1995, Master Li Hongzhi came to Sweden in person and taught the Fa to Swedish practitioners. Since then, Falun Dafa has spread widely in Sweden. Swedish Dafa disciples gathered at the Stockholm Wasa Museum to celebrate the introduction of Falun Dafa to Sweden nine years ago and they showed many tourists the beauty of Falun Dafa.
Scotland: Promoting Falun Gong and Revealing the Truth about the Persecution in Aberdeen
2004-06-03A number of Falun Gong practitioners from all over the UK, travelled to Aberdeen in Scotland to let people know about the persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners were demonstrating Falun Gong exercises, handing out leaflets and collecting petition signatures from the public.
Austrian Falun Dafa Information Centre Holds a Press Conference in Vienna
2004-06-02The Austrian Falun Dafa Information Center held a press conference in Vienna on June 17th 2004. The press conference unveiled a series of activities with the theme of “jointly putting to a stop to China’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners”. At the press conference, Mr. Zhao Ming, a Falun Gong practitioner from Ireland, gave an account of the miserable and cruel torture he had experienced while imprisoned in a Chinese labour education camp for almost two years.
Sweden: Many People at Hammarkullen Carnival had the Good Fortune to Learn the Truth About Falun Dafa
2004-06-02On May the 30th 2004, Swedish practitioners let people know the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China at Hammarkullen Carnival by demonstrating the five sets of exercises, a photo exhibition, performing some musical pieces, flyer distribution and talking with people.
UK: Some Stories from the Twenty-Four Hour Appeal at the Chinese Embassy in London
2004-06-02The twenty-four hour peaceful appeal at the Chinese Embassy in London by UK Dafa practitioners has lasted more than seven hundred days now. During these trying days, we have personally experienced the change in the surrounding environment as our cultivation progresses. The following stories tell the change in people’s hearts after they learnt the facts about Falun Gong and continue to remind us of our honour and responsibility as Dafa practitioners.
UK: Third Day of the 2004 Scotland Car Tour
2004-06-02The 2004 Scotland Car Tour reached the city of Inverness in its third day, which is one of the northern-most cities in Scotland. Practitioners went to visit local officials to tell them about the persecution of Falun Gong in China so that they can join the voices all over the world calling for an end to this enormous violation of human rights.
A Seminar on Human Rights in China was Held in the Norwegian Parliament
2004-06-01The Norwegian Parliament was the venue for a seminar on the human rights situation in China. It was hosted by Parliament members and co-arranged by the Norwegian Falun Dafa Association. Many parliament members and representatives from human rights organisations and persecuted groups attended the seminar.
Sweden: Practitioners Clarify the Truth at Hammarkullen Cultural Festival
2004-06-01On Saturday May 29th, 2004, the annual Hammarkullen Cultural Festival was held in Gothenburg city. Participants from over twenty countries performed and the festival attracted over twenty thousand people. To let more people from different countries know the truth, some practitioners from Gothenburg and nearby cities came to Hammarkullen to join the activities.
United Kingdom: 2004 Scotland Car Tour enters its Second Day
2004-06-01The practitioners went to two television stations and explained the truth about Falun Gong to the journalists there. After speaking to a local radio station, the practitioners moved on to the office of the Lord Provost of Aberdeen. The Lord Provost was moved as he heard the truth and was shocked and sympathetic to hear about the persecution of Dafa practitioners.
France: Appeal at the Chinese Embassy in Paris to Support the Hearing Against Jiang Zemin in the Chicago Court of Justice
2004-05-31On May the 27th, joining other countries, practitioners in Paris went to the Chinese Embassy to appeal and support the hearing taking place in Chicago against Jiang Zemin. Passersby stopped to look at information boards illustrating the beauty of Dafa and the cruelty of the persecution happening in China.
United Kingdom: First Day of the 2004 Scotland Car Tour
2004-05-31After its launch by Member of Scottish Parliament Mike Pringle, UK Falun Gong practitioners’ 2004 Scotland Car Tour left Edinburgh and travelled to the city of Aberdeen. In Aberdeen, the Car Tour practitioners joined other UK practitioners for a large scale outdoor event to let more people know about the brutal persecution that is happening in China.
UK: 2004 Scotland Car Tour is Launched by Member of Scottish Parliament
2004-05-30On Saturday the 29th of May, UK Falun Gong practitioners began their 2004 Scotland Car Tour aiming to raise awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Four practitioners from both Scotland and England will be taking part in the Car Tour, which will visit 6 Scottish cities in 6 days. The tour was launched in Scotland’s capital city of Edinburgh by local Member of Parliament Mike Pringle.
Germany: To Support the Lawsuit in Chicago, Practitioners in Berlin Send Forth Righteous Thoughts at the Chinese Embassy
2004-05-30On May 27th, the US Federal Seventh Circuit Court conducted a court debate on Falun Gong practitioner’s lawsuit against former Chinese president Jiang Zemin on charges of torture, genocide and crimes against humanity. In this lawsuit, the defendant Jiang is sued for leading the movement in China that attempts to eliminate Falun Gong.
Belgium: Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts at the Chinese Consulate to Support the Lawsuit in Chicago
2004-05-30On the afternoon of May the 27th, Belgian Falun Gong practitioners overcame many difficulties and held an appeal outside the Chinese Consulate in Brussels. Practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts every half an hour to support the latest developments in the Chicago court where an appeal is being considered in the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. Drivers passing by beeped to show their support.