Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials

  • United Kingdom: First Performance of the UK “Coming For You” Choir at the Edinburgh Easter Festival

    During the Edinburgh Easter Festival celebrations on Sunday the 11th of April 2004, the UK “Coming for You" Choir gave its first official public performance. The choir consists of almost 30 Falun Gong practitioners from across the UK, both Western and Chinese. They sang the song from which the choir gets its name: “Coming For You”.
  • Finland: Falun Gong received Widespread Support at the Fashion and Wellbeing Event in the City of Mikkeli

    The Fashion and Wellbeing Summer 2004 event was held in the city of Mikkeli at Mikkeli concert hall on April the 4th 2004. Falun Gong practitioners from central Finland participated in the event by introducing the facts of the persecution, demonstrating the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and giving people a chance to learn them.
  • Photo Report: Recent Activities in Geneva

  • Falun Dafa Practitioners Visit over 40 Permanent Missions and Embassies During UN Human Rights Commission Meeting in Geneva

    Between March the 14th and the 19th 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners visited the permanent missions and embassies of over 40 countries that comprise the U.N. Human Rights Commission in Geneva. Among the visitors were practitioners that have been persecuted in China for upholding their belief in Falun Dafa. The practitioners clarified the facts and exposed the vicious crimes of Jiang and his followers.
  • Spain: Spreading Fa and Letting People Know the Truth of Falun Gong at Guadalajara

    On April the 4th 2004, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners went to Guadalajara to introduce Falun Gong to local people and let them know the truth about the Jiang regime’s brutal persecution of those who practise Falun Gong in China. This city is very close to Spain’s capital Madrid.
  • Germany Supports Resolution Condemning China’s Human Rights Practices

    The 60th Session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission is being held in Geneva from March the 15th to April the 23rd 2004. Member of the German Human Rights Committee, Mr. Haibach, who is also member of the German Parliament, arrived in Geneva on Monday. Here is a transcript of an interview held prior to his departure for Geneva.
  • Speeches Delivered by Falun Gong Practitioners at the UN Forum on Human Rights in China

    On the afternoon of April the 2nd, the American delegation attending the meeting of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights organised a seminar regarding the resolution condemning China’s human rights abuses. Those attending included representatives of the United Nation’s member states, human rights organisations, Falun Gong practitioners and members of Family Church etc. The auditorium did not have a vacant seat.
  • Germany: Students in Albert-Einstein Middle School in Bochum Learn Falun Gong

    On March the 19th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from Bochum in Germany were invited to Albert-Einstein Middle School to teach the students the Falun Gong exercises. The students could not imagine how a peaceful and wonderful practice such as Falun Gong could be banned in China and they asked many questions. They all enjoyed practising the exercises.
  • Germany: People Near the Highest Mountain in the Country Happily Learn about Falun Dafa

    Recently, a Falun Dafa practitioner moved to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which is located at the foot of Germany’s highest mountain, Zugspitze. In order to let the local people know more about Falun Dafa, he immediately applied for a space in the town centre. A Falun Gong Information Day activity was successfully held on April 3rd 2004.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Testify at a Meeting of the German International Human Rights Association

    April 3rd 2004 was the day of the annual meeting of the IGFM (International Society for Human Rights) in Germany. The meeting attracted more than 250 members from over twenty countries. This is the third year that Falun Gong practitioners have attended and discussed the status of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, as well as the progress of the lawsuit against Jiang in Germany.
  • Clarifying the Truth at a School’s Parents' Evening

    My daughter is a second-year student in a secondary school. She is a little Dafa practitioner and a good student. Ever since my daughter started secondary education, I have wanted to let all of her new teachers know the truth about Falun Dafa by speaking to them at the school’s Parents' Evening, in which the teachers of all subjects meet the parents individually. Unexpectedly, there was no opportunity to attend the school’s Parents' Evening because my daughter’s academic performance was very good.
  • Spain: Telling the Truth at “Immigration, Freedom Land” Symposium at Comillas University

    On March the 18th, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the “Immigration, Freedom Land” symposium at Comillas University in Madrid. The Falun Gong practitioners told the audience that Jiang Zemin’s regime has orchestrated a bloody suppression of millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and extended this persecution beyond the mainland, into democratic countries.
  • An Editor of a Spanish Chinese Newspaper: Today I Met a True Falun Gong Practitioner

    "There was a Chinese man sitting on the table next to mine. It turned out that he was the editor of a Chinese newspaper in Spain. He said that he knew about Falun Gong and read Falun Dafa websites. He also said that he has never written articles to slander and attack Falun Gong. The Chinese Embassy put pressure on the newspaper to write such reports. But he had his own standard of behaviour and would not go against it and write anything against his will."
  • Special Interview with a German Practitioner: Legalization of the Falun Symbol in Germany Is Significant

    In Germany, there is a law that prohibits the display of the Nazi Swastika or other similar symbols. To someone who knows nothing about Falun Gong, the Falun Symbol might be wrongly associated with its Nazi counterpart. The Chairman of the German Falun Gong Association received an indictment from his local district court, on the charge that displaying the Falun symbol on the German Falun Dafa Association’s website was illegal. This interview follows a year of investigations and court proceedings.
  • Russia: Exposing the Evil Persecution through an Art Exhibition

    Chinese artist Zhang Cuiying returned once again to Russia to exhibit her paintings. She had just successfully held an art exhibition in a large city in Eastern Siberia. Mrs Zhang then went on to Pjatigorsk City in the Caucasus Mountains, which is a journey of about ten thousand miles. The exhibition was held at the central library on March the 22nd. Before the opening ceremony began, many people were already gathering inside the exhibition hall. All wanted to admire Mrs Zhang’s wonderful pictures.