Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Sweden: Promoting Falun Gong in Uddevalla
2004-03-26Recently, Swedish Falun Gong practitioners held an activity in the small but beautiful city of Uddevalla to let the local people know about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution against the practice, which has been happening for almost five years in China. Practitioners handed out flyers and collected petition signatures from passers by.
Switzerland: Dafa Practitioners promote Falun Dafa in Bern - Compassion Appeals to Public Opinion
2004-03-25A lot of people looked carefully at the Dafa display boards and chatted about their contents. They were deeply shocked by the pictures detailing cruel torture. A lot of people signed their names on a petition form straight away after seeing the display boards and voluntarily asked for information in different languages.
A Short Drama Performance in Geneva Touches University Students’ Hearts
2004-03-24On the 16th of March, the Geneva University Falun Gong Association held a large “Falun Gong and Human Rights” photo exhibition in Geneva University. At lunchtime, Falun Gong practitioners performed a short play in the centre of the hall with students from Geneva University. The drama touched the hearts of the university students deeply.
Introducing Falun Dafa on the Shores of Lake Evian in Geneva
2004-03-23Again we set up Falun Gong information booths alongside Lake Evian. The weather had changed to beautiful sunshine and we were able to distribute flyers, speak to those who showed interest in Falun Gong and tell them the facts of the persecution. Everywhere there were little groups of practitioners either practising the exercises or sending righteous thoughts.
New Tang Dynasty TV Interviews Zhao Ming at the Annual Irish Students’ Human Rights Conference
2004-03-23The second annual Irish Students’ Human Rights Conference was held in Dublin at the end of February. Guest speakers included human rights officials, activists, and researchers from England and Ireland, as well as UN human rights officials. Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for human rights, made a speech at the conference. Zhao Ming is a Falun Gong practitioner who recently obtained his MSc in Computer Science from Trinity College in Dublin. As a victim of human rights violations rescued from China, he was invited to make a speech in the conference. He also accepted an interview with NTDTV reporters.
Romania: Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Cuiying's Art Exhibition World Tour continues in Bucharest
2004-03-23Zhang Cuiying concluded the Romanian leg of her world tour art exhibition in Bucharest on 11th of March 2004. Ms Zhang’s paintings received a warm welcome from the audience. People were so impressed that many of them came back to the exhibition a second time and brought their friends.
Ukraine: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold "Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibition
2004-03-22From March the 3rd to the 16th, Ukrainian Falun Gong practitioners successfully held a "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition in a history museum. Many people came to the photo exhibition and the practitioners showed them around, explained the principles of Falun Dafa, described the benefits of practising Falun Dafa and exposed the brutal persecution of practitioners in China.
Our Appeal Won’t Stop Until the Persecution Ends - Some Brief Stories of Clarifying the Truth in Geneva
2004-03-21On March the 13th, despite heavy rain, many Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world gathered together in Geneva. They set up several Dafa information stands on the streets in order to demonstrate the exercises and hand out leaflets. Many people stopped at our stands and picked up the leaflets to take a look.
Photo Report: Morning Group Practice at Place Neuve, in Geneva, Switzerland on March 15th 2004
2004-03-21On the 15th of March 2004, several hundred Falun gong practitioners from around the world gathered in Place Neuve near the centre of Geneva. As preparations were made for the main event of the morning, a parade through the city of Geneva, they practiced the Falun Gong exercises together in the cool early morning air.
Poland: Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Cuiying held a Painting Exhibition in Warsaw and Received a Warm Response
2004-03-20Zhang Cuiying, a well-known traditional Chinese artist, ended her painting exhibition in Warsaw on the 5th of March with a notable success. Her two-day exhibition of over fifty fine paintings attracted a large audience and was reported by TVP, a national TV broadcaster, the Polish Daily, Journal and RMF-FM Radio.
Explaining the Facts to the People of Geneva on the Rue Du Mont Blanc
2004-03-20On the 16th of March 2004, following the previous day's large-scale appeal outside the UN, at various locations it was arranged for groups of practitioners to practice the exercises, hand out leaflets and materials and display information about the persecution. One such location was on Rue Du Mont Blanc, a very busy street which runs between the main station and the lake.
Interview with an Irish Practitioner During the Appeal Outside the UN in Geneva
2004-03-20"These people are all genuine, they come from all around the world, because from their hearts they really want the leaders of the world to look at and position themselves in the right way regarding this persecution. It’s not just about a bunch of people in China who are being persecuted. The reason they are being persecuted is because they practise Truthfulness Compassion and Tolerance. We’re giving the international community the chance to stand up and say, “these three principles of Truthfulness Compassion and Tolerance, you can’t persecute them. Don’t do that”"
Photo Report: Appealing Outside the UN in Geneva
2004-03-20 -
Swedish Liberal Party: "We Are Eager to Understand More About Falun Gong!"
2004-03-19In the latter half of February 2004, a western Dafa practitioner received a phone call from the Swedish Liberal Party, inviting practitioners to join their meeting and introduce Falun Gong to them. A party representative said that they were very eager to understand more about Falun Gong and why it is being persecuted in China.
Norway: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong During the International Women’s Day Evening Banquet
2004-03-19When the banquet was over, the two of us went back in. We went to every table to collect any leftover leaflets, but we saw nothing. We had brought along over two hundred leaflets and it is great that people took them home to read carefully. We sincerely hope they can come to know the truth about Falun Dafa. That would be great for these people.