Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Denmark: Nordic Dafa Practitioners Collect Petition Signatures to Oppose Hong Kongs Article 23 Legislation and Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-07-12In order to support the Hong Kong peoples call for justice, oppose Article 23 and stop the persecution of Falun Gong, Dafa practitioners from Denmark and Sweden carried out a series of activities under the theme, Oppose Article 23 and End the Persecution. These activities took place in on 5th and 6th July 2003, in Denmarks capital, Copenhagen, and Swedens third largest city, Malmo.
Menorca: Falun Dafa was Warmly Received in Mahon
2003-07-12As soon as we started to prepare ourselves, a policeman approached to find out a what we were up to. We told him about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China and showed him our permission slip. He took a leaflet with him and wished us well. We handed out many Spanish and English leaflets and collected petition signatures. We could have done with French, German and Italian leaflets as well! Just as we were finishing the policeman returned with a female colleague. She also wanted to learn about Dafa and was very pleased to see what we were doing.
Ireland: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Banner Displayed to Thousands of People at the Closing Ceremony of 2003 Special Olympic Games
2003-07-11The local police very kindly provided some tickets for practitioners to take part in the ceremony. A banner reading Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in English and a Chinese banner reading Falun Gong Welcomes Chinese Athletes were displayed in a prominent position in the main stand and could be seen by tens of thousands of people.
Germany: People in Wuerzburg Learn about the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-07-10An information day was held in Wuerzburg to tell people about the lawsuit launched against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin in the United States. People learned from the prominent words on the posters that Jiang will be prosecuted on a charge of genocide. Some passers-by took photographs of the posters. Many people stopped and asked if they could sign the petition.
Sweden: Nordic Dafa Practitioners Appeal in Malmo City to End the Persecution and Stop the Article 23 Legislation
2003-07-10To further expose the evil of the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and to stop the Article 23 legislation, Swedish and Danish Dafa practitioners collected petition signatures in the Swedish city of Malmo on July 5th 2003. Many passers-by asked for more information from the practitioners and signed their names in the petition book.
Norway: Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts at the Chinese Embassy in Oslo
2003-07-10Every Sunday, come rain or shine, Norwegian practitioners meet in front of the Chinese Embassy to send forth righteous thoughts and tell passers-by the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa, the lawsuit that will bring Jiang to justice for his crimes against humanity and Jiang's attempts to spread his terror tactics to the free land of Hong Kong through Article 23.
A Rally in Frankfurt Opposes Article 23 and Supports Freedom for the Hong Kong People
2003-07-09To support the enormous parade through Hong Kong to protest against Article 23, the European branch of the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation held a rally. Many German people learned about the HK parade through German media reports. At this rally, they found out more about the persecutory nature of Article 23 and signed their names to oppose it.
Norway: Informing the People of Oslo and HK Tourists about Article 23
2003-07-09Practitioners explained the facts about Article 23 and discussed the bad impact it would have on Hong Kong. Some of the Hong Kong tourists took pictures of us, otherwise people back home would never believe that they travelled all the way to Norway and met people who care about the future of Hong Kong and the human rights of the HK people.
Ireland: Press Conference to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-07-08A representative of the Irish Falun Dafa Association made a speech pointing out that Jiang Zemin has constantly abused his power over the past four years in trying to eradicate Falun Gong. Jiang has employed torture, slaughter, rape and other criminal activities in his campaign of state terrorism. Therefore, he has to take full responsibility for the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.
Finland: A Practitioner Collects Petition Signatures that Oppose Article 23 in the City of Turku
2003-07-08The practitioner talked with some people for quite a while, and they really wanted to find out more. After she told a young man about the principles of Falun Dafa and about the Jiang regimes persecution, he said "There is no way something this good should be persecuted!" A member of the Finnish Parliament also came to talk with her for a long time about Falun Gong, and in the end the MP said, You are doing the right thing here!
New Song from Swedish Group Yellow Express Entitled Keep the Freedom for the (HK) People (Song Against Article 23) A Clearharmony Interview with the Writer and Frontman
2003-07-07When I found out about the objective and the content of Hong Kongs Article 23 legislation, I could not help worrying about the freedom and human rights of Hong Kong residents. Since I didnt want to see China extends its human rights abuses to Hong Kong, I wanted to use this song to express my wish get rid of Article 23.
Sweden: Collecting Signatures in Gothenburg to Stop Hong Kong's Article 23
2003-07-05On one particularly busy day day, over 500 people signed the petition. Also, many young people seemed very interested in learning more about Article 23. Some Chinese tourists also received information in Chinese about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Sweden: Dafa Practitioners Continue to Collect Petition Signatures Opposing Article 23 Legislation in Hong Kong
2003-07-05Since 28 June, Dafa practitioners have been collecting petition signatures in the busy parts of Gothenburg appealing against the legislation of Article 23 in Hong Kong and calling for the protection of human liberty. Many people approached practitioners to express their concern for the people Hong Kong.
Germany: Falun Gong Catches Peoples Attention at the Regensburg City Festival
2003-07-04The Falun Gong exercise demonstration and the female practitioners traditional Chinese dancing caught the attention of many people. Besides applauding enthusiastically, many people also took the opportunity to sign their names on a petition opposing the persecution of Falun Gong and supporting the lawsuit against Jiang.
Russia: Letter from Falun Dafa Practitioner to the Media on the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
2003-07-04"Inhumane torture, including forced psychiatric treatment, has already lead to 727 deaths of those who practise the peaceful teaching called Falun Gong, which has nothing to do with religion or politics, and which is aimed solely at raising morality and improving physical health."