Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
France: Dafa Practitioners Gather in Front of the Chinese Embassy, Tell People the Facts and Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-22For the past few days, Falun Gong practitioners in Paris continued to send forth righteous thoughts and support the lawsuits launched against Jiang. The term human rights scoundrel has been attributed to Jiang by a well-known international human rights organisation for many years and is a true description of his cruel and brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
Sweden: Dafa Practitioners Continue to Send Righteous Thoughts Every Hour to Support the Global Lawsuits Against Jiang
2003-06-22Since early June, Swedish Dafa practitioners have gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm, in all kinds of weather, to send forth righteous thoughts. They have distributed leaflets told people about the importance of the global lawsuits against Jiang; it is the will of the people that will send Jiang to face trial in the International Criminal Court.
Germany: Dafa Practitioners in Dortmund Collect Signatures and Tell People the Facts to Support the Lawsuits Against Jiang
2003-06-22On 14th June 2003, we held an activity to collect signatures in support of the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and to help in the efforts to rescue our family members who are being persecuted and incarcerated in China. We hung banners and displayed information boards to introduce Dafa and tell people more about the persecution and the lawsuit. Dafa practitioners from nearby cities demonstrated the exercises and distributed leaflets to passers-by.
Germany: Magdeburg City Government and University Help Falun Gong Practitioners to Hold a Picture Exhibition
2003-06-21The purpose of this exhibition is to expose Chinas persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The persecution and torture of Falun Gong practitioners is the persecution of human rights. We have the responsibility to continue to raise condemnation of this...It is hard to imagine a world without the moral principles of honesty, kindness and patience. I think these moral principles are prerequisites for a society to develop further. We must support people who protect those morals. I also appeal to everyone to make this task their own responsibility.
Hungary: Falun Dafa Workshop Successfully Held in Szombathely
2003-06-21Szombathely is a small city in the west of Hungary. The locals were shocked to hear about Jiang Zemins evil persecution of Falun Dafa in China. It isnt difficult for Hungarians to understand this persecution, because there was a similar kind of state-terrorism in Hungary in the 1950s, when it was a socialist country.
France: New Practitioners at the Eiffel Tower Falun Dafa Exercise Practice Site
2003-06-21 -
Switzerland: Telling People the Facts about the Persecution of Falun Gong at the 5th Asian Festival in Martigny City
2003-06-21Whilst telling people the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong at the 5th Asian Festival in Martigny City, Swiss practitioners quickly collected more than eight hundred signatures supporting the Chicago lawsuit against Chinese dictator Jiang for his crimes against humanity.
Sweden: Photo Report - Swedish Practitioners Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-21 -
UK: Chinese Consulate Fails to Thwart Dafa Activities in Edinburgh's One World Festival
2003-06-21Falun Gong practitioners were approached and invited to participate in the One World Festival by the event organisers. This occurred after Edinburgh's Chinese Consulate had written to the event organiser before the festival, complaining that Falun Gong had participated in the last festival, slandering the practice and asking that Falun Gong be omitted from the programme. The organiser had ignored the complaint and told us "we can invite who we like!" Practitioners are happy that the organisers could clearly distinguish right from wrong and did not allow Jiang to further spread his persecution into Scotland's society.
UK: Promoting Falun Dafa in Cardiff, the Capital City of Wales
2003-06-20Two students studying Journalism in Cardiff University came to our stand with a camera and some sound recording equipment and started to make a film of us for their thesis. They filmed both the signature collection and the Falun Gong exercise demonstration, before interviewing a couple of practitioners and some passers by who had signed the petition.
Russia: To Celebrate the 300th Birthday of St. Petersburg, Dafa Practitioners gave a Performance in the City Centre
2003-06-20Among the crowds, there were many Chinese people who watched Falun Gong practitioners performance. One young lady was deeply influenced by the Jiang regimes lies. A practitioner talked to her for two hours and her tension, fear, and doubt disappeared. This was a touching moment for everyone. The 3-hour performance ended too soon.
UK: Many People Learn about the Lawsuit Against Jiang Outside the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh
2003-06-20Practitioners from all over Scotland peacefully appealed outside the Chinese Consulate to highlight to the public that there is a lawsuit underway in the United States to sue the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin for Genocide against innocent Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: Practitioners Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang and Collect Signatures to Rescue Practitioner Xiong Wei and their Imprisoned Relatives and Friends in China (Part 3)
2003-06-20The banners describing the lawsuit that has been filed against Jiang caught the attention of many passers-by. One girl asked her mother the meaning of the banner slogans. Her mother recited the words on the banner loudly. Many passers-by stopped to listen. She finally told the girl that Jiang Zemin has killed many innocent people and will be brought to justice. The girls mother signed the petition to support the activity as the girl called out loudly, I want to sign my name. I want to sign my name, too!
Falun Gong-Iceland Dialogue Committee Submits a Petition and holds a Press Conference on the First Anniversary of the Iceland Events
2003-06-19On June 11 2002, IcelandAir refused to let Falun Gong practitioners board aeroplanes heading to Iceland after a request from the Icelandic government, through utilising a blacklist of Falun Gong practitioners provided by the Chinese Government. Falun Gong practitioners were travelling to Iceland to participate in an appeal against Jiang Zemin, who was on a state visit to the country. Other Falun Gong practitioners were detained in Reykjavik airport on arrival, and were not allowed to enter Iceland.
Denmark: Dafa Practitioners Appeal at the Chinese Embassy to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang and to Call for the Immediate Release of Charles Li