Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
France: Photo Report - Falun Gong Practitioners Expose Jiang Zemin's Crimes of Genocide
2003-06-19 -
France: Photo Report - People Enthusiastically Sign to Support the Genocide Lawsuit Against Chinese Dictator Jiang
2003-06-18 -
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal at the Chinese Embassy to Support the Genocide Lawsuit Against Chinese Dictator Jiang
2003-06-18 -
Germany: Photo Report - Falun Gong Practitioners Collect Signatures to Support the Genocide Lawsuit Against Chinese Dictator Jiang
2003-06-18 -
Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to give a Concert in Pavlovsk City
2003-06-18On 27th May 2003, a concert to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the city of St. Petersburg was held in the first ex-servicemens house of Pavlovsk City Council. Falun Gong practitioners from St. Petersburg, Kiev and Pyatigorsk were invited to give a performance and received a letter of thanks from the organiser.
Sweden: Falun Gong practitioners were Invited to Participate in the Hamnfestivalen in Arvika
2003-06-18 -
A Meeting with a Swedish Foreign Ministry Official: Fresh Flowers, Truth and Information about the Global Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-06-17On June 13th 2003, accompanied by three fellow practitioners, Pirjo Svensson went to the Swedish Foreign Ministry to meet with the head of the Department of Asian Affairs. The head of the Department happily accepted a bouquet of flowers from the practitioners and enquired about the unfair treatment that Pirjo encountered in Thailand.
Hungary: Telling People the Truth about Falun Dafa at a Sports Festival
2003-06-17Towards the end of the festival, Falun Dafa practitioners met with the Hungarian manager of the Shaolin Monks. Practitioners presented materials in Chinese to the monks, revealing the truth about Jiangs crimes and the persecution of Falun Gong. The manager was very moved and thanked us from the bottom of his heart.
UK: Dafa Practitioners Petition in front of the Chinese Embassy to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-16 -
Spain: Many People Enjoyed the Nine Day Falun Dafa Video Lecture held in Barcelona
2003-06-15Immediately after coming in, I felt a very strong energy field. I have been to many countries and learned many forms of Qi-gong and cultivation practices, but I have never felt such a strong feeling. At that time, I realised that this practice was unusual! I asked a gentleman who was distributing leaflets what the practice was about? When he told me that it was Falun Gong, I felt warm all over my whole body and heart, like it was something very pure. I said to myself at that moment: This is something I have been looking for.
Ireland: Telling the Facts of the Persecution to Journalists Attending the 56th World Newspaper Congress
2003-06-15When the media and VIPs, including the Prime Minister of Ireland and human rights activist Bono from the band U2, arrived to make speeches we realised that this was an unmissable golden opportunity to let people learn more about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. It was an exceptionally important occasion. We met mid-week and decided to focus on clarifying the truth to people there. At this point, only one day was left until the end of the Congress...
Germany: Practitioners Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang and the Efforts to Rescue their Imprisoned Relatives and Friends in China (Part II)
2003-06-15Two German cyclists also stopped to investigate the activities. One of them said, I support your actions. Such a person (Jiang) should be taken to trial. He signed his name immediately. In an emotional tone, the other one said, Your suffering is our suffering. I support your activity for justice. I would like to give my signature, too.
Pirjo Svensson Writes to the U.S. Ambassador to Sweden Appealing for Charles Li
2003-06-15"Dr. Charles Li was imprisoned in China after being ushered through a "show trial" in April. His refusal to co-operate with his persecutors exemplifies the spirit of freedom that Americans are known to have cherished and defended for hundreds of years...The circumstances surrounding Dr. Lis arrest and subsequent ill-treatment are further proof of the atrocities of this persecution. I beg you to look into the case of Dr. Li immediately. His life is in danger."
Belgium: Practitioners Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Support the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-06-14 -
Ireland: Spreading the Fa Across the Country
2003-06-13Recently Irish practitioners have been travelling to different parts of the country every weekend to spread the Fa and clarify the facts of the persecution to areas where there are little or no Dafa practitioners. The response has been positive and encouraging.