Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
A Chance Meeting with the German Foreign Affairs Minister
2003-03-13I greeted him and introduced myself as a Falun Gong practitioner and also as a member of the committee that organise the rescue of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China. He shook hands with me warmly after hearing this. I thanked him for his support and appeals for Falun Gong over the past few years. He said, I am glad to be of help to you and will continue appealing for Falun Gong.
Switzerland: Dafa Practitioners Promote Dafa at the Zurich Health Expo
2003-03-13During the four days, the Falun Gong display stand was the most popular. Over 15,000 visitors came to the stand and practitioners handed out around 8,000 leaflets and over 300 Video-CDs. Overall, throughout the activities practitioners introduced Dafa to more people and were delighted to see the audience understanding the truth.
Estonia: Zhang Cui Yings Art Exhibition in Tallinn
2003-03-11People who saw the paintings said that they felt that the exhibition had a vibrant spirit. Many people left their comments afterwards, like I am glad to see an ambassador of ancient Chinese culture in our country.. and It is excellent to see a brilliant oriental artist in Estonia, and it is a joy for us
UK: Revealing the Facts of the Persecution in Leicester on International Womens Day
2003-03-10As we came down from the stage, the MP thanked us and said she had found our exercise demonstration very interesting. We then went to the media room and asked if we could talk to the reporter from a local radio station. Although the radio reporter had a full schedule of people to interview, I was given an interview. The presenter was very sympathetic to Falun Gong and disturbed by the persecution. I was able to talk about the female family members of UK practitioners who are being persecuted in China.
Irish Practitioner Tells Taiwan Mayor About Horrific Persecution he Suffered in China
2003-03-10Zhao Ming exposed the brutal persecution he suffered in China after he returned home for Christmas in 1999. Ming hoped his experiences could enable high-ranking officials in Taiwan to learn more about the persecution happening nearby in Mainland China.
Latvia: Dafa Practitioner Meets President During Art Exhibition in Riga
2003-03-09Local media, government officials, artists and art lovers in their hundreds attended the opening. The administrators of the gallery were so impressed with the the exhibition that they waived the usual fee for using the gallery, provided free advertising for the exhibition and presented Zhang Cui Ying with flowers.
UK: Minister for Foreign Affairs Meets With Falun Gong Association
2003-03-09On February 11 2003, UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Bill Rammell met with representatives of the U.K. Falun Gong Association. The topics discussed included the seriousness of Hong Kongs enactment of Article 23 and the approaching meeting of the U. N. Human Rights Commission in Geneva.
France: Appealing Opposite the Chinese Embassy for the Release of Charles Li and Lin Wenrong
2003-03-09Practitioners requested the unconditional and immediate release of American citizen Charles Li and German student Lin Wenrong. Both have been imprisoned whilst visiting family in China, solely because they practise Falun Gong.
Ireland: Letter from Practitioner to MP on International Womens Day
2003-03-09"Chinese laws and codes explicitly prohibit the jailing of pregnant women. However, with the instructions from the central government that No measure is too excessive when dealing with Falun Dafa, the Chinese police not only regularly jail pregnant practitioners, but also use their pregnancy to force them to choose between their unborn children and their practise of Falun Dafa."
France: Celebrating the First Anniversary of Fontenay-sous-Bois Falun Dafa Day
2003-03-08Fontenay-sous-Bois is near Paris in France. Last year it announced March 2nd as Falun Dafa Day. One year later, Mayor Jean-Francois Voguet sent a letter to Falun Gong practitioners to declare once again his support for Falun Gong.
Germany: Teaching the Exercises and Revealing the Truth in Bielefeld Fitness Centre
2003-03-08On the afternoon of March 1st, sixteen people came to the free Falun Dafa exercise class, including two coaches from the fitness centre. The effects we received were quite remarkable. People left with a deep impression about the goodness of Dafa and we made an appointment for the same time next week.
Germany: Practitioners from Hamburg Write to US Consul General about Charles Li
2003-03-07American citizen Charles Li flew to China on January 22nd and was arrested at Guangzhou airport shortly after landing. He now faces a sentence of 15 years imprisonment because he is a Falun Gong practitioner. This outrageous treatment of foreign citizens shows the Jiang regime's complete disregard for human rights and international laws.
UK: University Starts a Weekly Radio Programme About Falun Gong
2003-03-06A PhD at Manchester University (UMIST) was invited to talk on the show. His fiancée has been imprisoned in Beijing because she practises Falun Gong. When the students heard the news, they all felt astonished. They could not believe that these kinds of things are still occurring in the world today.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in Bonn Calling for the Immediate Release of Ms. Lin Wenrong
2003-03-05German Falun Gong practitioners organised a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Consulate in Bonn, calling on the Jiang regime to immediately release German practitioner Ms. Lin Wenrong. Lin was arrested during a visit to China to celebrate Chinese New Year with her relatives.
Germany: Activities to Rescue our Friends During an Information Day in Hamburg (photos)
2003-03-05We collected many petition signatures to rescue Falun Gong practitioners who are imprisoned in China, including Xiong Wei, who previously studied at Berlin Industrial University. She was sent to a forced labour camp for distributing leaflets about the persecution of Falun Gong in Beijing.