Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Finland: Falun Gong is Discussed in Parliament Members Question Time
2003-02-07"According to reports from human rights groups, the situation of human rights in China is getting worse, especially in the case of Falun Gong, which is the largest group of people being persecuted very severely. The death toll is rising daily and by an alarming amount -- since November there have been over 20 verified reports of practitioners being tortured to death in the hands of the Chinese authorities. What is your opinion about the human rights situation in China and about Falun Gong?"
Danish Falun Gong practitioners Express New Year Greetings to the Chinese Community in Denmark
2003-02-07"Over the past three years, tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners, especially those in Mainland China, have done their best and even risked their lives to reveal the truth about Falun Gong to kind-hearted and righteous people. What we are demanding is simply to stop the persecution and restore the good name of Falun Gong and what we want is only to have the legal right to practise Falun Gong."
Chinese New Years Greetings to our Master Li from European Dafa Practitioners (1)
2003-02-07 -
France: Falun Gong Activities During Chinese New Year
2003-02-06During this years Chinese New Years celebrations in Paris, France, practitioners handed out information on Falun Gong and also balloons with "Falun Dafa is good" on them. So many balloons were handed out that they could be seen everywhere.
Austrian Practitioners Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Chinese New Year
2003-02-06RealPlayer DownloadRealPlayer On-lineFor high resolution, please see main article
UK: Righteous Thoughts and Actions at a Chinese New Year Party in York
2003-02-05To celebrate the Chinese New Year, Chinese students attended an evening of music and dance at York University. Falun Dafa practitioners from Scotland and England also attended the performance in order to give the Chinese students the opportunity to learn about truth about Falun Gong and to expose to them the slanderous nature of all the media reports on Falun Gong in China.
Ukrainian Practitioners Send New Year Greetings to Master Li
2003-02-05 -
UK:Collecting Petition Signatures in a University for the Rescue Our Family Members Campaign
2003-02-04After learning about the persecution, some people expressed their sympathy for the suffering Dafa practitioners in Mainland China and expressed their anger at the brutal persecution that the Jiang regime has enforced on Falun Gong. I told them how Canadian practitioners successfully rescued seven family members with the help of the Canadian government and citizens. They all felt encouraged and were happy to offer their help in any way possible.
Belgium: Practitioners Reveal the Truth in the City of Antwerp's Chinatown
2003-02-04Many of the Chinese people have been deceived by the web of lies created by Jiang Zemin, so the practitioners hoped to help them see the goodness of Dafa and the truth about the brutal persecution being carried out by the Jiang regime.
UK: Appealing in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Manchester
2003-02-04On the 14th January 2003, UK Dafa practitioners joined the worldwide peaceful appeal in front of Chinese embassies and consulates by holding an activity in front of the Chinese consulate in Manchester.
A Chance Encounter between the Greek Premier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Practitioners from Europe and Australia
2003-02-03Just as I had finished preparing an album of paintings and truth-clarifying materials, the Premier came to visit us. He warmly greeted us and shook our hands. We also offered some materials to the Foreign Minister who accepted them and said that he has already heard of Falun Gong.
Norway: Chinese New Year Celebrations in Oslo
2003-02-03On the first day of the Chinese new year, practitioners from Norway and Sweden hosted a cultural event to show some of the rich Chinese culture to the people of Oslo. The performances were very beautiful and moving. During the singing and dancing, some of the onlookers even shed tears.
New Years Greetings to Master Li from Practitioners in Norway
2003-02-03 -
Italy: Falun Gong is popular in Genova
2003-02-02The activity continued for four hours, but the Italians were not fully satisfied. Some asked when we would practise the exercises again. Some simply suggested to the organiser to hold an exercise practice every week.
An Open Letter to the Chinese Embassy in Ankara and the Chinese General Consulate in Istanbul from Turkish Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-02"While the Chinese Lunar New Year is drawing near, we sincerely wish you a happy New Year. Meanwhile, we also hope that in the coming year, you will face the Falun Gong issue openly, correctly discern right from wrong and no longer aid the evildoers in this illegal and brutal suppression."