Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Video: Falun Dafa Day in Lerum, Sweden
2003-02-12On January 30 2003 Mr. Bengt Hörnlund, a member of the Swedish Parliament announced January 30 as Falun Dafa Day in Lerum. This is the third Falun Dafa day so far in Sweden.
Norway: Promoting Falun Gong at the Nobel Peace Price festivities in Oslo
2003-02-12As they have done during the past three years, Falun Gong practitioners form Sweden and Norway promoted Falun Dafa and informed people about the Jiang regimes persecution during the Nobel Peace Prize Festivities.
Ireland: Letter from a Practitioner to a Member of Irish Parliament
2003-02-12"The Chinese governments policy towards Falun Gong is one of genocide - all means are being used to eradicate Falun Gong and its adherents. In March 2002, a direct order was given to Kill them without mercy. This is an extremely urgent matter."
Ireland: Letter from a Practitioner to an Irish MP
2003-02-11"In July 1999, the Chairman of Chinas Communist Party declared Falun Gong illegal and initiated a campaign to annihilate the practice and its adherents within 3 months. Now almost 4 years later the confirmed death toll stands at 572. Hundreds of thousands are detained in labour camps without trial; reports of systemic torture and brainwashing are well documented by human rights groups such as Amnesty International."
Austria: Letter from a Practitioner to the American Ambassador concerning American Citizen Charles Li who is Imprisoned in China
2003-02-11"With great concern, I have come to learn about the imprisonment of Dr. Charles Li, a US Citizen, who was detained after arriving at Guangzhou Airport on January 22 this year. He is facing a sentence of up to 15 years in a Chinese prison on dubious charges and is only allowed 30 minutes per month of contact with the US Embassy."
Spain: More People Are getting to Know the Truth
2003-02-10As Chinese people passed the display boards, they stopped to look at the photos and were surprised to see so many people practising Falun Gong in nearly 60 countries. They were also amazed to know that Falun Gong had won so many international awards and earned high acclaim in several Health Expos in China.
Italy: Stories of Practitioners Revealing the Truth during the Spring Festival Celebrations in Milan
2003-02-10After the performance was over, some Chinese people stayed at the square. Upon seeing a practitioner, one of them stepped forward and said eagerly, Please give me a VCD. I have been looking for this! Falun Gong is very good! All of them listened to the practitioner attentively and asked questions. When the practitioner asked them why they stayed there after the performance was over, one of them said, We are waiting to have a chat with you.
UK: Chinese New Year in the North of England
2003-02-09As practitioners began to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises, the strong righteous field attracted the attention of many Chinese and western people immediately. They stood in front of the practitioners and, in the meantime, they asked other practitioners who were distributing materials for further information about Falun Dafa. At one point, several Chinese children were competing for the materials until every one of them had got one.
Sweden: New Years Celebrations (Part 5)
2003-02-09 -
UK: Dafa Practitioners are Invited to Give Performances in Several Different Places During the Chinese Spring Festival
2003-02-08 -
UK: Righteous Officials in York do not bow to Pressure from Jiang Regime - New Year Celebrations go Ahead!
2003-02-08 -
Spain: 'The Most Outstanding Exhibitor' Falun Dafa at the National Spanish Health Fair
2003-02-08 -
3000 Icelanders Take to the Streets to Support Falun Gong during Jiang's visit (photos)
2003-02-08 -
Italy: Falun Gong Spokesman Attends Parliamentary Hearing
2003-02-08 -
UK: Falun Dafa at a Midlands University
2003-02-07Passers by asked practitioners about the benefits they have received from practising Falun Dafa and were very interested to hear that Dafa brings people good health, improved moral standards and a calm and benevolent outlook in everyday life.