Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Italy: Exposing the Persecution During Activities held by Amnesty International in Milan
2002-12-24After the seminar, the Chief of Amnesty International in Italy and the Chief of the Italy-Tibet League clearly understood the persecution of Dafa in China. They also expressed concern over Article 23 and said that they would pay attention to this from now on.
France: Falun Dafa Practitioners Rally in Strasbourg to call on the European Union to oppose Article 23
2002-12-24Officials and visitors to the European Parliament building were very impressed by the peaceful scene that confronted them as the practitioners did Falun Gong exercises and collected signatures against Article 23. They gave encouragement and support to the practitioners.
Sweden: People Support our Efforts against Article 23
2002-12-23Swedish practitioners held a peaceful appeal in Stockholm to inform people about Jiang Zemin's attempts to export his persecution of innocent people to Hong Kong through the implementation of Article 23. Many Swedish people signed a petition against this violation of human rights.
Italy: Falun Gong at a Health Exhibition in Biella
2002-12-22One visitor to our booth said, "Its really amazing that Falun Gong practitioners can face this persecution peacefully and rationally after suffering so much...I believe that people all over the world will be concerned about Falun Gong in the future and more people will learn Falun Gong.
Norway: Promoting Falun Gong at the Annual Alternative Health Fair
2002-12-21Every day practitioners held an introductory session in a large room nearby where they spent an hour teaching the Falun Gong exercises. They also told the audience about the horrific persecution that is taking place in China at the moment and how millions of innocent Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted because they want to improve their health and moral standards.
Germany: Appeal on Xiong Weis Birthday
2002-12-21On December 8, Falun Gong practitioners once again went to the Chinese Embassy in Berlin. They called for the release of Xiong Wei, who was arrested in Beijing last January when she was distributing materials about the truth of persecution of Falun Gong.
Belgium: Photo Report - Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts in front of Chinese Embassy
2002-12-20 -
Letter from Swedish Practitioner to Hong Kong's Leader
2002-12-20'The proposed law, Article 23, will make Hong Kong citizens lose their civil liberties and human rights. Politicians from democratic countries, media organisations and human rights groups all over the world all have the same view.'
Denmark: Activities Despite the Cold on World Human Rights Day
2002-12-19Dafa practitioners held some activities on this day to tell people about the brutal persecution being inflicted on millions of innocent practitioners in China. They also wanted people to see through the Jiang regimes attempts to spread their terror tactics into the free society of Hong Kong by introducing Article 23.
European Activities Highlighting Article 23 and the Loss of Freedom in Hong Kong
2002-12-19The President of the Human Rights association criticised the Hong Kong government for its proposed "anti-subversion law" and elaborated on the legislation's harmful effects on Hong Kong's freedom and democracy.
Switzerland: Falun Dafa at a Health Exhibition in Bern
2002-12-18Many people were attracted by the peaceful and compassionate Dafa music. A TV played the exercise instruction video, while practitioners demonstrated the exercises and handed out information on Falun Gong.
Italy: Turin Citizens Happy to Learn Falun Dafa
2002-12-17 -
France: Paris Public Welfare Event Invites Falun Dafa Practitioners to Demonstrate Exercises
2002-12-17French practitioners were invited to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises at the Telethon Public Welfare event. The organisers from the city government strongly supported the activity and it helped many people see the true nature of the Jiang regime's persecution in China.
Letter to European Representative for Hong Kong on Article 23
2002-12-16'I feel sorry to know that you are representing the Hong Kong Government to lobby all MEPs to support the legislation of Article 23 in HK...I think that everyone in the world must be responsible for maintaining the basic human rights and the moral standard of human society, and be responsible for their conscience.'
Finland: International Human Rights day in Front of the Houses of Parliament
2002-12-15This was a very successful event. Many people learnt the truth about the Jiang regimes persecution and their hearts were touched when they found out that people are being tortured, raped and killed because they want to improve their health and moral standards by practising Falun Dafa.