Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Russian Practitioners' Letter to Cambodian Ambassador
2002-09-02"We deeply believe that the whole world will realize and condemn the inhuman conduct of a few particular individuals in the Chinese government. They routinely violate national and international laws for their own power. We sincerely hope that your government will take the necessary actions to return Li Guojun and Zhang Xinyi to Cambodia as soon as possible."
Germany: Clarifying the Truth during the Great Flood in Dresden
2002-09-02That evening when we arrived in Dresden, the city was experiencing a heavy rainstorm. We found the spokesman from the Ministry of Domestic Affairs in Sachsen State, and talked to him for two and a half hours.
Sweden: Seminar on the Persecution of Falun Gong at the 2002 NGO Summit
2002-09-02A 90-minute seminar on the persecution of Falun Gong in China was held during the 2002 Swedish Non-Governmental Organization Summit in Gothenburg. It was formally scheduled by the organizers of the summit and given by the Friends of Falun Gong in Sweden.
UK: A Sunny Day at the Green Fair
2002-09-02A few practitioners attended Nottingham's Green Fair to demonstrate the exercises of Falun Dafa and distribute leaflets. The Dafa stall was unique in that the soothing strains of the practice music filled the park and gave a sense of calm and peacefulness to the passers-by.
Germany: Back to Goslar to Clarify the Truth
2002-09-02The general public still vividly remembered the overly tight security measures during Jiangs visit to Goslar. Not only did they regard it as something inconceivable, but they were also angry with the matter. When we told them that a female student from China had been detained for nine hours without decent reasons they were shocked and said that they didnt know the situation was so serious.
Austria: Demonstrating the Goodness of Dafa by Our Words and Conduct - Experiences During a Trip to Vienna
2002-09-02We met many visitors from China. A lady from Tianjin thanked us for giving her handouts that clarified the facts and said, "During this overseas trip, I met Falun Gong everywhere. Your actions are very touching. I think the Chinese government should objectively face the Falun Gong issue, listen to the voice of the people and not spread shameless propaganda every day on TV."
Sweden: Friends of Falun Gong appeals for an end to persecution in the NGO Free Forum Summit
2002-09-01On 30th of August, the NGO Free Forum Summit was opened in Gothenburg. More than 20 non-governmental organisations, such as Friends of Falun Gong, Amnesty International, Red Cross, the International Womens Union, and EU Stafetten have been invited to attend the summit.
Sweden: Photo Report - Peacefulness in The Sunshine
2002-08-27 -
UK: Falun Dafa Parade at the End of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
2002-08-27After five days of events, including exercise demonstrations, photo exhibitions and an experience sharing conference, Falun Dafa practitioners ended their stay in Edinburgh with a press conference and a parade along the historical citys busiest and largest street.
UK: Practitioners Hold Falun Dafa Demonstration and Art Performance Week in Edinburgh
2002-08-26During Edinburgh's International Arts Festival, UK practitioners held "Falun Dafa Demonstration and Art Performance Week" to allow more people to learn the goodness of Falun Dafa.
Sweden: Clarifying The Truth to The Top Leaders
2002-08-26Some practitioners presented the Prime Minister with an information package, asking about the issue of human rights in China and Falun Gong. He answered : We can for instance continue protesting in different ways. I will read the information package. Thank you. "
Germany: Clarifying the Truth to the Embassies
2002-08-26Some staff members had finished watching all the films on the truth-clarification CDs, and translated the letters and materials we handed to them into their official languages and forwarded them to their ministries of foreign affairs.
UK: Promoting Falun Dafa During the 2002 Edinburgh Fringe Festival
2002-08-25Crowds of people came to see both the Chinese Calligraphy and the Journey of Falun Dafa photo exhibition that was posted on the busiest and most famous street in Edinburgh.
Germany: Berlin Falun Gong Practitioners Sent Truth Clarifying Materials To Nearly 140 Foreign Embassies
2002-08-25When you take a closer examination of the case, you will find that it concerns the fate peaceful people in the future will face in Hong Kong, which has always been well known for freedom.
France: Practitioners Clarify the Truth to People Regarding the Wrongful Trial in Hong Kong
2002-08-22On August 18, 2002, practitioners from France held Fa-introduction activities in front of the Eiffel Tower and fully utilized the opportunity to clarify the truth to people regarding the groundless trial in Hong Kong.