Inside the Labour Camps
Ms. Yu Jingxia Is In Critical Condition at Hebei Province Women's Prison
2006-07-24News from the Hebei Province Women's Prison indicates that more than 200 Falun Dafa practitioners are illegally detained at the prison. Practitioners who have become mentally unstable due to the relentless persecution are locked up in the guard chamber. They are forced to do hard labour for more than 12 hours each day. In the 3rd and 7th Supervised Areas, they sometimes work more than 20 hours per day, often until midnight without food. They never receive a day of rest.
Mr. Gao Jidong Died under Persecution
2006-07-23Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Jidong lived in Changchun City, Jilin Province. He was held in the Xinglongshan brainwashing centre in 2002, where he was tortured until he was as thin as a skeleton. He had to leave home in that physical condition to avoid being illegally arrested at home again. After living four years of a hard life, he died on July 15th 2006. Mr. Gao Jidong was among the first group of Falun Dafa practitioners to be subjected to forced brainwashing.
Twenty Additional Deaths of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners in China Confirmed in June 2006
2006-07-22Twenty deaths of Falun Gong practitioners as a result of persecution in Mainland China were confirmed in June 2006. Among those are eight female practitioners, representing 40% of the total; 14 deaths occurred between January 2006 and June 2006. Five of these practitioners died in June 2006. Due to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) information blockade, the ages of four practitioners are unknown. Eleven of the 20 practitioners, 55% of the total, were over 55 years old.
Account of Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Shunlong's Death
2006-07-21Mr. Zhang was detained on the third floor and interrogated by several dozen police. Around 10 a.m., he fell from the third floor. The police claimed that he jumped, yet two people failed to prevent his fall. Zhang was handcuffed with a broken leg. There were over a dozen police watching over him, and the window was very narrow. How could he have jumped out? It is obvious that he was thrown from the building. The police tried to evade responsibility upon seeing that he would not survive.
Zhuzhou City Forced Labour Committee and Baimalong Forced Labour Camp Detain Practitioner Ms. Yu Yingzhu
2006-07-19After the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yu Yingzhu by Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou City of Hunan Province was exposed to the public, the forced labour camp forcibly forbade Yu's family from visiting her. The labour camp police often scream at practitioners: "I am not going to let you die. I will make your life a living hell." If one's family is detained in such a living hell, it is not hard to imagine the pain experienced by the practitioner's family members.
The Brutal Persecution at Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province
2006-07-18When a practitioner enters a forced labour camp, personnel who received a higher education are assigned to mislead them. This might include forcing them to watch movies with a lot of Falun Dafa slandering material. The goal is always to "transform" the practitioner in a short time. If practitioners are not "transformed," the forced labour personnel resort to physical abuse, like using a shoe to slap him/her, brutal beatings, the use of wooden planks to smash practitioners’ hands and fingers on a stool, forcing him/her to stand against the wall while others repeatedly kick his/her head, chest/breasts, legs and private parts. If the practitioner still refuses to be "transformed," then toilet use is restricted. He/she would not be allowed to go to the toilet for long periods of time. Practitioners would be forced to urinate in their clothing and suffer in agony.
Exposing the Crimes at the Hehuakeng and Handan Forced Labour Camps
2006-07-16On May 24th, 2001, more then ten practitioners went to Kaiping Park to practise the exercises. The police from the 610 Office and Kaiping Local Police Station surrounded the practice site. Li Guojun from the local police station gathered some thugs who hit and kicked the practitioners. They used clubs and leather belts to hit the practitioners. Practitioner Meng Qingfu was beaten and lay unconscious for over four hours. The practitioners were bruised all over, and they were detained in Kaiping Local Police Station for over 20 days. After that, they were transferred to the Detention Centre in Tangshan where they were detained for over seven months.
Recent Incidents of Persecution in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-07-13Approximately 200 practitioners are jailed in the Second Women’s Section. The police guards use a special tool to abuse practitioners during force-feeding in particular. It is a round tool, augmented by two sharp ends. When force-feeding, the guards insert the sharp ends between the practitioners' front teeth and try to pry their mouths open. Some practitioners’ teeth have been broken and some practitioners’ lips have been torn. Ms. Cui Defen was tortured to the point of extreme weakness. She could not walk unaided, but the guards still forced her to do labour. Since she walked slowly, guard Zhao Jinghua beat her severely and locked her up for three and a half days. Zhao handcuffed her to a metal pipe in a room with her face against the pipe. She could not bend down or stand up.
Slave Labour Inside Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin
2006-07-12In the No. 2 Team of the sewing factory, practitioners were forced to work long hours and to work overtime in making dark green and orange-yellow mixed pattern raincoats to export to Korea. From May 21st to 27th, practitioners were forced to work from 5 a.m. until 1 a.m.. They had to work seven to eight hours straight and were not allowed even a sip of water; there was even a restriction imposed on toilet breaks. Some of them have hypertension, which is worsened by the slave labour, and some of them were so tired they could not sleep at night.
Persecution of Practitioners in Yanbian Forced Labour Camp
2006-07-12Practitioners are forced to wake up at 4:30 every morning and then subjected to a sitting punishment that normally lasts 14 hours. Many practitioners’ behinds become swollen and blistered. Pus and blood make their trousers stick to their behinds, which become extremely itchy and sore. While sitting on the stool, practitioners must keep their backs straight, have both hands on their knees, and stare at a blackboard at the front of the room. They are not allowed to move or speak. Anyone who moves or speaks is severely beaten.
Handan Forced Labour Camp Authorities Cover-up Their Crimes and Forbid Families to Visit
2006-07-12Falun Dafa practitioner Huang Yunzhang was detained for over a year and refused to be "transformed2". At the beginning of this year, the head guard of the second team of the labour camp commanded eight prisoners to beat him brutally. They forced him to lift his arms from behind his back and one person even put pressure on his neck. Huang Yunzhang passed out many times from this horrific torture. In order to wear down his will power, he was forced to weave straw rope with Yan Fusheng and was forced to run about 25-30 kilometres every day, and he had to clean the toilets. He is always exhausted. Since the last year, Mr. Huang’s wife tried to visit him many times, but was always refused.
Persecution at the Hohhot Women's Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2006-07-10The officials at the Hohhot Women's Forced Labour Camp have been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners since September 1999. The guards at the labour camp used deceptive methods and violence, including brainwashing, physical abuse, sleep deprivation, extremely intense physical training, slave labour, force-feeding, and shocking with electric batons. They also hang the practitioners by their handcuffs. Some practitioners suffered a nervous breakdown, and some lived in extreme pain.
The Persecution of Practitioners in the Yunnan Second Labour Camp
2006-07-10After 2004, the authorities at the Yunnan Second Labour Camp implemented unscrupulous persecution against the Falun Dafa practitioners detained there. Many of them were tortured, and those who refused to accept brainwashing had their sentences extended for more than half a year. They also used a heavy workload to persecute the detained practitioners, forcing them to do hard labour more than 15 hours a day, working them beyond human capacity. As a result, many practitioners’ hands and feet were terribly swollen.
The Women's Forced Labour Camps in Guangzhou City
2006-07-08The camp authorities force-fed the practitioners who refused to renounce Falun Gong. To do this they insert a thick tube down to the practitioners' stomachs through the nose. They then insert and pull out the tube several times to make the practitioner suffer. As a result they often injure the practitioners' oesophagus or hurt the windpipe, or even the lungs. The guards use practitioners' money to buy milk powder. When they force-feed the practitioners, they add drugs that damage the central nervous system and internal organs.
Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners To Disability
2006-07-03One practitioner with the surname Wu was brutally beaten and hung up with ropes. Steel needles were hammered through his fingers, the joints of his four limbs and his toes were smashed with a hammer, his entire body was shocked with electric batons, and two chopsticks clipped together were used to crush his fingers. A practitioner with the surname Bi used to be the instructor of a police station. He was strong and tall. Now, due to the torture of being forced to stand for long periods of time, he has become paralysed in the lower half of his body, causing loss of control over urination and bowel movements.