Inside the Labour Camps
Policeman Li Songtao is Responsible for Torturing Two Falun Gong Practitioners to Death in Jinzhou City Labour Camp
2004-03-07Li Songtao, a 31-year-old male, is the deputy head of the Second Brigade (Special Team set up to persecute Falun Gong practitioners) of Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp. He threatened, deceived and physically tortured practitioners. Li is the direct murderer of practitioner Xiao Peng. He is also responsible for the death of practitioner Shi Zhongyan.
Practitioners Forced to Make Candles in Toxic Working Conditions at Longshan Labour Camp (Photos)
2004-03-07Longshan Labour Camp received its first order for the wax-processing job in mid July 2001. Elderly and weak Falun Gong practitioners were forced to make plastic packing boxes for the candles in their monitored rooms. The majority of practitioners were taken to a big hall near the entrance of the labour camp to process and to pack the candles.
Exposing the Evil Nature of Jiang's Regime: The Ordeals Dafa Practitioner Suffered under the Persecution (Part Six)
2004-03-06It is well known that China has just joined in the WTO. Jiang Zemin's regime has promised the whole world they would crack down on pirated publications in China in order to safeguard the publishing business. However within the Tuanhe Labour Camp, which is part of the Chinese legal system, policemen were forcing detainees to bind illegal "Harry Potter" books series. The detainees were asked to fold, sort, and bind the sheets. Then the finished books were transported elsewhere for publication.
Eyewitness Account: Dafa Practitioner Lei Ming Suffered Broken Bones All Over His Body Due to Torture
2004-03-05Education section officer Gao also remarked that the most powerful person in the world is neither the UN Secretary or the U.S. President, but instead Jiang Zemin, since the presidents of other nations need to seek approval from several departments before proceeding to do what they intend. Also, they are responsible for whatever wrongdoing they commit, even after they leave office. Gao continued, Jiang Zemin's power is above the law of the entire nation, and whatever he says goes. Nobody in the world can compare with the power he has.
Tianjin Banqiao's Female Forced Labour Camp: Two Women Suffer Mental Collapse From the Stress of Severe Torture
2004-03-04At the Tianjin Banqiao Female Forced Labour Camp, police and detainees torture Dafa practitioners. They claim that, "Any practitioner who dies from hitting or beating will be counted as suicide. TV will announce the news as suicide." In the brainwashing centre, the collaborators help the police treat firm practitioners badly. They let camp police and offenders frantically hit and beat the practitioners who refuse to give up practising Falun Dafa.
66 Year Old Nanjing Falun Gong Practitioner Ms Duan Xiangdi Recounts Painful Memories of Intolerable Torture She Suffered in Mental Hospital and Forced Labour Camp
2004-03-03On January 25, 2000, I planned to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. The local police station arrested me before I could leave and sent me to a psychiatric hospital without my consent. They even lied to my children. They told my children that they were protecting me by sending me to the psychiatric hospital because otherwise I would have been sent to the Northwest Forced Labour Camp. My children were told that I would be released in two weeks and that they could visit me.
The Four Stages of Persecution Implemented by Henan Province Number Three Forced Labour Camp
2004-03-03The people responsible for directing and committing these crimes are extremely frightened of public exposure and thus used all means to block news from leaking out of the forced labour camp. Falun Gong practitioners were forbidden to have contact with anyone from the outside. They were not allowed to talk to anyone and the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners at the Number Three Forced Labour Camp described here only represents a small portion of the facts that could get past the information blockade.
The Sichuan Deyang Prison Makes Illegal Profits from Abusing Prisoners
2004-03-03The Jewellery Association Factory owns 100,000 jewellery machines, which have all been set up in prisons, including the Deyang Prison. Some Chinese-owned enterprises in Thailand have also purchased many machines and have set them up in several prisons in Sichuan to have the jewellery processed. The Hong Kong Lepachu Industrial Co. Ltd and the Guangdong Liren Clothes Co. both use prisoners to make their products, some of which are sold to the United States.
Practitioner Wang Wenbo Dies from Abuse Received at Harbin Labour Camp
2004-03-02Mr. Wang Wenbo, was a forty five year old practitioner from Aimin Village, Shuangcheng City. He was arrested and taken to Harbin Changlinzi Labour Camp when he was working away from his hometown. He was released on January 17, 2004 after suffering two years of horrible persecution in the labour camp. He was tortured because he believed in the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance. He was unwilling to betray his faith and thus his life was tragically cut short.
Benxi City Married Couple Suffer Brutal Persecution
2004-03-01Falun Dafa practitioners in Benxi City put up truth-clarification banners with the words "Tiananmen Square self-immolation is aimed at framing Falun Dafa." The authorities of the city set out to find those involved in making the banners. A former Falun Gong practitioner assisting in the persecution who had renounced Falun Gong due to brainwashing and torture reported Zhao Chenglin and Wang Lijuan. The city authorities then treated the couple as "key members" of Falun Gong.
Head of Wanjia Labor Camp Viciously Tortures Dafa Practitioners
2004-03-01Since August 2002, the head of Wanjia Labour Camp, Lu Zhenshan, has been escalating the persecution of Dafa practitioners using more violence. Lu Zhenshan has been very hostile towards Dafa. Some policemen who still respected their conscience could not stand to witness his brutality. Lu would verbally abuse whoever showed sympathy to Dafa practitioners and later transferred such policemen to different units.
Persecution in Fanqiang Labor Camp
2004-03-01Beginning on October 1st, 2003, Fangqiang Labour Camp began a new campaign of persecution targeting Falun Gong. Policemen threw female Falun Gong practitioner Gao Yulan in with male prisoners to create an environment of terror. They directed male criminal Ju Dachun to strip Gao naked and allowed him to sexually abuse her as he pleased. Their actions caused complaints from some policemen who still had a conscience, and also sparked indignation from other prisoners within the camp who learned of this situation.
Eyewitness Account of the Treatment of Dafa Practitioners at Shayang City's Fanjiatai Prison
2004-02-29The Fanjiatai Prison, built from funds collected from the public, has now become a den for the torture of good people. Many prisoners considered the thugs' role a great opportunity and took the offer of transferring to the 7th division. Regardless of how hard other prisoners worked in other divisions, the maximum prison term reduction in their cells was only about 27%, whereas, in 7th division, almost every prisoner had an opportunity to gain a reduction of prison term by assaulting Falun Gong practitioners.
Ms. Yu Xiuqing Suffers Nervous Breakdown in Masanjia Labour Camp then Passes Away
2004-02-27Ms. Yu Xiuqing was 47 years old. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in October 2000 and was arrested. Police sent her to Lingyuan City Detention Centre, then onto Masanjia Labour Camp at the beginning of November 2000. Yu suffered a nervous breakdown because she was tortured in the labour camp. Who can really know the agony and terrifying torment that this lady must have endured in the dark den of Masanjia Labour Camp?
A Two-Death-Quota To Sanction the Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners Issued to the Shibalihe Woman's Labour Camp
2004-02-25In April, 2003, the head of the Shibalihe Women's Labour Camp received special notification that a quota of two Falun Gong practitioners' deaths was issued to the labour camp, sanctioning the escalation of violence against Falun Gong practitioners to get them to renounce their belief and give up their practice of Falun Gong... The police said, "We'll take no responsibility even if two of you are beaten to death, because the labour camp has received permission for two people to die!"