Inside the Labour Camps
Shuanghe Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province Purchases 80 Torture Chairs
2003-12-02They allow persecutors to take turns to hound those who have not given up their beliefs. Sometimes, they harass the practitioners until late into the night, and the practitioners are not permitted to interact with anyone else during that time. They supervise the practitioners 24 hours a day, and force them to watch videos that defame and slander Dafa. If the practitioners refuse to cooperate, they are tortured using various tools, such as metal torture chairs, until they give in. This summer, the Shuanghe Labour Camp purchased 80 of these chairs.
After Only One Day in Daqing City Labour Camp, Practitioner He Huajiang Tortured to Death
2003-12-01The police were afraid of He Huajiang's shouting, so they choked him, beat and kicked him to push him into the vehicle. When his son heard his shouting, he ran out the door. The policemen even pushed his son into the car. The father and son were taken like this and then later separated at the police station. At the same time, He Huajiang's home was ransacked. He Huajiang was sent to the Longfeng detention centre that night. He was kept at an undisclosed location, and it was said that he would be put into a labour camp for a few years. He Huajiang's son was not allowed to go home until 11 o'clock that night. During that time, policemen threatened him and tried to force him to tell who some of his father's fellow practitioners were.
A Detailed Account of Horrific Acts of Sexual Abuse and Torture by Authorities in the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2003-12-01On June 29, 2003, the "News Overview" programme broadcast on Dalian's TV Station reported on the situation of Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned in the Dalian Forced Labour Camp. The Chief and the "educators" (who are actually prisoners) from the labour camp swore in front of the camera, "Our policy towards Falun Gong practitioners is 'to educate and influence them with compassion.' We and Falun Gong practitioners are like 'brothers.' There is absolutely no such thing as persecution here." The TV station also showed the staff in the labour camp singing, dancing, and playing in a yard that was full of flowers and grass. Is this really the truth? The following will unmask the staged kindness of the Dalian labour camp staff.
Dafa Practitioner Cruelly Force-Fed for 50 Days in Hewan Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-30During this period, he was still forced to get up at 6 am and climb up and down the stairways continuously without rest until about 10-11pm each day. Police in the camp didn't treat him as a human being and didn't care whether he would survive their abuse. After being force-fed for 50 days, his family was finally allowed to see him. He was in such bad shape physically that they could hardly recognize him. His mother and wife both wept uncontrollably; it was unbearable for them to face him directly.
Practitioner Ms. Long Ying Suffers at Hands of Police in Baimalong Labour Camp
2003-11-28The Jiang Zemin regime has been bloodily persecuting those who believe in "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance." As human beings, practitioners also have limits to how much their human bodies can sustain. As a result, it is no surprise that some practitioners have suffered severe mental trauma and mental collapse, or hurt themselves after being subjected to constant terror and torture in the forced labour camps. These incidences in turn expose the degree of the brutality and inhumanity of the persecution.
Personal Account of Forced Labour and Agonising Torture in Guizhou Province
2003-11-26The government's policy of re-education through forced-labour stipulates that detainees can obtain 85 Yuan per month for living expenses (85 Yuan is about $10 USD). After deducting 5 Yuan for each incidental expense, actual living expense money given to each person was less than 60 Yuan per month. Under forced labour, we were forced to work long hours at the same task. Guards would deprive us of sleep for three days and nights in order to make us finish the assigned work within their time frame. Exhausted detainees would often fall sound asleep while squatting in the washroom or curled up under a pupil's desk. The suffering was so intense that, at the end of October, one drug-addict committed suicide by hanging himself and another jumped to his death from a building.
Labour Camp Police Pull Out Dafa Practitioner's Teeth and Inject Him with Nerve-Damaging Drugs
2003-11-25In order to resist the persecution, Ma Yulin went on a hunger strike. The cold-hearted police tried to force feed him but he refused to cooperate with them. The police then used pliers to pull out all his teeth on both sides of his mouth. The police and prison doctors also tied him up, and injected him with nerve-damaging drugs, which have caused various physical problems. Mr. Ma is currently extremely weak.
Chengdu City Dafa Practitioners Endure Illegal Jail Sentences and Brutal Torture
2003-11-24Police blindfolded Dafa practitioners and led them to an outside hotel room where they tied the handcuffed practitioners to a heavy chair and interrogated them day and night. The abusive authorities don't allow practitioners to sleep. Even closing their eyes for a brief moment is forbidden. Oftentimes several police officers took turns interrogating one practitioner. These officers often used physical abuse and torment such as slapping, shocking with an electric stun baton, handcuffing, and hanging up, which are the most commonly used tortures. Sometimes the police also beat practitioners in the detention centre investigation room.
Cruel Torture Too Horrible to Imagine: Cheeks, Tongue, and Nasal Cavity are Punctured with Needles
2003-11-23They tied me on the Tiger Bench [a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm. tall] and beat me, hitting my ankles, legs, hands, head, and feet with sticks. My ankles were so swollen that they were as thick as my legs. They also covered my head with a plastic bag, and tied it around my neck to threaten to suffocate me. They did not open it until I had almost suffocated to death. Then, once I got my breath, they tied it again. They also clamped my fingers with two wooden sticks. I was in so much pain that I was shaking badly. After they got tired of beating me, they went out to have a tea break. After they came back, they continued beating me. Just like this, they beat me from morning until evening.
Brutality at Suihua Forced Labour Camp: Repeated Beatings and Electric Shock
2003-11-23In March 2003, police officers Fan Xiaodong took turns beating practitioner Zheng Shuzhong. Mr. Zheng almost died from the severe injuries. He remained in bed over 20 days. He would vomit up whatever he ate. During a period of more than three weeks, Mr. Zheng endured unimaginable pain. He maintained the strongest righteous faith and survived the brutal ordeal. Even when Zheng was near death, however, the police did not slow their terrible campaign.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike to Protest Unlawful Endless Detention in Dehui, Jilin Province
2003-11-22November 1 marks the 20th day the 13 Dafa practitioners have been on a hunger strike in the Dehui Jail. The malicious policemen would not release anyone even when their condition was critical. On one occasion, when a Dafa practitioner's relative went to appeal the situation, one of the Political and Law Committee said, "There will be someone responsible if anyone dies." When the relative asked about the reason for past-due detention, Wang Jishen, the supervisor of the court, replied, "Because of insufficient evidence, we need to start the investigation over."
One Year of Savage Torture in Labour Camps Results in Death of Practitioner Mr. Tian Junlong
2003-11-20In attempts to escape responsibility for his impending death, the labour camp authorities sent him home on September 1, 2003. At that time he could neither speak nor walk, and he shed tears in front of his family as he lay in bed. He passed away on September 21, 2003. After he died, his father who was in a critical condition was so grief stricken that his health declined drastically and he passed away on October 2, 2003.
Dafa Practitioners Held Indefinitely by Shibalihe Women's Labour Camp
2003-11-19While other non-practitioner detainees in the labour camp were widely praised or received reduced detention sentences for guarding or persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, the Falun Gong practitioners received extended terms of detention. The labour camp generally asks for one month extension of practitioners' terms from the Labour Education Bureau, but the latter usually gives at least three months extension or even longer. Many Falun Gong practitioners have had their terms extended from three to eight months simply because they refused to take part in exams aiming at attacking and defaming Dafa. There is no rule for such extensions at all; the labour camp simply did it at will using any random excuse.
Evidence of Persecution against Practitioners at the Third Labour Camp of Xuchang City
2003-11-19For the slower workers, they would use what's called thinking re-education (or brainwashing) to prolong physical punishment. Sometimes the punishment could last until 4:00 a.m. in the morning and then they would not be allowed to sleep. For those that did not finish their work, they had to bring their unfinished work back to the dormitory to finish it. Usually they had to work until sometime between 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. in the morning in order to finish it.
Shen Xiaodu, Grandson of the China Democratic League Founder Tortured with Intense Heat at the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-18Because Shen Xiaodu never gave in, he was then taken to the brick kiln of the 4th Group of the 4th Brigade [hottest kiln at the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp]. First, they put him in the "Cold Gate" (which is above 40 C, 104 F). Then, they put him in the "Middle Gate" (which is above 60 C, 140 F). When Shen Xiaodu did not give up, he was put in the "Fire Gate" (which is above 80 C, 176 F). Shen Xiaodu still refused to give in. The "Fire Gate" that he was put in was not a regular one; it had just been opened. The temperature was extremely high, and the bricks were still glowing.