Inside the Labour Camps
First Hand Account of Persecution at Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City
2002-08-23the education brigade brought in over thirty police officers to carry on the brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners. The main duty of these police officers was to forcefully instill Dafa slandering materials into practitioners' minds every day, force them to accept the lies, and then subject them to the endless torture, both physical and mental...
A Call For Help From a Detainee at Masanjia Labour Camp
2002-08-22My name is Wang Haiying and I am 31 years old. I lived in Shahe District, Dalian City of Liaoning Province. I was kidnapped and I am now being detained in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp.
Practitioners Beaten With Blocks of Wood in Wujiabaozi Labour Camp
2002-08-17The guard and the headman get criminals to beat them with blocks of wood. They show no mercy even when practitioners lose consciousness from the beatings. They pound practitioners' torsos using their elbows or heels, or knee practitioners in the stomach or chest. A practitioner was injured so severely that he couldn't walk for a week.
Wanjia Labour Camp Has Never Stopped Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-08-15Prisoners often said, "We will not be held responsible even if we beat you to death," "There will be one person less if we beat you to death," "If we beat you to death our sentences will be reduced," "Beating you is only a game for us," and "It is the government that gives us the power."
Outstanding Policeman Suffers Severe Persecution for Practicing Falun Dafa
2002-08-15 -
Xinxin Female Labour Camp Strips Falun Gong Practitioners of Their Clothes and Beats Them Up
2002-08-15 -
The Persecution of My Older Sister
2002-08-12 -
The Horrors of the Second Forced Labour Camp in Anning District
2002-08-09 -
Guard in Forced Labour Camp Says, "You Have Three Choices: Accepting the Brainwashing, Be Beaten to Death, or Be Driven to Mental Collapse."
2002-08-06 -
Prisoners Plan to Practice Falun Gong after Release From Labour Camp
2002-08-05"No matter how the Jiang regime's slander about Dafa is spread, practitioners' compassion has let many prisoners know that Falun Dafa practitioners are good people. As a result, many prisoners are unwilling to cooperate with the guards' persecution of practitioners."
Report of Hewan Forced Labour Camp Torturing Dafa Practitioners in Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2002-08-05They took four shifts to continuously lecture the practitioners with vicious slanders against Falun Gong. Practitioners were not allowed to close their eyes or else they would be tortured.
Practitioners Tortured in Xishanping's Forced Labor Camp, Chongqing City
2002-07-26 -
The Blood Stained Walls of Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2002-07-24...electric shocks, jumping kicks, electric batons, police sticks, axes, leather belts and "triangle belts" were all used. Terrible screams could constantly be heard from the top to the bottom of the building.
The Horrors of Wujiabao Forced Labour Camp
2002-07-23The women's and men's squad jointly tortured Yao. His face was distorted with bruises and swelling. His fingers and soles were full of needle punctures. They did not allow him to sleep for eight days and nights, and tied him up in the "flying" posture. Several days later, Yao lost feeling and mobility in his legs and feet. He became bedridden and had to be carried to go to restroom.
Behind the Loud Music at Shuanghe Women's Labour Camp
2002-07-22"Whenever Shuanghe Women's Labour Camp played music loudly; the practitioners detained in the compartments would know that the guards of the labour camp were hiding the cries of practitioners being brutally tortured..."