Inside the Labour Camps
Eyewitness Account: Inhuman Guards in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Continue to Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-03Both her hands and feet were tied, and she was forced to continue to listen to the lies of former practitioners who had been brainwashed. She suffered this way for several days and nights; as soon as she closed her eyes, several of them would push her to awaken her, and shout, "Do not sleep, listen carefully!" When Liu Yuzhi closed her eyes, they would pour cold water on her. They did not untie her until they had tortured her for over five hours, but then they forced her to squat again.
Dafa Practitioners Severely Injured by Brutality of Guards at Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-03The criminals then would slide the practitioners back and forth on the cables, which quickly cut into the flesh. Soon there was blood all over the place. Some practitioners were tortured like this for more than half an hour. Many Dafa practitioners had permanent scars. Some were even permanently handicapped.
Dafa Practitioner On Verge of Death in Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-01The police deceived and extorted several thousands of Yuan from Li Qiang's brother, stating that more money can "lessen the punishment on Li Qiang." But in fact, the dishonourable authorities still ended up sentencing Li Qiang again, this time to three years of forced labour. On the way to Jiutai, Li Qiang protested the police's illegal treatment and refused to get in the police car or sign his name. The police forcefully grabbed his hand and forced him "sign."
Frenzied Police in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Hang Up Practitioners in the Air for One Week
2003-03-27The abominable police drove the determined practitioners secretly out of the camp and sent them to a place where they handcuffed the practitioners, and hung them up with their feet suspended above the ground. This torture lasted for one week. The suffering it caused cannot be imagined. The scene was extremely terrible.
Non-Practitioner Exposes the Violent Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Bolou Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-25The actions of Falun Gong practitioners around me have made me doubt the reports on television. I now know what real Falun Gong practitioners are like. What is the point of our country putting in so much manpower, material and money to oppose Falun Gong? I truly feel perplexed and worried about this political movement to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
Please Show Concern for Dafa Practitioners Illegally Detained in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp!
2003-03-24During the past three years, to protect Dafa and to expose the evil persecution against Dafa to people, he suffered from illegal imprisonment and electric shocks, which caused injuries to his heart. His family members are very sad and concerned about his case. His mother who has suffered a lonely life was unable to bear his situation, and now is in a confused state.
Practitioners Viciously Tortured to the Limits of Their Endurance in Wujiabao Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-24Even in such a physical state, evil brigade leader Ceng Qiuyan was still ordering them to guard her while they forced her to stand. Under such abuse, poor Ms. Chen became emaciated. The cruel daily forced-feeding, sleep deprivation, and other tortures ended up causing Ms. Chen to lose the ability to walk, and it was only then that the shameful police finally sent her home. Her lower body is still paralysed to this day.
Approximately 2,000 Dafa Practitioners Face Extreme Tortures in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-23It is not known where some were sent after they were "pronounced insane." Some were beaten so badly that they could not control their bowels and bladders. Some were deprived of sleep for more than a week and were almost on the brink of mental breakdown. Some were forced to labour until they would faint and fall down on the ground from exhaustion. Some were thrown onto the ground and then hysterically punched and kicked. Some had their meals taken and were not allowed to eat. Some had their teeth knocked out during force-feeding.
Prolonged Torture and Sexual Abuse of Female Practitioners in the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-20In the Dalian Forced Labour Camp, when Dafa practitioners were first taken there, they were forced to sign something known as the "10 Prohibitions" paper (No exercising, no Dafa studying, no recital of Dafa articles, etc). If any practitioner refused to sign it, they were beaten mercilessly. Female practitioner Li Hua refused to sign, so she was tortured while her head was covered. Her face became unrecognisable from the torture she received and afterwards the base police officers joked and humiliated her due to her appearance.
Disgusting Crimes Committed Against Dafa Practitioners in Daqing Forced Labour Camp: Force-Feeding Faeces!
2003-03-20Wang Yingzhou, who called himself "Evil from hell" -- led Zhao Jinfa, Cai Shuguo, Huo Jian and others to persecute practitioners by all means. The following are a few examples. In winter, they poured cold water on practitioners a hundred times or more in addition to blowing cold air on them with fans. They even force-fed practitioners faeces!
Barbaric Violence and Sexual Torture of Female Practitioners in Hanzhong Detention Centre
2003-03-19In order to force Dafa practitioners to betray their belief, they severely beat up practitioners daily, employing all different kinds of cruel torture methods. When Dafa practitioners lost consciousness from being beaten, guards instigated the inmates to pour water mixed with instant noodle seasoning and hot pepper into their noses. They continued to hit practitioners even after they regained consciousness.
The Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners at Women's Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2003-03-18Even during severely cold winter weather, the prison guards strip off the practitioners' clothes, handcuff and hang them up in front of windows to catch the winter draft. Moreover, they connect high voltage electricity from the steel window bars to the bodies of practitioners, and prolong the torture continuously for days...Any practitioner who protests the mistreatment with a hunger strike is to be forced to hold a strong salt water solution in his mouth, and the mouth is sealed with tape.
Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioner Hong Haoyuan in the Sanshui Labour Camp Exposed
2003-03-17Hong Haoyuan was illegally sentenced to be detained in the Sanshui Labour Camp for two years. To be true to his belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" he insisted on practicing Falun Gong in the labour camp, and suffered inhumane torture at the hands of the police. Before being sent to Sanshui Labour Camp, Hong Haoyuan was young and strong; but after he was released he had become emaciated and severely weakened...He passed away at 2 a.m. on February 5th, 2003 because his body had become extremely weak.
Inhuman Guards at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp Inflict Agonising Pain on Practitioner
2003-03-11Then, they whipped him with a wire until his wounds were as deep as 1 cm. Next, they dumped salt onto the wounds and mashed it in with their hands. Then, they did the same thing with detergent. They finished by dumping ten basins of cold water on his body. He was in agony, while the base guards revelled in his pain!
Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp Carry Out Sadistic Torture of Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-10Sadistic police used high voltage electric batons to shock Zhang on his abdomen, back, arm and armpit, for more than two hours. Zhang's upper body was burned all over by the electricity until there seemed to be no unwounded skin on his upper body. However, Zhang didn't yield from beginning to end.