Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Former Associate Professor from Zhaoqing University, Guangdong Province Arrested
2010-02-13Ms. Fang Yi, a former associate professor at Zhaoqing College, Guangdong Province, was reported to the police as she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Gaoyao City on January 15th, 2010. The police claimed that she would be be "punished severely." In February 2002, Zhaoqing College removed her from her post because she hadn't given up the practice. Several days later she distributed fliers about the benefits she received from Falun Gong and about the persecution perpetrated against some students and professors at the university. She was taken away by police and sent to Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province to serve a three-year term.
Six Practitioners from Puyang City, Henan Province Arrested
2010-02-12Recently, six practitioners from Puyang City, Henan Province were arrested. Liu Shaoping, a woman in her 60's, has been arrested and detained on multiple occasions. She was previously detained for a year and six months in the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City. In the forced labour camp, Ms. Liu was forced to undergo brainwashing, and was cursed at and beaten by the camp authorities and inmates. Her previously healthy body became extremely weak due to the ill treatment. Ms. Liu's husband was subjected to the Chinese Communist Party propaganda for a long time, and was weary of the hardships he endured due to Ms. Liu's detainment and persecution. After the forced labour term, he divorced Ms. Liu and took most of the family property and money with him.
Ms. Tu Xiujuan Sentenced by Shenyang Court to Three Years in Prison
2010-02-12On November 27th, 2009, the presiding judge at the Shenhe District Court, in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, held a hearing and sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tu Xiujuan to three years in prison. At present, Ms. Tu is being held at a detention centre in Shenyang City. The court prevented Ms. Tu's family from hiring a lawyer from another town, stating that there was not enough time. The Shenhe District Court continually conducts unjust hearings against Falun Gong practitioners.
Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp Brutally Tortures Ms. Feng Xiaomei
2010-02-11Ms. Feng Xiaomei was arrested in May 2009 and detained at Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. In the camp Ms. Feng did not acknowledge the "transformation" attempts nor make any statements defaming Falun Gong. Guard Liu Ziwei yelled at her, "I will torture you so that you will feel worse than death." After that, Ms. Feng was deprived of family visits, showers, and access to the toilet. Despite her poor physical condition, guards forced her to do labour with other inmates. By then, she was very weak and there had been blood in her faeces for several months. But the guards still forced her to make more than 500 file folders every day, a workload that even a healthy person could hardly finish. If she did not finish, the entire group was deprived of rest and forced to stand. Every day after work, Ms. Feng was exhausted and could barely walk.
Mr. Guan Wenlong Subjected to Forced Labour After Seven Years of Imprisonment
2010-02-10For upholding his belief, Mr. Guan Wenlong was arrested in January 2002 and then given seven years of arduous imprisonment. While in prison, he was subjected to severe maltreatment. Before the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the Communist regime intensified the persecution of Falun Gong. Guards severely beat Mr. Guan and shocked him with electric batons many times. His body still has many obvious scars that were caused by the electric shocks. He was released in January 2009; however, the local police arrested him again on December 29th, 2009, and once more sent him to a forced labour camp.
Retired Professor Zhang Yougao from Chongqing University Persecuted
2010-02-09On May 13th, 2009, two lawyers from Beijing, were hired by the family of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang Xiqing, to investigate his death at Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. The police arrested and beat both of them once they arrived in Chongqing. On May 14th, over ten police officers tried to break into the home of 70-year-old retired Professor Zhang Yougao. They asked him whether he was involved in hiring the lawyers from Beijing. Mr. Zhang refused to answer, so the police then tried to break into his home. Since that day, the police have hung around his home and watched him every day.
Ms. Yang Chunxiu, 56, Who Has Had to Live Away from Home for Years, Arrested Again
2010-02-08Forced to live away from home for several years, Ms. Yang Chunxiu was arrested between December 25th and 30th, 2009. Not until shortly before the New Year did police officers go to her relatives to take down a written statement. Her family knew that she had been arrested. The New Year came, but the family couldn't have a get-together and were miserable. Previously, in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp guards tried to make her give up her faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They used different tactics, including forcing her to stand perfectly still; depriving her of sleep, toilet use, and taking a bath; have a group of people attack her; injecting her with harmful drugs; and forbidding her family members from visiting her.
Hundreds of People in Shuangcheng, Harbin, Call for the Release of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Li Lanying
2010-02-08On December 2nd, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Lanying was sentenced to a four-year prison term by the Shuangcheng People's Court, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. Ms. Li and her husband Mr. Gao Guang'en were persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which made people in Shuangcheng angry at the local government. More than four hundred people stood up and called for the unconditional release of Ms. Li. At the end of December 2009, Ms. Li's family appealed to Harbin Intermediate People's Court.
Practitioners Beaten in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2010-02-08From the summer of 2007 to July 2008, more than one hundred practitioners from Beijing were sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Zou Shuqin, in her 50's, was one of them. Her original sentence had expired in Beijing, but because of the Beijing Olympics, five practitioners were transferred to Masanjia and forced to serve another six months. In 2008, whilst in Masanjia, Ms. Zou had shouted "Falun Gong is good" in the dining hall and was quickly dragged out. She was taken to the fourth floor, where she was shocked with electric batons, brutally beaten and kicked. Ms. Zou was hung up off the ground for a long period of time before being taken back to her cell. At about 11 p.m. that evening, Ms. Zou had a severe headache and started to vomit. She was then sent to the clinic.
69-Year-Old Mr. Wang Qiming Tortured at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2010-02-07Mr. Wang Qiming, 69 , was arrested by police, and all kinds of barbaric torture was inflicted upon him at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Wang Qimin describes his experience: "We were forced to sit on board, watch fake news and slanderous videos made by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and answer endless questions every day. The practitioners who refused to be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] were punished by having to stand against the wall. You could not close your eyes, and your nose had to touch the wall. There were people watching you all the time, and they kept extending the duration of the punishment. If a practitioner still refused to be "transformed," he would be taken to a special room to be tortured by the "Stretching Bed" method."
Mr. Zhao Genfa from Qufu City, Shandong Province, Given a Five-Year Prison Term
2010-02-07The Qufu Criminal Court, along with the Prosecution Office of the Procuratorate and the Qufu Police Department's 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) sentenced Mr. Zhao Genfa to five years in prison on the afternoon of January 18th, 2010. Mr. Zhao's family and defence attorney were not present in the courtroom. Insiders revealed that the Qufu City 610 Office and the Political and Judiciary Committee had controlled the entire process.
Mr. Qi Guangfa from Linghai City, Liaoning Province Detained at the Linghai Detention Centre
2010-02-06On December 26th, 2009, police surrounded Mr. Qi Guangfa's home, jumped over the yard wall, smashed the kitchen window and forcibly broke into his house. At that time, Mr. Qi was in his mother's room taking care of her. His mother, who is about 80 years old, lay paralysed in her bed. When she heard the window being smashed, she held onto her son, but the officers forcibly dragged Mr. Qi onto the floor. Mr. Qi's mother cried and begged them not to beat her son. The police said: "Even if you die today, we will take your son away. We don't care." Mr. Qi was taken to the Linghai Police Department and later a detention centre.
Hailin City Court and Covertly Sentences Ms. Zhou Huifang
2010-02-05Police officers arrested Ms. Zhou Huifang in August 2009. They ransacked her home and held her at the Hailin City Detention Centre. Hailin City officials framed Ms. Zhou and scheduled to sentence her on January 19th, 2010. Ms. Zhou's husband Mr. Huo Jiuxia went to the police station that afternoon and requested his wife's release. The police demanded that Huo Jiuxian's son and daughter-in-law take him home. The next day, Huo Jiuxian went to the police station again, wearing a vest bearing the words "Down with the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] bandits. Long live freedom!" The police videotaped him and forcibly ordered his son to take him home again.
Ms. Lai Jinming from Changsha City Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp a Third Time
2010-02-05On January 13th, 2010, Ms. Lai Jinming, a practitioner from Changsha City, was apprehended by local police officers, sentenced to one year of forced labour, and taken to the Zhuzhou City's Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. This is the third time Ms. Lai has been incarcerated in a forced labour camp. Her family members are grief-stricken after receiving the news of her sentence. She had been detained for 15 days, and January the 13th was supposed to have been the date of her release. That morning, three police officers apprehended Ms. Lai and prolonged her detainment.
Doctor Yang Lijun from Yingkou, Liaoning Province Threatened With a Summons
2010-02-04Ms. Yang Lijun, 64 years old, is a paediatrician. She is not only a good doctor, but also known by friends and neighbours to be a very nice person. In the past ten years, Ms. Yang and her relatives have suffered many instances of severe persecution for practising Falun Gong. Around the time of the New Year of 2010, Cao Ning, a procurator of Bayuquan District Procuratorate, called her and demanded that she come to the Bayuquan District Procuratorate to verify information for them. On the phone, he said they would not arrest her, but that he just wanted to verify her information. Later a relative of Yang Lijun went to the Procuratorate to find out more. The procurator said he would send police to arrest her if she did not come to the Procuratorate.