Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in Henan No. 3 Forced Labour Camp (Part 1)
2013-07-10Many Falun Gong practitioners detained in Henan No. 3 Forced Labour Camp suffered from this torture called “up on the rope”. Both hands are tied to the back with a thin but tough nylon rope and then lifted up. It causes unbearable pain. This torture lasts about half an hour each time, with the rope being periodically tightened and then loosened. Each round of torture lasts about 30 minutes. If the victim does not scream, the perpetrators insert bottles or bricks to increase the pain.
Dong'gang, the Torture Chamber at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2013-06-26Dong'gang is essentially a torture chamber specially created for Falun Gong practitioners who refuse to renounce their belief, have been recently incarcerated, or have started practising Falun Gong again after they initially renounced their belief under duress of torture. Practitioners taken to Dong'gang face an escalated level of torture and abuse than those held in the regular cells at Masanjia. Practitioners are forced to squat and wear a headset connected to a sound system that broadcasts hate propaganda against Falun Gong. The volume is set at the highest level and played for many hours.
A Childhood of Suffering: Both My Parents Imprisoned for Practising Falun Gong
2013-06-26My mother was arrested in late October 1999, when she went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. When our entire family went to see her at the police station, hoping to bring her home, the police told me that she was not allowed to go home unless she signed a statement saying she would stop practising Falun Gong. Instead of being released she would be sent to Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. I was young and very scared. I cried for a few hours until I passed out. My heart has since been weak, and I have had to avoid strong emotions. My father was sentenced to forced labour six months later. I was only ten years old. My elder brother and I lost parental care and were left at home without our parents.
Crimes Committed in Hebei Women's Forced Labour Camp
2013-06-23Hebei Women’s Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province has been aggressive in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The guards, headed by deputy director Feng Kezhuang, under the direction of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), have devastated Falun Gong practitioners physically and mentally through humiliation, beatings, solitary confinement, electric shocks, and extended detentions.
Cang County Court in Hebei Province and Secretly Sentences 70-year-old Practitioner and Prevents Attorney from Appealing
2013-06-20Seventy-year-old farmer Mr. Sun Yuqiang was detained for over four months for practising Falun Gong. Cang County Court tried Mr. Sun secretly on May 7th. The court did not notify the practitioner's family, did not allow the practitioner to hire a defence attorney, and did not announce the time and location of the trial. The trial was just a formality and lasted only 20 minutes. Mr. Sun was sentenced to three years in prison. The verdict indicated that it was a “public" trial, but in actuality, there were no family members or civilians present. The court kept it secret from the public, only informing the CCP judicial system.
After Gaining Health from Practising Falun Gong, Ms. Liu Jingxiu Persecuted by the Chinese Regime
2013-06-20My name is Liu Jingxiu. I'm 60 years old. 1994 is the year that I encountered Falun Gong. Within about two months I regained my health. The good times did not last long. On July 20th, 1999, the Jiang Zemin, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime started to persecute Falun Gong practitioners who had been cultivating their hearts toward kindness. Many practitioners began appealing to the government as the law allowed, since they trusted the regime. They were treated unjustly and severely persecuted. I witnessed practitioners being arrested and taken away when they were appealing to the provincial authorities. From 2006 to 2009, I was detained twice, subjected to forced labour, and incarcerated for telling others the facts of Falun Gong.
I Never Eat Food Made by Beijing “Holiland”
2013-06-16The Beijing Women’s Prison has forced Falun Gong practitioners to make Holiland moon cake boxes since 2005. The forced labour begins in June every year and is extremely hard and tiring. When I was detained there, the guards held practitioners on an empty floor where all the window blinds were kept closed, and practitioners had to make Holiland moon cake boxes which are put together with toxic glue. Every day we had to work from dawn to dark. The toxic glue’s smell was so cloying that many practitioners felt dizzy and some even vomited. The workload was very heavy.
Court Secretly Sentences Nurse to Eight Years; Distraught Family Members Have Appealed
2013-06-04In January, family members of Song Yingjie, 43, learned that she had been arrested by the police nine months earlier, and last September, a court secretly sentenced her to eight years of imprisonment. Her family members became angry and hired a lawyer to appeal the case. In the meantime, Ms. Song went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
Detention and Imprisonment Suffered by Mr. Xu Xudong from Hubei Province
2013-06-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Xudong was arrested on February 26th, 2013 and detained in Hubei Province Law Enforcement Education Centre (aka Banqiao Brainwashing Centre). Upon arrival at the brainwashing centre, guards injected Mr. Xu with an unknown substance. He was later assaulted by several people. In an attempt to get him to renounce his belief, guards forced Mr. Xu to watch videos slandering Falun Gong every day from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Police also verbally abused his elderly father and teenager daughter in front of him.
Previously Beaten and Locked in Iron Cage, Ms. Zhang Li Arrested Again
2013-06-04Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Li, from Mudanjiang City, was arrested by police on May 13th, 2013. She is currently incarcerated at the Mudanjiang No. 2 Detention Centre. This is the fourth time she has been arrested and detained for her faith. Ms. Zhang has been subjected to relentless persecution since 1999, when the communist regime launched a brutal campaign to eradicate Falun Gong. She was detained in a forced labour camp twice and later sent to the Heilongjiang Prison, where she was brutally tortured and locked in an iron cage.
Ms. Zhang Weidi Describes the Torture She Received in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2013-06-01In October 2008, in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, all of the practitioners, without exception, were beaten and shocked with electric batons. Ms. Qi Zhenhong was beaten, shocked with electric batons, and hung up for many days and nights. She became mentally disoriented. Ms. Zhang Yinglin was beaten and shocked with electric batons. One of her arms along with her hand became paralysed from the beatings.
Excellent Teacher Tells of Being Tortured During Nine Years of Imprisonment
2013-06-01Ms. Lu Jinyu, 49, was an excellent teacher. She was arrested for distributing Falun Gong materials and sentenced to nine years in prison. During her nine years of imprisonment she was tortured physically and mentally, including being kicked, punched, stepped on, slapped, having her mouth stuffed, being hung up, beaten with spiked batons, confined in steel cages, handcuffed, shackled, tied up, forced to sit on a "tiger bench", deprived of sleep, force-fed, injected with unknown drugs, solitary confinement, and being shocked with electric batons.
Despite a New "Mental Health Law," Falun Gong Practitioners Still Illegally Held in Mental Hospitals in China
2013-05-31While the regime is touting the Mental Health Law, Falun Gong practitioners are still being persecuted in its mental hospitals. The new mental health law is thought by many to be a bluff by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to quell suspicion of wrongdoing. Throughout its history, the CCP has frequently made positive statements while actually committing outrageous crimes behind the scenes. This latest smokescreen is no exception.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Chen Kaiyu Tried in Court
2013-05-28Ms. Chen Kaiyu is a Falun Gong practitioner in her 50s from Huaihua City, Hunan. After having been detained for six months, she was put on trial at the Hecheng District Court on April 11th, 2013. Her lawyer made a plea of innocence and asked for her acquittal. The process of the trial was heavily watched by police and 610 Office personnel (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), as well as surveillance cameras. Ms. Chen was arrested by officers from the Hutian Police Station, a branch of the Hecheng Police Station on October 20th, 2012 and then detained at the Huaihua Detention Centre.
Recent Mass Arrest of Practitioners from Heilongjiang Province Spotlights the Chinese Communist Party’s Ruthlessness
2013-05-28Banners reading “Falun Gong is Good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good” appeared on the road from Yilan County to Fangzheng County on the morning of January 1st, 2013. Governor Wang Xiankui of Heilongjiang Province happened to be travelling through the area that day, and he was furious upon seeing the banners in his province. Fearing for the security of his position, he ordered an investigation to find out the source of the banners. Within three months, more than 50 practitioners had either been arrested or gone missing.