Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Additional Information on the Persecution of Ms. Wang Yuxin and Her Family
2009-11-05On September 19th, 2009, Ms. Wang Yuxin, from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, was studying Falun Gong teachings with her husband, Mr. Sun Yufu, and over ten other practitioners. She was reported and arrested and is being held in the Jiamusi Detention Centre. Her husband was released after he passed out as a result of brutal beatings from the police officers. Mr. Sun is now suffering from heart problems, has palpitations and also insomnia. Because of his sickness he cannot walk down stairs. He is unable to take care of himself at home and requires his wife to look after him.
The Persecution of a Teacher's Entire Family in Tonghe County, Heilongjiang Province
2009-11-04Police broke into a store on October 13th, 2009, run by Mr. Lu Peigen, a retired teacher from the Nonghe Town Middle School. They arrested Mr. Lu and confiscated several Falun Gong books, a DVD player, and other personal belongings. Mr. Lu's son, Lu Qianli, went to the Tonghe County Domestic Security Division to ask for his father's release on the morning of October 14th. Police detained him as well. Mr. Lu was abused and mistreated until he was vomiting and dizzy on October 15th. The Tonghe County People's Hospital diagnosed him with precursor to cerebral haemorrhage. Five to six officers also went to Mr. Lu's home three times to intimidate his wife and their eight-year-old daughter.
Ms. Zhang Lirong Falsely Charged and Brought to Trial; Her Family Barred from Courtroom
2009-11-03On October 15th, 2009, Tiexi District court in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province brought Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Lirong to trial based on false charges fabricated jointly by the local 610 Office and the National Security Group. The court did not inform Ms. Zhang's family of the trial. Guards were present the day of the trial as if something dangerous were going to happen. The street was closely monitored by police, who took photos of every person who passed by. The court successfully prevented Ms. Zhang's family from attending the trial, and also one of Ms. Zhang's lawyers from entering the court.
Ms. Yu Jingzhen, 65, from Shenyang Has Been Detained for Three Months--Faces Charges from the Ministry of Justice
2009-11-03Ms. Yu Jingzhen, 65, has been practising Falun Gong for thirteen years. She is sixty-five years old and still in good health. On July 28th, 2009, Ms. Yu Jingzhen was picked up by police while she was distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution in Tonggou. That night, police ransacked Ms. Yu's home and confiscated some Falun Gong leaflets. Ms. Yu's family has been forbidden from seeing her, and they haven't received any information about her. They were not informed until recently that Ms. Yu's case had been sent to the Procuratorate of Sujiatun. Ms. Yu is now being framed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Ministry of Public Security, the Procuratorate and the court. Ms. Yu is now being held in the Shenyang Detention Centre.
Ms. Kong Qian Sentenced to Nine Years of Imprisonment by the Weifang Court in Shandong Province
2009-11-03On October 18th, 2009, Judge Mou Aiping brought Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Kong Qian to trial. Ms. Kong received a prison sentence of nine years. Ms. Kong was arrested on July 9th, 2009, and has been detained for more than a year. During her incarceration, this attractive young lady of good character was tortured to the point of emaciation. Not long after she was detained, she was tortured until her feet and legs were swollen. In order to protest the inhuman torture, she went on hunger strikes four times. She was then tied to a cross and subjected to inhuman tortures.
The Persecution of Ms. Wang Xiuyan from Shuangcheng City
2009-11-01Ms. Wang Xiuyan was arrested three times and twice sent to forced labour camps during the past ten years. She was subjected to gross abuse and mistreatment while in detention. Ms. Wang recounts: "While at Wanjia labour camp, the guards forced me to squat and denied me sleep to make me "reform." They also made practitioners do hard labour. They watched us closely. They beat and kicked us, forced us to stand and squat, used the Big Hang-up [the hands are handcuffed and then pulled from behind the back and hung up on a hook high above the ground. The feet are made to hang just above the floor], electric batons and the Airplane [the practitioner's body is bent at 90 degrees while both hands are outstretched similar to the wings of an airplane. Sometimes a cup of water is put on both hands. If the water is spilled, prison guards will beat the practitioner brutally.
Ms. Wang Xuchun from Yushu City Describes Her Experience of Being Arrested and Persecuted
2009-11-01On August 12th, 2009, while going to her brother's home, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xuchun was arrested by the local police. She was later force-fed to the point that she was on the verge of death. Wang Xuchun rejected all the police's demands and was finally released. She describes her experience in the detention centre: "A person then forced my head to face up and stepped on my mouth. Mud on his shoe fell into my mouth. I heard that the deputy director of the centre used to use the same approach to treat other people. I was thin and in my sixties. Finally, they tied me up on a stretcher and inserted the tube into my nose. I was seriously injured inside and bleeding. My collar was covered by fresh blood. Even after four days, blood was still in my phlegm."
The Shulan Court Makes a Mockery of Itself
2009-11-01On October 9th, 2009, the Shulan Court in Jilin Province started the trial of Falun Gong practitioner Yang Junqi. Mr. Yang was innocent, and his attorney did a great job defending him. The trial made a mockery of Shulan Court. Before the trial started, police from the court called the attorney and said, "First, do not offer a 'not guilty' plea for Yang. Second, submit your defence transcripts to the Court." The attorney refused and said, "We are not going to co-operate with these kinds of illegal requests. I will not defend my client illegally. As for the defence transcripts, the trial hasn't started yet, how would I have any defence transcripts?" A person from the Legislative Department of Jilin Province said, "Let them (the court and the judge) save a little face. We need to be on the side of local government. Please follow their procedures and accept their sentence." The attorney refused.
Su Wei and Qing Xiuying of Beijing Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2009-10-31On September 11th, 2009, Beijing Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Su Wei and Qing Xiuying were arrested by police and detained at Chaoyang Detention Centre. Currently, they are being held in a forced labour camp. Su Wei was sentenced to two years and six months of forced labour, and detained at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. Qing Xiuying was sentenced to two years of forced labour and also taken to the same labour camp. Between 2003 and 2009, Su Wei served two forced labour sentences, for a total of five years. This is her third time in a forced labour camp.
Ms. Liang Yuzhen Sentenced to Four and a Half Years in Prison
2009-10-30Ms. Liang Yuzhen was arrested by police from the Yayo Police Station on February 25th, 2009, as she was handing out Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution to people in the countryside. The police obstructed her lawyers from seeing her, and she was subsequently sentenced to four and half years in prison. She is still being held in the Heshan Detention Centre.
Liang Shaolin Taken to Brainwashing Centre After Five-Year Detention
2009-10-29Ms. Liang Shaolin, 58, has suffered repeated persecution because she practises Falun Gong. On September 24th, 2009, 17 policemen from the Maoxi Police Department broke into her house by breaking down her double doors with an electric saw. She was then taken to the Maoming City Brainwashing Centre. Prior to this event, Liang Shaolin was severely tortured in the Shanshui Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province. In 1999, she was sentenced to a forced labour camp for two years because she went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in Beijing. Because Ms. Liang refused to give up her practice of Falun Gong, she was not released until March 2005.
Mr. Feng Zhen from Wuhai City Arrested Eight Times and Imprisoned for Seven Years
2009-10-28Since the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Feng Zhen has been arrested eight times and imprisoned for seven years due to his refusal to renounce Falun Gong. In December 2002, the Wuchang District Court sentenced him to 7 years in prison. He was then sent to the Quanqingkou Prison and then the Fanjiatai Prison in Hubei Province. On October 28th, 2008, Mr. Feng's prison term was up. He got his release certificate the day before. His family came to the prison gate at 5 a.m. on the day of his release. However, the prison officials refused to release him and told his family that he had left. After his family left, the officials from the 610 Office arranged to transport him to the Yangyuan Brainwashing Centre. He was subjected to brainwashing for a month.
Justice System in Shuangyashan City Co-operates with the 610 Office to Persecute Ms. Hu Qili
2009-10-27Ms. Hu Qili was fired from her job for practising Falun Gong. For the same reason, she was detained and imprisoned in forced labour camps many times. On September 25th, 2009, the Jianshan District Court in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, held a trial for Ms. Hu. From her arrest to the trial, the justice system violated the law on numerous occasions. During her most recent arrest, police officers deceived her into opening her door by pretending to be fee collectors. Once inside her home, they searched it without a warrant and seized private property and cash. According to an insider, in early August, the Shuangyashan City 610 Office held a justice system meeting. They ordered the Jianshan Court to find Ms. Hu guilty and have the trial finished by September 15th, 2009.
Ms. Sha Yulian Repeatedly Arrested and Tortured by 610 Office Agents
2009-10-27Ms. Sha Yulian is retired from Baoji City Light Machinery Factory. She is sixty-one years old. She began practising Falun Gong in September of 1996. Since Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime began the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Sha Yulian has been persecuted numerous times by the 610 Office because she refused to give up her belief. She was arrested and held four times and sentenced to a labour camp twice.
Ms. Wei Maoxia and Her Son Arrested and Her Husband Became Homeless to Avoid Further Persecution
2009-10-27Wei Maoxia and her family has suffered continuous harassment and persecution. Three police officers from Yanzhou Domestic Security Division in Shandong have repeatedly searched Wei Maoxia's home several times and have detained her on and off during August and September. Now Wei Maoxia and her son Zhang Chao are being mistreated in a detention centre. Wei Maoxia's is now homeless to avoid further persecution.