Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Persecution Suffered by Ms. Wang Hongxia from Anyue County, Sichuan Province
2009-12-01Ms. Wang Hongxia, a teacher in Anyue County, Sichuan Province, was sentenced to forced labour on two separate occasions, for a total of five years. In December 1999, when she found out that the governor of Sichuan Province was coming to Anyue County for an inspection tour, she decided to hold up a banner in front of the County Government Office to protest the persecution of Falun Gong. As a result, she was sentenced to two years at the notorious Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp. Later again she was taken to the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp and kept there for two and a half years. She was forced to stand still all day and night given only two to three hours of sleep a day and beaten frequently and tortured on a "tiger bench".
Mr. Yang Yuxin Tortured to Death, His Wife, Ms. Zhen Haiyan, Arrested Three Times
2009-11-30Ms. Zhen Haiyan's husband was Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Yuxin. They were married on May 1st, 2007. One month later, they were both arrested. In August of 2007, Mr. Yang was tortured to death. Ms. Zhen was also tortured so badly that she could not take care of herself. On November 6th, 2009, four policemen jumped over a fence into the yard of another Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Wang Guilan, and then broke into the house. Without legal documents, they held Ms. Wang's daughter and Ms. Zhen Haiyan on the ground hitting and kicking them, before taking them by force to Dayangshu Town Police Station.
Older Practitioner Ms. Li Caiping from Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province, Again Sentenced to Prison
2009-11-30Ms. Li Caiping, 52, was secretly handed a four-and-a-half-year prison term on October 20th, 2009, for the second time. Ms. Li was also arrested on October 18th, 2005, for hanging a banner reading "Falun Gong is good." She was given a three-year prison term in November 2005 and sent to the Zhejiang Province Women's Prison. Eight inmates tortured her for ten straight days. They beat her, banged her head against the wall, and kicked her genital area. Ms. Li was tortured so badly that she became emaciated and was in low spirits.
Mr. Xie Yujun, Mr. Chen Shenghui, and Ms. Wen Chunru Arrested
2009-11-30Mr. Xie Yujun, Mr. Chen Shengjun, and a woman practitioner from Xingning City, Guangdong Province, were arrested on the evening of October 27th, 2009, in Wuhua County. All three practitioners are currently held at the Wuhua County Detention Centre. In addition, Ms. Wen Chunru was arrested on November 1st, 2009. Her whereabouts is unknown. Police went to the kindergarten that Mr. Xie Yujun's daughter attended. They found his daughter's teacher and then lied to the six-year-old girl, saying that her teacher wished to visit her family. The innocent girl did not know it was a hoax and led the deceivers to her home. The police yelled to Mr. Xie's wife, "If you don't open the door, we will pry it open. You have to open the door for us anyway." The police broke open the door and charged in.
Mass Arrests of Falun Gong Prior to Communist Anniversary
2009-11-30The Chinese communist regime not only tightened security before its 60th anniversary celebration, but also arrested Falun Gong practitioners around the country. At least 70 cases of arbitrary arrest and detention were recorded by the mainland China section of, a Falun Gong website which receives extensive first-hand reports of persecution cases. Public Security Bureaus in many areas searched the homes of many practitioners, taking personal belongings and detaining many in labour camps. In one case, a three-year-old girl was detained along with her mother. The wave of arrests reported occurred between Sept. 23rd and Sept. 28th.
Seventy Year-old Practitioner Ms. Liu Ping Arrested
2009-11-29On September 25th, 2009, Ms. Liu Ping, a 70 year-old female practitioner, was arrested at her home by police officers from the county's Public Security Bureau. According to her family, she was sentenced to a forced labour camp for two years. According to Chinese law, any person older than 65 cannot be sentenced in a forced labour camp. This act demonstrates how the Chinese Communist Party doesn't follow its own rule of law.
Wife of Imprisoned Practitioner Cao Xinrui Recounts the Hardships She Now Faces
2009-11-28Mr. Cao Xinrui was arrested by police officers because he practised Falun Gong. He was sentenced to three years in Jidong Prison. Mr. Cao's wife is left alone to support their mentally and physically disabled son and two young daughters. The authorities from her village, township and local administration bureau refuse to acknowledge her situation, as her husband is a Falun Gong practitioner. She took her children to the prison to demand the release of her husband, but the personnel there were very cruel to her. Mr. Cao's wife said: "Since my husband's arrest, my life has become very difficult, having to bring up three children on my own. Especially my son, who can't take care of himself at all. Who will be able to help us?"
Mr. Zhang Lei Arrested, Four Relatives Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2009-11-28On September 12th, 2009, police officers from Linhai City arrested Mr. Zhang Lei, a practitioner from Jinzhou City. On the following day, police arrested four members of his family who are also practitioners: his father, his mother, his wife, and his mother-in-law. These four practitioners have been sentenced to one year of forced labour, while Mr. Zhang Lei is currently detained in the Linghai City Detention Centre.
Practitioners Treated Like Slaves in Benxi Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2009-11-26Guards in Benxi City Forced Labour Camp not only brainwash and torture practitioners but also force them to perform strenuous hard labour to produce products for the camp. Practitioners are forced to straighten diodes by hand. They have sticky chemical substances on them which is harmful to the labourers' health. Practitioners have a quota of 40 boxes of diodes per week. The practitioners have to straighten the diodes in the early morning and later are forced to take brainwashing classes. From noon to 9 p.m., the practitioners are forced to straighten diodes. The practitioners have to earn 30,000 yuan for the camp each year.
Ruthlessly Persecuted by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Authorities After Falun Gong Turned Me into a Good Person
2009-11-25Fifty-five-year-old Mr. Xie recounts some of the tortures inflicted on him in Wutong Detention Centre in 2002: "They inserted a toothbrush between my fingers, tightened my fingers around it, and then twisted the brush left and right until the skin and the flesh were lacerated. As a result the fingers on my right hand festered for more than 40 days; two people pinned me to the ground and forced me to sit against the wall. Two criminals stepped on my legs and walked on them until my legs were black and blue, which only disappeared weeks later; I was forced to stand still against a wall. The evildoers punched the right and left sides of my chest and waist with their elbows until I collapsed."
Assistant Professor Imprisoned for Three Years
2009-11-25In 2002, Ms. Yang Yongping was sentenced to a three-year prison term in the Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Prison, where she was persecuted because of her Falun Gong practice. Ms. Yang recalls her persecution: "We were forced to do hard labour for at least 14 hours each day from 5:30 a.m. until after 10:00 p.m. We were allowed only a few minutes to have meals. Some practitioners went on a labour strike and hunger strikes to protest. The guards forced us to squat for a long time. In December, they dragged us outside to stand in the snow from 8:00 a.m. to after 4:00 p.m. without warm clothing, and we were not allowed to move a bit. Some practitioners were forced to lie on their stomachs on a hill of snow."
Ms. Xu Lixiu Recounts the Persecution that She and Her Family Have Suffered Since 1999
2009-11-24The following is a statement by Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Lixiu about the persecution suffered by her: "In 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong. Police sentenced me to one year in a forced labour camp. I went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Police instructed a doctor to force-feed me. It was very brutal. They used a triangle-shaped iron clip to force open my mouth and fixed the clip with bolts and nuts. After that, they inserted a plastic tube into my mouth to my stomach and vigourously stirred it in my stomach. They asked me, 'Are you going to eat or not?' If I did not reply, they would open my mouth wide, which was already badly torn."
Mr. Dong Guozhao and His Wife Ms. Liao Liqing from Chuxiong City, Yunnan Province Arrested Again
2009-11-24On October 28th, 2009, police from the Domestic Security Division of Wuding County Police Department arrested Mr. Dong Guozhao, 57, and his wife, Ms. Liao Liqing, 51. They are currently detained at the Wuding County Detention Centre. In, 2004, Mr. Dong gave a DVD about the persecution and the beauty of Falun Gong to his former co-worker. The co-worker then reported him to the bureau. As a result, Chuxiong City Police Department ransacked his home. Two days later, on April 17th, 2004, Mr. Dong was sent to a prison and detained until January 4th, 2007.
Hewan Forced Labour Camp Forces Practitioners to Do Slave Labour
2009-11-23Over the last decade, guards and prisoners at Hewan Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan have committed thousands of evil deeds to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. They force practitioners to do slave labour, beat them, and constantly monitor them. In April 2009, guard Zhang Hao and others beat, kicked, and used electric batons to shock practitioner Mr. Yang Chengtao because he refused to do the slave labour. As a result, Yang became incontinent.
Ms. Liu Hefang Persecuted at the Chongqing Shimahe Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-11-22Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Hefang has been detained and persecuted at the Shimahe Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangbei District since September 18th, 2009. During the last two months Ms. Liu started a hunger strike in protest of the persecution. She was brutally force-fed many times by the police, causing the food they forced down into her stomach to burst out from her mouth. Ms. Liu is still being held in the small cell. Her body is very weak due to long-term abuse. She needs others to hold her when she uses the toilet, and she cannot manage her daily life.