Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Practitioners Forced to Have Blood Tests at Jiangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-04-19All practitioners sent to the Jiangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp in Qingyunpu District had a blood test. The guards used other inmates to force Falun Dafa practitioners to give blood. Due to the unprofessional nature of the blood tests, after taking a blood sample, an inmate who was a drug addict became infected with AIDS. The guards from the labour camp knew this fact but hid the truth. They forced this inmate to do labour and to serve as a “monitor” to watch the practitioners.
Ms. Yang Xiaolan from Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Inhumanly Tortured for the Past Seven Years
2007-04-18In November 2000, Ms. Yang Xiaolan went to Shunde City to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution and was arrested. The police subjected her to sleep deprivation for two whole days. When she was detained in the Sunde City Qinliu Detention Centre, she keep doing the exercises. The guards handcuffed her and attached a straight metal rod onto both of her legs for one week, causing her to not be able to bend her legs or relax while sleeping. She was in tremendous pain. Ms. Yang went on hunger strike to protest this treatment. The guards pressed her down, tied her up with rope, and then had an inexperienced nurse insert a tube to force-feed her. Ms. Yang was screaming from pain, and her blood flowed like running water.
The Persecution I Experienced Over the Past Seven Years at the Hands of the Chinese Communist Party
2007-04-17The past is almost too painful to recall, yet it is so vivid, as if it just took place yesterday. Guard Wang Xiaofeng in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp threatened me. He said, "You cannot practise Falun Gong anymore; if you do, I'll teach you a good lesson!" I refused to comply, and he told me to go to the ground floor and handcuffed me to a heating pipe. He gagged me with a cleaning rag and taped my mouth shut. Then he proceeded to shock me with high-voltage electric batons. Soon my hands bled while he kept accusing me of making trouble. My blood stuck to the electric baton. He removed the tape from my mouth and began shocking my mouth. My lips doubled in size, and I could barely open my mouth. He sent me to solitary confinement cell. It was very cold that winter. They opened all of the doors and windows to freeze us.
Ms. Sun Chongzhen Exposes the Persecution She Suffered in Jinan City Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-04-17While I was informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong I was reported and arrested. I was sent to Jinan City Women's Forced Labour Camp on August 1st, 2003 and suffered three years of persecution. The guards locked me in a small cell every day and forbade me to meet anyone. They forced me to watch TV programmes slandering Dafa. They found some former practitioners who had gone against Dafa to tell me lies. Guards wrote a "guarantee statement to stop practising" for me attempted to force me to sign and fingerprint it. I didn't follow their orders. A group of guards then held me down. Some of them pulled my hands to put my fingerprint on the statement. After that, they forced me to do work for at least 12 hours per day. Sometimes, they made me work overtime, until 1:00 or 2:00 a.m.
Practitioner Zhang Weijie from Wuhan City, Hubei Province Arrested, His Wife Was Threatened for Searching for Him
2007-04-17Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Weijie has been missing since March 20th, 2007. His wife has been searching for him everywhere. She eventually went to the Jiang'an District 610 Office to enquire about her husband's whereabouts. The head, Li Yingjie, first said that her husband was sent to a brainwashing centre, but later he totally denied that claim. On March 30th, Mr. Zhang's wife went to the Wuhan City 610 Office to enquire about his whereabouts and find out the reason he was arrested. She was told that Zhang Weijie was arrested because the 610 Office worried that if he wasn't "transformed," he would influence more Falun Gong practitioners to "cause trouble."
Over 260 Falun Gong Practitioners Imprisoned at Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province
2007-04-14Guard Luo Guangrong, 42-year-old, is an instructor of Division Eight and also one of the most vicious guards. He often roars in meetings, saying that others must do whatever he has told them to do, even if the thing he was demanding was wrong. He often handcuffs Falun Gong practitioners to the toilet window and doesn't allow them to sleep. Sometimes, he punishes practitioners by making them sit in the hallway, facing the wall, until midnight after a long day of labour.
Ms. Yu Xianna Suffers Brutal Persecution in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-04-13In February 2006, practitioner Ms. Yu Xianna was tied up and tortured after refusing to write the "three statements" at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. Team leader Guo Qiuli tied Ms. Yu's hands behind her back with ropes. Then she was hung up by the rope on a metal bar in the storage room with both legs approximately half a metre above the ground. On the night of February 9th, Ms. Yu declared all her so-called "comments and opinions," spoken or written, to be null and void. As a result, guard Cong Zhili called her to the office and beat her up brutally. Cong used her fists to thump Ms. Yu's head; Yu's vision immediately blurred and she almost fainted. Cong then beat Ms. Yu's face using her hands. Cong's hands were numb, painful, and shaking uncontrollably when she finally stopped the beating. Then she forced Ms. Yu to stand and did not allow her to sleep.
Ms. Liang Xianglian and Ms. Zhou Meihua Sent to Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City, Liaoning Province
2007-04-13On the afternoon of March 20th, 2007, Ms. Liang Xianglian and Ms. Zhou Meihua were posting self-adhesive leaflets exposing the persecution on walls. They were followed and arrested by patrolling officers dedicated to the suppression of Falun Gong practitioners and sent to Yaojia Criminal Detention Centre. The Yaojia Detention Centre is known for its cruelty in persecuting practitioners. The police also ransacked Ms. Liang Xianglian's home and confiscated a personal computer and Falun Dafa materials.
Recently Learned Facts of Persecution at Baoding Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province
2007-04-12There was an incident in 2005, where the labour camp was confronting an "important investigation." Guards said that to deal with the investigation would take lots of money. But the labour camp was short of money at the time. In order to solve the problem, they took 200,000 yuan from the "persecuting Falun Gong fund." We have no idea how much this fund really has, but certainly it wouldn't be a small amount. Guards were heard saying that the 610 Office had a special fund for the "persecuting Falun Gong team," but the fund assigned to slave-labour production was comparatively much smaller, only ten thousand yuan in 2004 for a company detaining more than 50 practitioners. This means that guards could torture practitioners as much as they'd like without worrying about hurting them so much that the quota for slave-labour production could not be met.
Belated News: Non-Practitioner Mr. Li Weiji Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison for Helping to Rescue Persecuted Falun Dafa Practitioners
2007-04-11I met Li Weiji in late August 2002 in China. He told me that his sister, Li Weixun, was severely persecuted for practising Falun Gong. He decided to return to China and rescue Dafa practitioners who, like his sister, were being persecuted. With help from two other practitioners, Li Weiji collected persecution evidence. He took me and another practitioner (whose lower spine was broken from a police beating) to the home of his wife's sister so we could write our persecution experiences. I was truly moved by his sacrificing everything in an effort to rescue practitioners. His wife's sister and her husband were later persecuted for keeping us at their home. I heard that Li Weiji was injured in a beating and was sentenced to eight years in prison.
Exposing the Corrupt Behaviour of Labour Camp Official Zhang Bo in Qianjin Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-04-10Zhang Bo (female), former head of No. 7 Division in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, was transferred to the Harbin Qianjin Forced Labour Camp as head of the No. 1 Division on January 25th, 2007. For power and money, Zhang Bo unscrupulously deceives her superiors and deludes subordinates to obtain the trust of upper level leaders and to extort benefits from inmates. Her main tactics are to extend working hours, increase workloads and falsify accounting statements to make profits. In addition to her wages, her extra income in 2006 alone amounted to several hundred thousand yuan.
Recent Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Masanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2007-04-10On January 30th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Lirong was locked in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp workshop by guard Pei Feng and a team leader for refusing to recite the 30 disciplinary rules that criminals were forced to recite. Later, Political Instructor Ren Huaiping from the Second Division and the administration leader of the division Wang Shuzheng, locked her in an empty room and inserted high voltage electric batons into her underwear. They beat her breasts and chest, brutally torturing her.
Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp of Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province Mistreats Falun Dafa Practitioners
2007-04-10Practitioner Mr. Xu Qingshen was arrested on August 23rd, 2005, and sentenced to forced labour for two and a half years. He is detained in the Fourth Ward of the Changlinzi Labour Camp. He was forced to do exhausting physical labour such as picking up and moving food signs. Later he was forced to undergo blood tests. The nurse injected him with poisonous drugs. As a result, he is currently disabled and cannot take care of himself. The food in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp is worse than pigs' food. The cooked food doesn't contain any sort of oil, and the rice is half-cooked.
Lawyers for Falun Gong Practitioners Wang Bo and Her Parents Have Requested an Open Retrial
2007-04-09Falun Gong practitioners Wang Bo and her parents who live in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, were secretly sentenced to jail terms in November 2006. Because the Communist authorities did not inform their family members about their arrest and trial, they had no lawyers to defend them. Recently, the family managed to hire lawyers who jointly requested the Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court to process the appeal openly and overturn the unlawful sentences passed in the initial trial.
Practitioner Ms. Li Yanping Tried for the Second Time at the Laiyuan Court in Hebei Province
2007-04-08At 9:10 a.m. on March 15th, 2007, the local court in Laiyuan tried Dafa practitioner Li Yanping. The prosecutor accused Ms. Li of committing a crime "against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and government" because police had found copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in her home. The prosecutor refused to admit her statement into evidence, which is that the police obtained their evidence by use of violence. When Li Yanping proclaimed her innocence, saying she was merely practising her faith but the court officials stopped her. She also stated during the trial that her health had deteriorated due to the persecution and that she could barely eat. The judge stopped her again.