Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The Torture I Suffered in Harbin Women's Prison
2009-08-05My name is Ms. Gao Guizhen. I'm a Falun Gong practitioner from Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province. In 2003, I was sentenced to a four-year prison term for being firm in my belief in Falun Gong. I was imprisoned on September 16th in Harbin Women's Prison. Practitioners were inhumanly tortured in the prison. The prison authorities tortured practitioners with the most cruel methods, methods not even used on condemned criminals. We were hung up with our hands cuffed behind our back and with both feet off the ground from the top of a bunk-bed. Once a practitioner lost consciousness from the excruciating pain, the guards poured unknown drugs down her throat. She was hung up again the minute she was revived.
Retired Teacher Ms. Xu Hanming from Shanghai Arrested for the Fourth Time
2009-08-05On July 17th, 2009, 66-year-old Ms. Xu Hanming was arrested at home by police from the Changning District 610 Office and the Changning Police Department. The police confiscated a large number of personal belongings from her. Since Ms. Xu Hanming began practising Falun Gong, she has been very focused and responsible at work. She has volunteered to help students from poor families many times. This kind, exemplary teacher has been detained and persecuted three times only because she would not give up her belief in Falun Gong. She has been detained in brainwashing facilities twice, and sentenced to a labour camp for a year.
"Mum, I Miss You So Much!"
2009-08-04Mum, How are you doing? I haven't seen in you so long. I miss you so much! I am writing this letter but I am not sure whether you will be allowed to read it. I sincerely hope a kind guard will let you read this letter. The morning of July 20th, 1999, about twenty plain clothes policemen intruded into our home. You and Dad were arrested. Our home was turned upside down. I was the only one left, frightened and crying. No one took care of me for the next fifty days. I was not even ten years old then. I had to wander around. One of my legs became infected and oozed pus. Finally, you came back, but we no longer had a normal life as before.
Eight Women Practitioners Arrested in Nanchang City
2009-08-03On April 30th, 2009, eight female practitioners from Nanchang city, Jiangxi province were studying Falun Gong teachings at 60-year-old Ms. Leung Meihua's home when more than 10 police officers arrested them. Ms. Leung Meihua and Ms. Jiang Lanying are still detained at a detention centre. Ms. Leung Meihua was only allowed to sleep for less than three hours and forced to stand for over 10 hours a day because she refused to give up her practice.
More Than Ten Practitioners Arrested in Loudi City, Hunan Province
2009-08-03On July 15th, 2009, the police in Loudi City, Hunan Province raided more than ten practitioners' homes, arrested practitioners and some of their family members, and seized computers, printers, TVs, DVDs, and other items. After being forced to write guarantee statements to renounce Falun Gong the family members and new practitioners were released. Other practitioners are still being detained. Mr. Jiang Mogui and Ms. Deng are in their seventies. They have been repeatedly harassed by police officers and agents from the 610 Office for advocating for Falun Gong in public places.
Mr. Deng Xiaoming, a Falun Gong Practitioner from Huayang City, Sentenced to Six and Half Years in Prison
2009-08-03On July 8th, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Deng Xiaoming, a teacher in Huayang Teacher Training School, was sentenced to six and a half years imprisonment by Shuangliu Court. The court tried to prevent Mr. Deng's defence lawyers, Xie Yanyi and Li Chunfu, from defending him in court. After an hour-long argument, the two lawyers finally were permitted to attend the trial as Mr. Deng's representatives. The judge interrupted the defence attorneys several times in an attempt to halt their accusations. In the end, the court sentenced Mr. Deng to six and half years in prison, even though the prosecution was unable to provide any legal basis or advance any further arguments.
Ms. Li Shihong's Family Persecuted for Ten Years
2009-08-02Lu Hai, a 13-year-old boy, had to live with his grandmother, Song Wenxiu, after his father, Lu Qiqi, and his mother, Li Shihong, were arrested last year because they practise Falun Gong. Then, on June 12th, 2009, when Jiang'an District Court held a trial for three Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Song Wenxiu wanted to be present. When she neared the courthouse, she was arrested by police. She was later detained in the Chenjiaji Brainwashing Centre. Poor little Lu Hai now has to live all by himself. He has lost his dear grandmother, who looked after him. In Lu Hai's memory, there were few times when his whole family was ever together over the past ten years. His father, his mother, and even his grandmother were often arrested. There are many incurable wounds to his fragile heart.
Six Women Falun Gong Practitioners from Jining City Were Sentenced to Prison
2009-08-02Recently, six women Falun Gong practitioners were sentenced in Jining City, Shandong Province. Among them, Ms. Li Fengyun, 69 years old, was sentenced to three years imprisonment and is now being detained in Yuhuatai Prison in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Ms. Xu Binhai, in her 60s, was sentenced to three years and is now in Yuhuatai Prison
Years of Torture Nearly Killed Me
2009-08-01During the past ten years I was incarcerated on and off for nearly eight of those years, and I lost my job and my family. I was arrested six times, sent to forced labour camps three times, sent to a psychiatric hospital twice and to a brainwashing centre once. I was subjected to dozens of different physical tortures. As a result of the long-term abuse and mistreatment under the persecution, I suffered tremendously. Even now I have whole-body oedema. I also have severe insomnia and can't sleep for days. I have had a stroke, memory loss, been in a vegetative state, and lost the function of my four limbs. My legs are paralysed. I also lost bladder and bowel control and was near death four times.
Ms. Wang Yong, Middle School Teacher in Kunming City, in Critical Condition after Falling from Fifth Floor during Police Arrest
2009-08-01Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yong is a teacher in the Panlong District First Middle School in Kunming City, Yunnan Province. On June 24th, 2009, while fleeing from unjust arrest, Ms. Wang fell from the fifth floor, which left her in critical condition. She suffered three broken ribs, broken sternum, and a fracture in her right arm. Her left side was heavily bruised. She was unable to move and speaking took tremendous effort. Her family was not informed until the day after. Officers threatened her family not to disclose her situation; otherwise, her husband's job, her family's safety and her child's college enrolment would be at stake.
Ruthless Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners in Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-07-31The first thing a new arrival in Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp encounters is several "reform" strategies. These include having to read documents or watch DVDs that slander Falun Gong, writing statements to give up the Falun Gong practice and defame it, standing for a long time, being handcuffed and hung up, being deprived of sleep and water and food, being deprived of toilet use, and being forced to take drugs. Ms. Lu Xiumin was forced to sit on a small stool for two days and nights, but she refused to "reform." A guard shouted at inmates, "If she [Ms. Lu] does not 'reform' today, beat her today! If she does not 'reform' tomorrow, beat her tomorrow! Beat her till she 'reforms.'"
Teacher in Her 50s Arrested Again after Years of Humiliation and Torture
2009-07-30Ms. Li Xiuzhen is in her 50s. Persistent in her belief in Falun Gong, refusing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) demands to renounce her faith, she has been arrested nineteen times. She has been sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment, cruelly force-fed over 600 times, and tortured and humiliated with a dozen of different torture devices, including sleep deprivation and being beaten. On June 13th, 2009, Ms. Li Xiuzhen was once again arrested by police.
Harbin City Police Conspire with the Local Court System to Prevent Practitioner Li Zhigang from Receiving Legal Defence
2009-07-28The police department, the local procuratorial system, and the local court system in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province conspired to prevent Falun Gong practitioner Li Zhigang's defence lawyer from mounting a legal defence to prove his innocence. Li's legal counsel is a conscientious lawyer from Beijing. He received a notice from a so-called prosecutor named Song Chengzhang of the Nangang District Court on June 17th, 2009. According to the notice, the court was going to conduct the trial for Li Zhigang's case at 9:00 a.m. on June 22nd. The lawyer then travelled from Beijing to Harbin and appeared at the Nangang District Court on June 22nd. On that day, Song told the lawyer, "The city sent out an ad-doc notice. It said that this case is a special case and the trial will not take place today after all.
Practitioners Tortured in Shandong Province Second Forced Labour Camp
2009-07-27The guards in the Second Forced Labour Camp, Shandong Province, have tortured Falun Gong practitioners for a time. On May 4th, 2008, prisoners Gao Wei and Yang Bo were supposed to be released. Guard Sun Fengjun told Gao and Yang to help "transform" Mr. Sun Yugen, a Falun Gong practitioner, who was taken to the camp not long ago. Gao and Yang beat and kicked Mr. Sun until he was on the ground, moaning in pain. The two threatened Mr. Sun that they would beat him like that every day if he continued to refuse to "transform." Mr. Sun was beaten so badly that he had difficulty breathing and eating. He then signed the three statements denouncing Falun Gong against his will.
Ms. Chen Hongyu Severely Persecuted at Jilin Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-07-25In May 2009, Ms. Chen Hongyu and her husband were arrested for practising Falun Gong. Ms. Chen was sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp and is being detained in the Six Division of Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp. She has been subjected to severe abuse and torture in detention. After Ms. Chen was sent to the forced labour camp, she firmly resisted the persecution and refused to write a "guarantee letter" to renounce Falun Gong, do forced labour, or wear the prison uniform. The two guards used two electric batons to shock her neck. Later, guards ordered prisoners to hang Ms. Chen by the arms from a bunk bed, with her two arms pulled straight and only her toes touching the ground. She was kept in this position from 6:30 a.m. to 12 midnight, the intense pain making Ms. Chen sweat profusely.