Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Retired Practitioners Jailed in Qinghai Women's Prison
2009-01-28On December 26th, 2008, police secretly transferred Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Zhang Xiuhua and Ms. Zhao Zonghua, from Xining City Detention Centre to Qinghai Women's Prison. Not long before this, these two women were brought to court for a secret trial. None of their family members or relatives was notified. Ms. Zhang and Ms. Zhao appealed to a higher court. The higher court not only kept the case a secret but also issued a prison sentence. The court did not notify the women's families of the trial date, which is not in keeping with the legal process. Ms. Zhang Xiulan and Ms. Zhao Zonghua were both sentenced to five years in prison. Qinghai Women's Prison's other name is the Leather and Feather Quilt and Clothing Factory.
Police Chief Breaks into a Family's Home and Arrests a Female Farmer
2009-01-28On July 26th, 2007, a group of policemen broke in to Ms. Zheng Baozhen's home, ransacked it and arrested Ms. Zheng leaving her daughters terrified and all alone that night. The jail's inhumane living conditions caused Ms. Zheng to become ill and pass out. Ms. Zheng, being dangerously ill from the persecution, did not eat anything for a few days in protest. On the fifth day, the police violently force-fed her, adding unknown drugs into the mixture, which caused her to pass out several times. Because she was so ill the police released her. Ms. Zheng was unable to take care of herself.
Woman in China's Countryside Persecuted Repeatedly Since Learning Falun Gong in a Detention Centre Several Years Ago
2009-01-27Because Ms. Xin Xiaoping follows the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she was arrested and detained by the county 610 Office in December 2005. Her home was searched. Since June 2006, she was forced to be homeless in order to avoid arrest. On October 15th, 2008, Ms. Xin was followed by police and arrested and sent to the Linli County Detention Centre. She has now been detained for more than three months.
72-year-old Practitioner Ms. Wang Lianzhi Is Imprisoned
2009-01-27Ms. Wang Lianzhi, a 72-year-old practitioner from Kunming City, Yunnan Province, was arrested in April 2008. At the end of November, the prison administration suddenly informed Ms. Wang's son that she had developed mental illness, but denied her son any visitation. Ms. Wang's son was shocked because not ten days earlier his mother's mental health was normal. How could this have happened? He asked who had made the diagnosis. They told him it was the city mental hospital. The son then asked to read the diagnosis. Because the whole thing was so suspicious. Ms. Wang's situation is still unclear and her family very worried about her.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Zongquan from Tangshan City Put on Trial
2009-01-27On July 10th, 2008, 48-year-old Mr. Zhang Zongquan's home was raided by more than 10 policemen and was arrested and taken to the Fengrun Detention Centre. When he was held in the detention centre, Mr. Zhang's family members sought advice from two lawyers. The lawyer was not allowed to see Mr. Zhang until December 8th. On December 10th, Mr. Zhang was brought to the court. Mr. Zhang defended himself without a lawyer. The trial lasted only thirty minutes and ended without a conclusion. The family members were filled with indignation at the end of the trial.
Crimes Committed in the Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp in Shaanxi Province
2009-01-26The "transformation class" in Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp is a brainwashing class, and its chair Yang Jun, is the general chief for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in the camp. Under his guidance, guards mentally torture practitioners who refuse to recant their beliefs. Practitioners are forced to stand all night long. They are deprived of the right to sleep, hung up with rope tied through handcuffs,and locked up in small cells. The guards cruelly beat practitioners, and even soak them in a big water vat to freeze them in the winter. The guards also arrange prisoners convicted on drug charges to beat practitioners after covering their heads with cotton blankets.
Ms. Qi Jinling Persecuted at Wanjia and Qianjin Forced Labour Camps
2009-01-26Despite the pressure of the persecution, Ms. Qi Jinling, 43 firmly practises Falun Gong and follows the principle of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. She was captured by the police in August 2006 and sent to a forced labour camp and suffered brutal persecution for over two years. In November 2006, guards ordered Ms. Qi to come to the office. They beat her on the head and back, swearing at her all the while. Then the guards tied her hands behind her back and ordered her to squat with her legs pressed together. Ms. Qi refused to comply. Guards beat her again and pushed her to the floor. After midnight, Sha Yujin grabbed her by the hair and dragged her around on the floor, twisting her around. Ms. Qi's hair was left all over the floor.
My Experience at the Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-25On June 26th, 2008, I was transferred from an addiction treatment centre in Sichuan Province to the No. 7 Section of the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp. Three days after I arrived, I was forced to perform slave labour. Whenever we entered or left the workshop's main door, we were required to report to the guards, otherwise we were not allowed to use the toilet. Since I did not report for two days, I had to wait until 11:00 p.m. to use the toilet. Shortly after this incident, the guards required all practitioners who were not "transformed" to work in their cell for about 15 hours a day, rather than the workshop.
Chinese Communist Party Officials in Yishui County, Shandong Province Again Harass and Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-01-24At about 9:00 a.m. on January 8th, 2009, more than ten police officers broke into practitioner Mr. Zhao Mingjiang's home. They confiscated his belongings including a mobile phone, and took Mr. Zhao and his wife to the police station. Zong Shanbin and a police officer named Yu Hongwei removed Mr. Zhao's shirt and beat him for a long time, causing his face and mouth to become swollen and deformed. They sent him to a detention centre that night. They also beat Mr. Zhao's wife and didn't release her until 6:00 p.m.
Falun Gong Practitioners He Jinliang, Wang Tianyu and Others from Zhoukou City, Henan Province Arrested
2009-01-24On January 4th, 2009, Shanan District Police Department National Security Division leader and two policewomen arrived in a police car at Falun Gong practitioner Mr. He Jinliang's home. They parked their car on the street and knocked on the door. As soon as Mr. He opened the door, the police immediately pushed him into the police car. Mr. He's wife realized that her husband had not come back in and went out to check on him. The policemen pushed her into the car too. Right then, another practitioner, Mr. Feng Zijun arrived to visit Mr. He. Feng Zijun saw the police car and that the door to the home was open, which is unusual. He realized something was wrong and attempted to leave immediately, but it was too late. The police took him away, too.
Mr. Wang Yajun Unable to Take Care of Himself After Being Tortured by Guards in Jilin Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-23My name is Wang Yajun. I was arrested at home on May 16th, 2007, by police for attending a Falun Gong experience sharing conference. I was later detained in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province, for 18 months. On June 17th, 2008, I went on a hunger strike. I was then subjected to more persecution. Under the instigation of the police, drug addict inmates tied me to an iron bed. They handcuffed my hands and legs. Four vicious addicts hit me in the genital area. They also used a pair of slippers to hit my face, and they pulled my hair. After kicking and punching me with their fists, they started to force-feed me. My lower back was injured because of the torture. It bled and festered and developed a hole as large as a fist.
Mr. Lei Bifu Arrested After Suffering Seven Years of Persecution
2009-01-22In October 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lei Bifu returned home after he had been forced to flee home seven years prior. Only two months later, on December 12th, 2008, police arrested Mr. Lei at the farmers' market. Once they found Mr. Lei, they shot him with a tranquillizer gun, forced him down to the ground, and beat him with electric batons. They arrested both Mr. Lei and his wife, and beat them all the way to the police station. The couple sustained severe injures. At the same time, eight officers searched Mr. Lei's house. Mr. Lei's wife was released on the second day. Mr. Lei has been detained at the Kai County Detention Centre since the arrest.
Rujiang Men's Forced Labour Camp Uses Convicted Drug Abusers As Personal Monitors To Harass Practitioners
2009-01-20In the camp, during the day, guards force the practitioner to read material which defames Falun Gong, or to recite the camp's regulations, etc. In evening, the guards force the practitioner to talk to them, or to write words that attack Falun Gong. If the practitioner refuses, the guards deprive him of sleep until 3 a.m. or 4 a.m even though the practitioner is required to get up at 6 a.m. If the practitioner does not give up his beliefs, the guards punish him by forcing him to stand facing a wall, depriving him of sleep, etc. If the practitioner does not give up even after 1 to 2 months of such torture, the guards deprive him of further rights and continue to have the personal monitors monitor him 24 hours a day. The practitioner is not allowed to speak with other practitioners, or shop downstairs, or visit other cells, or leave his cell.
Painter Mr. Wang Mingyue and Photographer Mr. Jin Xiaohui from Beijing Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-20On July 8th and 9th, 2008, two practitioners from Beijing were arrested; one is a famous oil painter, Mr. Wang Mingyue, and the other is a photographer, Mr. Jin Xiaohui. They are now imprisoned in the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing. Mr. Wang was in very good physical condition before his arrest, but now, according to a witness from the labour camp, he has lost a great deal of weight. This is yet another case of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong practitioners under the excuse of "safeguarding the Olympic Games."
Mother's Pain
2009-01-20In 1994 I was so fortunate to start practising Falun Gong. I looked like a new person: the diseases were all gone. After July 1999, when the persecution started, my siblings and I were all persecuted. My mother was devastated. After the onset of the persecution, I was ordered to a brainwashing centre every day. One day as I returned to my work place after the brainwashing session, my supervisor did not allow me to go home and tried to force me to write a guarantee statement to quit cultivation and a "regret statement" to slander Falun Gong. My mother passed away because she was scared to death. My heart hurts because of sadness and pain.