Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Intensified Persecution in Qitaihe City: In Order to Identify Falun Gong Practitioners, Policemen Forced Passengers to Kick a Stranger
2008-03-27Between Qitaihe City and Baoqing County in Heilongjiang Province, there is a tollbooth, and there are police stationed there. In order to identify practitioners, the policemen laid a person on the ground and covered his face. Then they forced the passengers from the buses to kick the person on the ground and to curse Falun Gong and its founder. If people refused to do so, they would be assumed to be practitioners (as they do not hit or curse people) and would be arrested. Every passenger went through strict inspection, particularly those who covered their face with scarf.
Older Practitioner Mr. Xiao Feng and His Wife Unjustly Arrested
2008-03-24On January 21st, 2008 at around 6:00 a.m., seventy-year-old retired senior engineer Xiao Feng, a practitioner who lived in a village inside Shenzhen City, was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in his area when two local police and public security agents caught him. They tried to force him to lead the way to other practitioners' homes in order to confiscate a large number of fliers. He refused, so they arrested Xiao Feng's wife, Qian Huarui (60 years old) in their home, and took both of them to the village police station. On the same night at around 8:00 p.m., the two were transferred to a detention centre and have been locked up there since.
Several Practitioners Arrested Recently in Baoding, Hebei Province
2008-03-24Ms. Liu Lifang, female, 44 years old, works at the China Bank near Chaoyang Road. On the evening of March 11th, 2008, she went home after work. Four or five policemen from the National Security Team searched her home and took her away. The police confiscated her Falun Gong books and other personal property. Presumably she is detained by the National Security Team, although there is no real way of finding out. Her thirteen year-old daughter was left alone at home with no one to take care of her.
Daqing Police Arrest Several Practitioners
2008-03-23Before and after the Chinese New Year in 2008, police from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province worked with local thugs to harass and persecute Falun Gong practitioners. On March 4th, police from the Daqing City Police Department arrested several practitioners. At about 9:00 p.m. on March 4th, Daqing police took Ms. Jiang into custody when she was taking care of her grandson at home. Her home was also searched. Leaflets exposing the persecution, CDs and Falun Gong books were packed into four or five big plastic bags and taken away. A copier and about 10,000 yuan in cash were also taken away.
Crimes Committed In the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2008-03-22When practitioners refused to wear the camp uniforms, they were beaten, cursed at, kicked, and hung up by handcuffs during the day. Their hands were handcuffed to the headboards at night, which meant that they couldn't turn over or move freely. After only a month in Masanjia they became very weak from being tortured. From April through May, practitioner Ms. Yuan Shuzhe was hung up for the entire two months, which caused compression of her lower spine. This can lead to paralysis.
Zhongshan District Secretly Tries Ms. Ding Zhenfang in a Closed Court
2008-03-22On August 16th, 2007, Ms. Ding Zhengfang from Dalian City, Liaoning Province was taken into custody at her mother's home by police officers. Ms. Ding has since been detained at the Yaojia Detention Centre. About two weeks ago, the Zhongshan District Court secretly tried her in a closed court. During her detention, she was put into handcuffs and shackles, which were nailed to a bed. To protest the persecution, she held a hunger strike. Consequently, she was brutally beaten and force-fed by the guards. Because of the beatings, her health severely deteriorated.
Falun Gong Practitioners Designated as "Enemies" and "First Targets" for Persecution in Advance of Olympics
2008-03-21Harbin City Police Department officials in Heilongjiang Province held a meeting in mid-March in which they conveyed instructions from upper-level regime entities. Police department officials have emphasized the listing of practitioners as "enemies" prior to the Olympic Games and declared them as the "first targets" for persecution. Officials from the police department headquarters have organized neighbourhood committees and local police stations to establish plain clothes teams to search for and arrest the so-called main targets. Real crimes such as drug-peddling and prostitution are being ignored in order to persecute Falun Gong. The authorities have also lied and stated that foreign countries have provided funding for Falun Gong practitioners.
Daqing City Police Department Officials Plot to Arrest One Hundred Falun Gong Practitioners To Fulfil Pre-Olympics Quota
2008-03-21According to a reliable source, Heilongjiang Province Public Security Bureau officials have assigned local regions' administrative offices quotas regarding the number of Falun Gong practitioners each region must arrest. The local regions are required to fulfil their quotas before the Olympic Games. Targeted individuals include those whose names have been mentioned on the Internet before or who are "currently active." Daqing City was initially assigned a quota of 200 hundred Falun Gong practitioners to arrest. Daqing City leaders argued, "This is too many. Many good people will have to be arrested to reach the quota."
As the Olympics Approach, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Issues Secret Order to Intensify the Persecution of Falun Gong
2008-03-20Mr. Zhang Zhijun, a practitioner from Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, died under mysterious circumstances in Xi'an Prison in Shanxi Province, on February 23rd, 2008. Authorities notified his wife by telephone, but when she arrived at the prison, officials tried to block her from seeing Mr. Zhang's body. Only when she threatened to kill herself on the spot if they didn't obey her demands, was she allowed to see the body. Mr. Zhang's face was swollen. Strangulation marks were visible around his blackened neck. Mr. Zhang's wife demanded an autopsy and went to a law office, but the lawyers told her: "The government has told us [not to accept Falun Gong related cases]. We don't dare to take your case." Prison authorities cremated Mr. Zhang's body the next day.
Beijing Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Bai Shaohua Hospitalised for Emergency Treatment
2008-03-19On February 20th, 2008, at approximately 3:00 p.m., Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Bai Shaohua and Mr. Yang Hui were driving from the urban district of Beijing to Huairou District and were stopped by police for inspection. They were subsequently arrested. On March 4th, 2008, according to someone with inside information, Mr. Bai Shaohua, who was imprisoned at the Huairou District Detention Centre in Beijing, was escorted to a hospital emergency. He has also been imprisoned and brutalised numerous times, including being electrically shocked.
Mr. Huang Liqiao Brutally Tortured in Several Forced Labour Camps in Tianjin
2008-03-19Mr. Huang firmly believes in Falun Gong and refused to be "transformed". [brainwashed] Unfortunately he became a prime target for persecution at the Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp. The guards tried to force him to learn the prison regulations by heart and take a test, but he refused. Guards brutally beat him. When they were exhausted, they used an electric baton to shock him on his head and chest. His body twitched from the high voltage shocks and he slammed onto the concrete floor. Numerous burn marks appeared on his head and chest. The guards forced him to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong, and instigated other inmates to beat him.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province
2008-03-18On October 12th, 2007, 42-year-old Ms. Gao Chunlian was arrested once again and is still being detained. Her life is already at risk since she became mentally disordered from torture. In April 2001, police arrested Ms. Gao. They held her in the Shijingshan Detention Centre in Beijing for 25 days. She was forced to sit on a stool the whole day. If her posture was not straight, the guards would beat her. Later on, she was transferred to Zhuozhou Detention Centre. Ms. Gao started a protest hunger strike. Chief Wang ordered prison doctor Zhang Yugang to force-feed Ms. Gao. Zhang Yugang inserted a thick rubber tube into Ms. Gao's nose and down to her stomach. When the tube was removed, large amounts of blood followed. The detained criminals who were watching were so upset by this that they cried. She suffered inhuman beating as well. She is now barely recognisable and is close to death.
Ms. Hu Aiqin Has Been Sentenced to Eight Years in Xinjiang
2008-03-17Ms. Hu Aiqin, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hami City in Xinjiang had been held in custody by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for a year. Around the end of 2007, she was sentenced to another eight years. After this sentence, the CCP finally allowed family members to visit her by appointment. When her mother went to visit her, an elderly lady with white hair came out. She thought to herself, "I never knew they locked elderly ladies in here." At a closer glance, she realized that the elderly lady was her daughter. In one year's time, her daughter's black hair had turned white. Ms. Hu's mother became stricken with grief.
Chen Zihui Tortured at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City
2008-03-16In 2002 Mr. Chen was sent to the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp and taken to division five, which is the most notoriously cruel division in the labour camp. The division leader Zhao Shuang is outrageous and vengeful. Under his leadership, guards tortured practitioners in just about every way imaginable. In order to "transform" [brainwash] practitioners, they forced them to squat from 5 am to midnight. Besides that, they also tortured practitioners with the "big hang up", electric shocks, pricking them with darts, allowing mice to bite them, pinching and rubbing their private parts, and push-break. The "push-break" is a where they push someone to the ground. A guard rides on top of the practitioner's body, with feet or knees against the practitioner's lower back, while at the same time pulling the practitioner's arms up and back. Some practitioners' arms were broken from this torture.
Beijing Police Ransack the Jinkui Decorative Painting Company
2008-03-16The Beijing Public Security Bureau has persecuted over one hundred Falun Gong practitioners since January 2008. They have searched practitioners' homes, persecuted their family members, and ransacked companies and factories run by practitioners. Manager Chen of Jinkui Decorative Painting Company is an extremely sincere and kind person, and he has hired many practitioners. After practitioners were arrested, their family members went to Dongcheng Detention Centre many times requesting to visit, but they were turned away without being given a reason.