Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Elderly Practitioner Ms. Shan Zhiying from Beijing Arrested for the Third Time
2006-07-06Sixty five year-old Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Shan Zhiying was arrested for the third time in a coordinated effort by her employer, the local police, and the street community office on June 14th, 2006. She is detained at a brainwashing centre in Beijing. Before this Ms. Shan Zhiying and her husband left Beijing due to the persecution.
Arrest and Subsequent Release of Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Liping's Lawyer in Hegang City
2006-07-05Xiangyang District Court commenced a trial on June 13th, 2006 against five Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioner Liu Liping's lawyer submitted a "not guilty" plea for her. Liu Liping had told the lawyer of all the severe tortures she had experienced inside the detention centre. He had not imagined that Falun Gong practitioners had been treated so badly. With Liu Liping's request on May 28th, Liu Lijuan's husband and the lawyer went to the police department to ask for the return of 2,500 Yuan confiscated from her. The police said, "The money cannot be returned." Later that day the lawyer was preparing to go to Harbin City and six riot policemen arrested him giving no reasons for the arrest.
Thugs Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu from Weihai City 610 Office Brutally Injure Dafa Practitioners
2006-07-05In the brainwashing centre of the 610 Office, one time officer Liu Jinhu repeatedly beat a practitioner until the practitioner fell down. He asked the practitioner to get up and then beat the practitioner again until the practitioner could no longer stand. The practitioner said, "I won't get up. You are just going to beat me again." Liu said, "Who beat you? Who saw it?" Practitioner Ms. Tian Li was tortured by the iron chair, and because it was so painful, she moved on the iron chair and caused the chair to fall. As a result, Tian broke her neck and was paralysed. Tian was arrested by Liu Jie on May 22, 2002, and passed away on Feb 21st, 2005. She lived in excruciating pain during the last three years before her death. Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu are directly responsible for Tian's death.
Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners To Disability
2006-07-03One practitioner with the surname Wu was brutally beaten and hung up with ropes. Steel needles were hammered through his fingers, the joints of his four limbs and his toes were smashed with a hammer, his entire body was shocked with electric batons, and two chopsticks clipped together were used to crush his fingers. A practitioner with the surname Bi used to be the instructor of a police station. He was strong and tall. Now, due to the torture of being forced to stand for long periods of time, he has become paralysed in the lower half of his body, causing loss of control over urination and bowel movements.
Seventy-Four-Year-Old Practitioner from Sichuan Province Sent to Brainwashing Three Times
2006-07-03I am a 74-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, the local police have arrested and detained me any time they wanted and brutally abused and persecuted me while I was held in detention. While I was held at the Mapingba Brainwashing Centre two officers grabbed my hair and started to beat and kick me. My arms turned black and blue and swelled from the beating. They subsequently handcuffed me to the monkey bar. I was forced to stay under the scorching sun for several hours. They beat me every few days and "baked" me, as well as verbally insulted me. I almost lost consciousness from dehydration. The police were vicious and completely devoid of human nature.
A Practitioner from Hubei Province Recounts the Persecution She Suffered
2006-07-02My name is Rao Mianhua. I'm 41 years old now. In October, police dragged me to their police car and again took me to Shizishan Forced Labour Drug Addicts Rehab Camp in Wuhan City. The leaders in that camp got a 10,000-yuan bonus if they "reformed" a Falun Gong practitioner. Hence, they treated practitioners very cruelly. Practitioners were forced to take cold water showers in all seasons, summer or winter. On one occasion, the section head locked up all of the practitioners together. Our hands were all cuffed together behind our backs. After that, one by one, we were taken to the guard chamber to be shocked with electric batons. I felt numb after being shocked.
Practitioners Mr. Qiao Jianhui and Mr. Hu Jiancai Unlawfully Sentenced to 4.5 Years by the Yinchuan District Court
2006-06-30The Xingqing District Court sentenced Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Hu Jiancai and Mr. Qiao Jianhui to four and a half years in prison. Both of them have filed appeals. The Yinchuan City Medium Court was scheduled to listen to the case on June 19th, 2006. On June 9th, 2005, Mr. Cai Guojun was tortured until he was paralysed. The police of the Shizuishan State Security Department tortured and battered Mr. Qiao Jianhui and Mr. Hu Jiancai for information that would assist the persecution of Falun Gong
Brutal Persecution that I Witnessed the Two Times I Was Sent to the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp
2006-06-29During my detention, I witnessed many instances of police brutality towards practitioners. In July 2004, guards directed four drug addicts to torture 57-year-old Mr. Xu Shaoan. They beat him and used sewing needles to stab his fingers and toes. He was injured in many places and lost consciousness. After he came to, they continued to torture him. Police mixed drugs into his food and tied up his hands. He could not stand up. He was only allowed to be in a sitting position. His face became disfigured due to torture. He was finally released after being tortured until he was mentally traumatised.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Sha Litian from Tianjin City Arrested
2006-06-29After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Sha Litian was brutally tortured repeatedly. On January 1st, 2003, when he was held in the Jianxin Forced Labour Camp of Tianjin City, the temperature was 15 centigrade below zero (5 degrees Fahrenheit) and it was snowing. All of his clothes were ripped off and he was locked in an iron cage for seven days, with the windows and doors around him opened and an electric fan running. Three to four guards wearing insulated coats used high voltage electric batons to shock him. On June 18th, 2006, he was arrested by police again and taken to the Wuqing District Detention Centre.
610 Office of Shouguang City Persecutes Zhang Keliang and his Wife Wang Zhongyun
2006-06-27On February 4th, 2005 610 Office agents went to the home of Zhang Keliang and arrested him and his wife Wang Zhongyun. During an interrogation session, the policemen used torture to force them to confess. The police stripped off all of Mr. Zhang's clothes, handcuffed his hands behind his back, tied up his feet with electric wires and used his winter coat to wrap up his head. Three policemen stepped on Mr. Zhang’s head and back and used high voltage electric batons to shock his whole body. They shocked his throat, nipples and genitals. They poured water on Mr. Zhang’s head and used an electric baton to shock the top of his head. After the couple's stint at the detention centre, not even their friends could recognise them.
A Teacher Is Sent to Trial After Explaining the True Situation of Falun Dafa in Class
2006-06-27Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lu Chihua is a teacher. On March 13th, 2006, he was arrested by police from the County Department, and is now detained in Long'an County Detention Centre. Mr. Lu's family hired a lawyer, but the police will not allow the lawyer visit him, and they have been interfering with the lawyer's work.
My Experiences at the Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-06-25The Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp is a hell on earth. Before the No. 5 Division was enlarged, many Falun Gong practitioners were cruelly persecuted there. During the autumn and winter seasons, the cells are very cold and damp. A new detainee is often so frightened that she cannot fall asleep at night. There were heaters in the cells, but they were never allowed to be turned on unless outside visitors or government officials came to inspect the camp. Instead, only the stove in each cell was allowed to burn a small amount of coal. The camp didn’t give any wood for lighting a fire, so the practitioners had to use their wooden stools instead.
My Body Weight Fell from 195 Pounds to 78 Pounds During Four and a Half Months of Torture
2006-06-24A woman who remained steadfast in her practice and beliefs endured a series of brutal tortures. Police tied her up and suspended her off the ground for three days. Doctors injected her with poison. Her body weight fell from 195 pounds to 78 pounds. Her non-practitioner husband was not spared either. The police poured boiling water on him during interrogation.
Zhang Zhikui of Zhaoyuan City Recounts the Tortures He Experienced to the Investigation Committee
2006-06-23"I was sent to the Tiebei Detention Centre in Changchun. As soon as I entered the cell, the police told the prisoners, "Take good care of him for me." After that, three to four inmates pushed me to the ground and beat and kicked me. They then pulled off all my clothes and kicked me again towards the wall. I fell down to the ground and could not get up, but they continued kicking me. My arms and legs began to bleed. The cut on my thigh bled profusely. The detained practitioners were constantly monitored by the prisoners, and randomly beaten and cursed."
Practitioner Ms. Zhang Rongjie on Hunger Strike for More than One Week
2006-06-23We have recently learned that on May 11th, 2006, Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Rongjie was unjustly sentenced to twelve years in prison at the Xinshi District Court in Baoding City, Hebei Province. The charges are related to the incident where some Dafa practitioners tapped into the Tianjin TV network signal and broadcast videos exposing the persecution of Falun Dafa. Zhang Rongjie shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" every morning during her trial to protest the sentence and detention. The guards at Baoding City Detention Centre ordered the inmates to beat her until her face became swollen and she lost all feeling. Zhang Rongjie has protested with a hunger strike opposing the persecution.