Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Wang Qingfu Persecuted in the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp Until Incapable Of Walking
2006-05-29Wang Qingfu, a Dafa practitioner, was sentenced to three years of forced labour. On April 20th, he was sent to Jiutai City Forced Labour Camp in Jilin, where he was persecuted so severely that he could not walk. His wrists showed deep scars made by handcuffs. The scars resulted from his being shackled to a bed with his arms and legs spread wide. On May 5th, Wang Qingfu started a hunger strike to protest the cruel persecution against him, and he was brutally force-fed. His family members worried about Mr. Wang's life and went to Jiutai Forced Labour Camp to request a visit with him, but the labour camp refused them.
Practitioners Emaciated Due to Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-05-29During the last ten days of February 2006, all the steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners detained in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp were persecuted insanely for refusing to be "transformed." They were forced to wear the prison uniform, sit in a chair and call out numbers. They were abused with physical punishment, handcuffs, beating and scolding by the chief of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and other guards. Every practitioner persecuted was forced by three, four or more policemen to wear a uniform, and was beaten if he or she would not cooperate.
More Facts of the Persecution at the 2nd Division of the Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp
2006-05-29In the spring of 2004, Dafa practitioner Shao Minggang was arrested by the Jinzhou City State Security Bureau. After his arrest, policemen used lighters to burn his lower jaw. Then, Li Xiejiang, a policeman from the 610 Office, beat him badly. His face was disfigured as a result. When Mr. Shao was delivered to the labour camp, he started a hunger strike. Guards force-fed him. During the force-feeding, former deputy director Li Fenglin ordered guards to use a large quantity of salty water for the force-feeding.
Practitioners Mr. Liang Runcheng and Mr. Liu Chengguo Are Severely Persecuted in Benxi City Forced Labour Camp
2006-05-28In Benxi Forced Labour Camp Mr. Liang Runcheng was severely tortured for more than 20 days. Mr. Liu Chengguo started a hunger strike from the day of his arrest and now has been without food for 41 days. He is very weak. On January 3rd, 2006, when Mr. Liang distributed Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution, he was beaten up by four policemen and lost consciousness. He was sentenced to two years of forced labour. On March 13th, 2006, while practitioner Mr. Liu Chengguo was practising the Falun Gong exercises at his home the police came and arrested him. That same day a policemen punched Mr. Liu's face and head more than 50 times. Mr. Liu was sentenced to two years of forced labour.
Warden at the Huairou Detention Centre Threatened to Send Me to Northwest China, Never to Come Back Again
2006-05-28Over five years ago I was detained at the Huairou detention centre in Beijing. Because I would not tell them my name, the ward threatened to send me to northwest China and that I would never come home again if I refused to tell my name. Only now do I realise that this was not just a threat, it was for sure. None of the arrested practitioners would tell their names and addresses, since we knew from classified documents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that whenever a Falun Gong practitioner appealed, the spouse of the practitioner would be fired and fined 8000 to 10000 yuan, and from the officials in his/her workplace to the police department and police substation, all would be punished.
Many Practitioners Sentenced to Prison in Gansu Province
2006-05-27After serving a one-year-long detention, several practitioners in Wuwei City, Gansu Province, were secretly sentenced to prison in March 2006. The "Sentencing Statements" were sent to the Liangzhou District Detention Centre at the end of March 2006. Ms. Zhang Wenjuan, 42, was sentenced to six years in prison. Up until now, five practitioners in Wuwei City have been tortured to death. There are still 26 practitioners being tortured in prisons, labour camps, and detention centres.
For Disclosing the Persecution at Hunan Province's Baimalong Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Yu Yingzhu Is Denied Family Visiting Rights
2006-05-2532-year-old Dafa practitioner Ms. Yu Yingzhu has been forbidden to have family visits because she revealed her persecution experiences at the camp during a family visit. On May 3rd a family member attempted to visit Ms. Yu, but was refused after the family pleaded with the camp officials. During the negotiations, Yu's mother listed all the incidents of persecution that happened to her daughter, such as standing in a small cell for eight days and nights, resulting in body oedema; withholding her clothes for no reason so that Ms. Yu could only wear a thin shirt in the winter. However, the chief who was personally involved in the persecution denied any wrong-doing. He said, "Hey, no one died yet!"
Professor Xu Yin of Tsinghua University Sentenced to Forced Labour
2006-05-23Xu Yin, Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Tsinghua University, was arrested at his home by officers of the Public Security Bureau on March 14th, 2006. The police also confiscated Xu Yin's Falun Gong materials. On April 13th Xu was sentenced to two years in forced labour camp by the "Re-education" Committee of the People's Government in Beijing. Simply for possessing Falun Gong books and pamphlets Xu Yin was stripped of his freedom and rights. After the arrest, Xu Yin's fourteen-year-old son was left at home alone.
Mr Zheng Dejun Brutally Persecuted in the Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2006-05-23Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zheng Dejun was imprisoned and persecuted in Shayang Labour Camp in Hubei Province. Since July 2005, he was inhumanely tortured by the wardens and inmates, and was beaten in a small room, deprived of sleep, etc. His older parents travelled a long distance to visit him, but the guards would not allow them to see him. The guards even threatened to detain his parents in the camp. In July 2005, Shayang Labour Camp added six months to his term because Zheng Dejun did not announce his name, did not report his number, and did not sing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) anthem.
Ms. Sun Li in Shijiazhuang City Is Extremely Weak Due to a Hunger Strike; Her Family Urgently Calling for Her Release
2006-05-23Ms. Sun Li is 50 years old. On September 6th, 2005, she was arrested because they found the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" and other Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. She was sentenced to prison for five years and six months at the beginning of March 2006. Ms. Sun was detained in the Second Detention Centre in Shijiazhuang City. The police in the detention centre constrained her in handcuffs and leg shackles. Ms. Sun believes herself to be innocent and has filed a lawsuit at the Intermediate Court in Shijiazhuang City. She has been on a hunger strike for about 20 days to protest and is very weak.
Concerning the Collusion of the 610 Office in Linyi City with the Irrigation Technical School to Further Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-05-23The brainwashing centre in Linyi City, Shandong Province, publicly known as the "Law System Education Centre," has been viciously persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Practitioners held there have been tortured with brutal methods including sleep deprivation, severe beatings, force-feeding with salt water (applied to those who went on hunger strikes to resist the persecution), and constant torture by several people at the same time. All of the practitioners were arrested and their families were fined anywhere between three thousand to five thousand yuan.
Torture Methods Used in the Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2006-05-22The torture methods used in Shayang Forced Labour Camp include the guards stomping on practitioners who were pushed down to the ground. They used several high-voltage electric batons at the same time to shock the practitioners and gagged their mouths with filthy pieces of cloth in order to prevent them from crying out; they also tied practitioners' whole bodies tightly with ropes, pinched their pressure points, viciously beat and kicked them, and shocked them with several electric batons at the same time.
Family Members Arrested While Visiting an Elderly Detained Practitioner
2006-05-21Hao Fukui, an elderly practitioner has been persecuted for the past 9 months and his life is now in danger. His family members, Hao Yaofeng, Liu Mingwei and Mu Chunmei, went to visit him on March 1st, and were detained by the police. They were all sentenced to two years of forced labour. Police sent them to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. On learning of this, their other family members tried every way possible to rescue them. During the process, they met with harassment, verbal abuse and the vicious threats from all branches of the government and the police force.
The Seven Year Long Tragedy and Suffering of My Family
2006-05-20The persecution my husband suffered was just brutal. They began at the knees, whipping upward until they reached the neck and shoulders. Belt buckles were used to beat my husband's back. He was soaked in blood and sweat and his flesh was raw. The pain was unimaginable. Then they asked, "Do you still say you cultivate?" My husband answered "yes." Then, they continued to beat him brutally. My husband's entire back, buttocks, and thighs were one bloody mess. All flesh was exposed, and his entire body was covered with blood. The prisoner kicked my husband's left side very hard and his rib broke. The pain had passed the level he could tolerate. He had no other choice left and against his will, he said in a low voice, "Will not cultivate."
Falun Gong Practitioners at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp Enslaved and Tortured by Brigade Captain Zhao Shuang
2006-05-20I was detained in the Fifth Brigade of the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp on February 17th, 2004. While I was performing forced labour, an instructor waved a piece of paper in front of me, saying, "the "guarantee letter" you wrote isn't right." Taking a quick look at it, I replied, "If it's no good, why don't you tear it up?" The instructor used two electric batons to shock me until the batteries went dead. There were black spots and blisters all over my body, from my neck to my thighs. Then, accompanied by the sound of their laughter, Zhao Shuang pinched my testicles through a plastic bag, causing me unbearable pain.