Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Personal Account of the Persecution of Yang Guiyuan, a Doctor at the Quartermaster University
2004-08-31"Then they forced my legs into the lotus sitting position, with one leg first on top of the other thigh and tied together, then pulled the other leg from underneath to the top of the first thigh. They pulled the straps up, while they pressed my legs down by stepping on them with their feet. They used so much force to pull my legs that my two legs were almost overlapping. It was very painful. Then they tied my legs tightly together. Finally, they used the last piece of strap left from the thigh to fasten my neck into a position that made my head bend toward my legs. Thus, my whole body was tied up into a ball."
Practitioner Ms. Cheng Qiaoyun Is Tortured to the Point of Mental Collapse
2004-08-31Ms. Cheng Qiaoyun, living at the No. 9 Oil Extraction Plant in Daqing City, was an employee of Jiulong Corporation.Officers in the Daqing City "610 Office", abducted Ms. Cheng and sent her ton a Brainwashing Class in Daqing. The authorities tortured Ms. Cheng repeatedly until she was close to death. After Ms. Cheng was sent to the hospital for several days of emergency treatment, they brought her back and continued to torture her. Forty days later, having suffered all kinds of mental and physical tortures, Ms. Cheng's mind became unclear. She would eat rice with sand in it, didn't say a single word, and didn't sleep the whole night.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labour Practices Inside Chinese Labour Camps Part II
2004-08-30The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This report exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Police Enjoy Watching Detainees Being Tortured in Huludao Labour Camp
2004-08-30Electric batons are the most frequently used torture instruments in Huludao Labour Camp. Some policemen found amusement in torturing detainees or watching detainees being tortured and suffering. Sometimes they used six to seven electric batons simultaneously on one practitioner. After they were done shocking the front side of a practitioner's body, they turned the body over and shocked the back of the body. Even women in their sixties and one eighteen-year-old unmarried girl were not spared.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labour Practices Inside Chinese Labour Camps Part I
2004-08-29The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This report exposes these slave labour practices and also details how many goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Dafa Practitioner's Husband Dies From Shock and Grief After Repeated Arrests of His Wife
2004-08-28"On August 31, 2001 I was sent to the Shibalihe Female Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City, where I was tortured, beaten, force-fed, cuffed, and hung up by my handcuffed wrists. I left the labour camp alive on January 11, 2004. After five years of torture and abuse from the persecution, I was left with permanently swollen legs and my feet numb and sore. For four years, since the year 2000, my left shinbone has suffered from a fracture that was not treated properly. At present, I am disabled and cannot work. My husband passed away three years ago, from the constant fear and pressure. During the past few years, our only daughter has been forced to struggle to live on her own, with very little money."
Description of the Torture of Practitioners in Xinhua Labour Camp, Sichuan Province (Photos)
2004-08-26Illustration 1. This happened inside the Xinhua Labour Camp in Sichuan Province. This torture method is called "tying the ropes." It is often used by the guards there. They strip practitioners of their' upper body clothing. Then they take a rope the circumference of a small finger and tie the rope tightly around the practitioner's arms, making the rope cut into the skin. They put the practitioners' arms behind their backs and raise their hands. This causes extreme, unbearable pain. According to the official camp "rules," such torture cannot be used beyond 15 minutes, otherwise both arms will be disabled.
Seventeen-Year-Old Teng Jiajun Deprived of Right to Attend College Despite Her Excellent Performance in National College Entrance Exam
2004-08-26In China, a student needs to pass both the national college entrance exam and the political examination in order to get accepted by universities. The political examination is in fact an examination of the student's political performance. The authorities would check to see if the student has participated in any activity that may "harm the country" according to the Chinese ruling party's laws. If the student is considered to be politically qualified, then the authorities would sign certain forms that are needed for enrollment in universities. If a student cannot secure such signature, he or she would have trouble getting into universities.
Ms. Zou Guirong's Letter Home from Prison Before She Was Tortured to Death
2004-08-26"I have left you and been gone for nearly two years now, something that I am most sorry about. I know that I am supposed to be with you to carry out my filial responsibilities, but I am unable to do that right now. I know you miss me dearly and are afraid that I will suffer in the labour camp. Mum, I want to tell you, if I didn't practise Dafa, the pain and hardship that I've suffered in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp would have been more than enough to kill me."
Feng Jitang and Wu Hongxia Cruelly Torture Practitioners in Gansu Province
2004-08-25Over the last month, Mr Feng Jitang led the police in Gansu Province to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners anywhere they can be found. According to inside sources, plainclothes police have been covertly monitoring practitioners in the dark of night, then secretly arresting them. We heard that each arrested practitioner held in brainwashing classes is required to a) betray three fellow practitioners, b) write a Statement of Dissociation, and c) pay 3,000 yuan before they can be released.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong From Harbin City Dies as a Result of Torture at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2004-08-22Ms. Zhang Hong was 31 years old and had lived in Harbin City. On July 22, 2004 she was sent to the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. While at the camp, Ms. Zhang Hong refused to cooperate with the evildoers in any way and refused to write the "Three Statements," which are specific documents denouncing Falun Gong and went on hunger strike. Inmates force-fed her and on July 31, four male guards carried Zhang Hong away on a stretcher and disinfected the whole room afterwards. Section head Zhao later said, "Ms. Zhang Hong has died from kidney failure as a result of heart disease." The truth is she died from barbaric torture.
Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp Exports Products Made by Slave Labour
2004-08-22Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp has detained many Dafa practitioners. The camp has contracts with some bean vendors. Under the contracts, the camp is responsible for putting beans into individual bags weighing from 110 lbs. to 180 1bs. For each bag of beans, the camp earns 0.8 Yuan. Practitioners are forced to put beans in bags and carry them to a designated place. The working conditions are very poor.
Jiang Xiaoying Suffers Mental Breakdown Following Relentless Torture at Forced Labour Camp in Jiangxi Province
2004-08-22Practitioner Jiang Xiaoying from Jiujiang city, Jiangxi province is around fifty years old. She was a doctor in the Jiujiang Mental Hospital. Due to long-term torture at Majialong Forced Labour Camp, she suffered a mental breakdown. In 2002, soon after she managed to escape from a Detention Centre, she was arrested again and sent to the Majialong Forced Labour Camp. When she was carried into the labour camp, she was unconscious. She could not recall what she had experienced, as she had been unconscious. It is suspected that the loss of memory resulted from severe beating.
How the Moganshan Female Forced Labour Camp in Zhejiang Province Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-08-20Ms. Zhuo Ainu lives in Jinyun, Zhejiang Province and is about 48 years old. The first time she was detained, she was sentenced to one year of forced labour. The second time, she was sentenced to three years of forced labour. Because she is steadfast in Falun Dafa, she was tortured three times during her incarceration. The first time was during a very hot summer. She was placed in a cell and the perpetrators closed the door and windows and used thick black cloth to cover the windows. They turned on a hot 200-watt lamp in the cell and didn't allow Ms. Zhuo Ainu access to any water.
The Husband of a Dafa Practitioner in Hebei Province Describes the Hardships the Persecution Has Brought to His Family
2004-08-18My wife is a Falun Gong practitioner, while I am not. After July 20, 1999, the police from Shenzhou City have come to harass my family many times. They have broken into my house and ransacked it and have abducted and detained my wife illegally. They also fined me 885 yuan. During my wife Li Bo's detainment, I could hardly take care of my family. My 14-year-old daughter is paralyzed and bedridden and my 11-year-old son is a student. The heavy burden of life all weighed down on me.