Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Private Prisons Set up in China to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (Photo)
2004-08-18While former Chinese president Jiang Zemin was still in office, he abused his power and huge proportion of China's national resources to build private prisons to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. These prisons were usually set up secretly. Now, almost every county and city in the nation has such prisons. The "610 Office" is directly in charge of these prisons, whereas judicial and legal departments often administer regular prisons. Such private prisons are often mislabeled as "Legal System Education Classes" to deceive the public.
The Persecution of Practitioners in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2004-08-17On August 8, Ms Wang Wenjuan was brought to the first floor and handcuffed to a heating pipe. She was handcuffed there day and night for an entire month until finally a guard handcuffed her to the bedside. From then on she was able to rest on the bed, but remained handcuffed, sometimes with one hand, sometimes both. One day, Team Leader Zhang Yan was annoyed seeing her sitting on a chair and said maliciously, "It is too easy for you to sit. Get up. Don't sit there. Stand up and stay standing until this evening."
My Firsthand Experience of the Crimes Against Humanity being Committed at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-16"Jiang's group has hidden the brutal persecution of Falun Gong behind the façade of such slogans as, "[This is] The best period of human rights in history." After spending nearly two years in forced labour camps, I would like to reveal the truth behind Jiang's claim that this is "The best period of human rights." Shortly after arriving at the camp, I was put in a brainwashing class where I was continuously beaten, abused, and forced to repeat slanderous language against Falun Dafa. "
More Information about Persecution Experienced by Inner Mongolian Ms Wang Xia (Graphic Photos)
2004-08-15Wang Xia, a young lady from Linhe City, Inner Mongolia. Wang, 30-years old, was sentenced to 7 years in labour camp for telling people about Falun Gong. In the past two years, she conducted hunger strikes to protest persecution and was force-fed. The prison authorities also injected her with unknown drugs. Before she was detained, she weighed more than 120 pounds. She now only weighs about 45 pounds and lapses in and out of consciousness.
Guards in Baoding City Forced Labour Camp Forcibly Feed Excrement and Urine to Falun Gong Practitioners on Hunger Strike
2004-08-15In the Baoding City Forced Labour Camp, the guards have been severely persecuting Falun Gong practitioners who are firm in cultivation. To protest such inhumane torture, detained Dafa practitioners went on a hunger strike. The guards then adopted even more vicious torture methods: force feeding with the feeding tube extending to the stomach, force feeding human excrement and urine, force feeding concentrated salt solution.
An Account of the Persecution of Practitioners At the Weining Forced Labour Camp in Benxi City
2004-08-13"That day all of us were tortured for an entire day and most of us suffered from the cruel torture of tying the ropes and were also shocked with electric batons. Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Ma Na was only 21. It seemed that everyone liked her. When it was her turn to be tortured, several of the guards' did not have the heart to torture her. But eventually they said everyone would be tortured despite their ages. When it was lunch-time I noticed that some of the practitioners had just been tortured. They still had tears in their eyes."
The Persecution Experienced by A Disabled Person in Jilin Province (shocking images)
2004-08-12"I have been disabled since being tortured by police in 2002. Besides having been personally caused great mental and physical harm, the persecution against me has also greatly pained and burdened my family and friends, especially my mother. She had already suffered through the horror of my father being tortured during the Cultural Revolution until he was permanently disabled. And now, as an added burden, she has to face the horror repeating itself, with her son becoming disabled as a result of police torture, simply for practising Falun Dafa. Her anguish and suffering are hard to describe."
The Persecution I Suffered in a Chinese Prison
2004-08-10My name is He Lizhi. After suffering prison life for three and a half years in China, thanks to the help of the international community, I came to Canada this May. Practitioners and the Canadian Government made arduous efforts to rescue us. After my release, I was granted priority by the Canadian Immigration Ministry. Now I have reunited with my wife after three years and ten months separation. I was greatly moved by these kind people's actions for justice, and hereby cordially express my gratitude.
A Practitioner Jailed in China Writes: "Mum and Dad, Please Help Stop This Persecution!"
2004-08-10Dear Mum and Dad: How are you? I have not been able to see you for several years. I miss you very much in my heart. I have personally experienced the persecution of Falun Gong over the nightmarish last five years. I am a Falun Gong practitioner and have the responsibility to protect Dafa. Since you were cheated and deceived by lies, and because you have fostered the old concept of "people do not fight with their governors" deep in your minds all these years, you could not understand what I do.
Account of the Torture Yang Hong and Her Fellow Practitioners Have Suffered in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-09Wang Zhimeng and three other policemen waited the whole night and abducted Dafa practitioner Yang Hong from Liaoning Province as she was walking down the stairs from her home at 4:00 a.m. on April 2, 2004. The policemen also abducted her 24-year-old daughter and stole their possessions valued at about 26,000 Yuan. They sent Yang Hong to a detention centre that same day. In protest, Yang Hong held a hunger strike for six days before she was sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp.
Guangxi Forced Labour Camp Accounts for Over 1,000 Cases of Illegal Detention
2004-08-09In the Guangxi region, the police have detained a large number of practitioners. They are incarcerated mainly in the No. 1 Men's Forced Labour Camp and the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Nanning City. Based on my three-year experience in the men's forced labour camp, I estimate that about one thousand Falun Dafa practitioners were detained there. During this time, I saw and experienced how Dafa practitioners opposed the illegal detention by various means.
Falun Gong Practitioner Jiang Xiao Feng who Studied in Ireland is Illegally Arrested in China and Sent to Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-07Jiang Xiao Feng is a practitioner from Shenyang. He studied in Ireland from 1998 to 2000. In May 2000, he went back to China. Recently we heard that he has been arrested and sent to Shenyang Zhangsi labour camp. Zhangsi labour camp is a very evil place and just as bad as Masanjia labour camp, Longshan labour camp, Guanshan labour camp and Dabei prison. They persecute practitioners in an extremely evil way. To this date, at least eleven practitioners have been persecuted to death there.
Atrocities Committed in Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-05The Women's Labour Division of Dalian Labour Camp in Liaoning Province is a place where guards torture steadfast practitioners at will and use all sorts of brutal measures to try to destroy their beliefs. They selected violent inmates to physically abuse practitioners. The torture includes sleep deprivation, electro-shocks, forcing batons and pepper into the practitioners' vagina's, force-feeding with human excrement, forcing the body into awkward positions for prolonged periods of time, and solitary confinement.
Facts about the Persecution of Mr. Yang Lidong at the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-04On February 8, 2002, local police from Tuanjie Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Yang Lidong, who is from Songyuan City, Jilin Province, after they ransacked his house. Yang was brutally beaten and tortured and sentenced to two years of "reform through forced labour" because he would not give up his belief. He was sent to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province on February 11, 2002.
Atrocities in Baoding Forced Labour Camp: Beating Practitioners with Wooden Bats and Electric Batons, Severely Shocking a Male Practitioner's Genitals
2004-08-03On the afternoon of July 29, 2003, the Baoding Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province carried out a so-called "test" for Falun Gong practitioners. Many guards grabbed wooden bats and electric batons to carry out this "examination." The exam questions were created to slander Dafa. When Dafa practitioners answered questions, if they did not answer with the stipulated "standard" answers, the guards used the electric batons to threaten them to revise their answers. If one did not revise their answer, the guards would use electric batons to shock him or wooden bats to beat their abdomen and chest.