Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Beijing Special Collection II: University Student Expelled for His Practice of Falun Gong Exposes the Persecution He Faced in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2004-09-11Mr. Gong Chengxi, 25, was a former undergraduate student in his senior year, majoring in Administration and Management at the Changping College of the Beijing Politics and Law University. He was from Urumqi, Xinjiang Province. He had been an outstanding student at school who excelled both in academics and personal conduct. He was elected the student association president and the class leader. The school expelled him after the persecution started.
Ministry of Public Security Plots Large-scale Secret Arrests of Practitioners
2004-09-11It has been learned that since July 20, the Ministry of Public Security has been plotting a new plan to mass-arrest Falun Gong practitioners nationwide. The arrests, however, are intended to be done in secret without publicizing the events as usual. In Anshan City, Liaoning Province, local authorities have been following practitioners, and have conducted secret arrests of anyone who practises Falun Gong. So far, over thirty practitioners have been arrested.
Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp Deprives Falun Gong Practitioners of Their Basic Human Rights (Photo)
2004-09-09The labour camp has a rule stating, "Each team has to go to the toilet together at night." If someone felt unwell and could not get up to accompany the group, the rest would not be allowed to go to the toilet either. Once at night, several practitioners had a fever caused by the persecution and could not get up. Even so, guard Zhang Xiaodan refused to let us use the toilet. The practitioner who needed to go to the toilet had to stand outside the toilet and wait. The ninth team guard made a rule for people to get up at 4:00 a.m. to go to the toilet together.
The Appeal Letter of Ms. Wei Jianyu, a Lecturer at Fujian Institute of Technology
2004-09-09"I have never broken any laws, but because I have been practising Falun Gong and persisting in my belief in the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," I was detained illegally, my home was ransacked, and I was sentenced to prison and tortured. I have been living in a nightmare without having done anything wrong. Now I am filing a complaint about the persecution to the related departments. I appeal to your conscience and ask for an investigation so that a judgment in justice can be made."
Inner Mongolia Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Zichen Has Been Sent to Labour Camps Three Times
2004-09-08Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Zichen from Wudongfang, Huolinguole City in Inner Mongolia is 38 years old. He has experienced frequent illegal imprisonment and persecution during the course of the past several years. We do not know if he is alive or dead or what his current condition is. The following are all the details about Liu Zhichen we were able to gather now.
Falun Dafa Rescued Me from the Sea of Bitterness while the Persecution Launched by Jiang Pushes Me Towards the Abyss
2004-09-07In the two years since I have returned home, the joints in my body have become swollen and painful. I cannot take care of myself. Even so, the police officer who is in charge of our local area and the people from the Xibozi Residential Committee often come to harass me.
Ms. Liu Chengyan is in Critical Condition after Holding a Five Week Hunger Strike at Fushun Detention Centre of Liaoning Province
2004-09-05The Fushun City Detention Centre is located in Nangou, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Many Falun Gong practitioners were previously detained there, and were later sent to various prisons after being illegally sentenced. Ms. Meng Yan and Ms. Ji Baozhen were among such practitioners.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part V
2004-09-03The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This series of reports exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Kaifeng City Practitioner Li Xiaocui Describes the Persecution She Experienced
2004-09-03I'm Li Xiaocui, a female Falun Dafa practitioner from Henan Province. Because I was determined in Falun Dafa, the authorities sentenced me to three years of forced labour. Over four years of brutal torture has caused both my feet and legs to become chronically numb, swollen, and painful. Although I was not killed by the abuses, I am disabled and unable to work. My husband, terrified by my arrest and detention, died three years ago due to mental anguish. Now I only have a lonely daughter at home, who is suffering from the harm inflicted on our family.
The Torture and Cruelty Suffered by Lu Caixia and her Family
2004-09-02Since July 20, 1999, the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong by the Jiang Zemin regime, her family has suffered a great deal. Her brother was choked to death during force feeding torture. Her younger sisters were sentenced to prison and forced labour camp. Her son was cruelly tortured to the brink of death. Ms. Lu was dismissed from her job at the school and was detained many times. The following is the story of Ms. Lu and her family.
Slave-Like Conditions in Shizishan Forced Labour Camp, Wuhan City
2004-09-02When I was jailed in the Shizishan Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan City, I personally experienced its slave-like conditions. In that camp, the imprisoned practitioners suffer physical and mental torture, economic exploitation, and personal humiliation. Of the four squadrons in the camp, the second and third each jailed several hundred Falun Gong practitioners. Camp authorities forced the prisoners to make tinfoil sheets by hand, which is harmful to one's health. The finished products are for overseas markets.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part IV
2004-09-01The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This series of reports exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Death Quota at Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp Enables Authorities to Abuse Dafa Practitioners without Fear of Punishment
2004-09-01It is said that Guanshanzi Forced Labour Camp is a quarry located in Changtu County. As soon as the practitioners were sent there, their heads were covered with a quilt and they were beaten with a big stick until they fainted. Then high-pressure water tubes were inserted into their anuses and they were tortured until they became ill with vomiting and diarrhoea.
Former Manager of Chinese Construction Bank Chen Guanghui in Critical Condition Due to Abuse Received While in Police Custody
2004-09-01Mr. Chen Guanghui is 38 years old. After graduating from Nanjing University, he was appointed as the manager of Lianyungang Division of the Chinese Construction Bank and the vice director of the computer section. He was a diligent worker, well known throughout the bank and always willing to help others. Mr. Chen started practising Falun Gong in 1995. Since 1999, Chen Guanghui has been repeatedly subjected to persecution. On September 12, 2002, the Baixia District Court in Nanjing City illegally sentenced him to 8 years in jail.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labour Practices Inside Chinese Labour Camps Part III
2004-08-31The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This series of reports exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.