Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Beijing Policemen's Brutality: Stripping Female Practitioners Naked, Putting Them In Snow, Burning Their Private Parts with Cigarettes
2004-05-21"One practitioner who was interrogated during the daytime on the second day was a girl about 20 years old. After she came back from interrogation, her clothes were messed up and her hair was dishevelled. She seemed to have changed into another person, and she was seriously hurt physically and mentally. I asked another practitioner what had happened to the girl, and she said, "The police took off all of her clothes and forced her to sit in the snow for 2-3 hours. The most evil thing was that the policemen ordered drug-addicts and prostitutes to burn her private parts with lit cigarettes..." This practitioner was overcome with grief and could not continue to describe the torture that happened to the young girl."
A Sixty-Year-Old Grandmother Is Persecuted and Has No One to Help Her
2004-05-17In Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, there is a 60-year-old grandmother who has had money extorted from her, who has been illegally imprisoned, persecuted, and harassed just because her family practises Falun Gong. Her son was sent to a forced labour camp, and she was left to look after her two young grandsons. With no one to help her, she went to various governmental departments every day to ask for help, but she was met with only verbal abuse and sarcasm.
Hongye Group Cooperates with Labour Camp in Shandong Province to Exploit the Slave Labour of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-05-16Shandong Province's Changle Forced Labour Camp made several efforts to get a contract with the Hongye Group. The Hongye Group is a Chinese-American joint venture that produces hand-woven rugs and exports them to the U.S. The labour camp authorities force Dafa practitioners to weave rugs in a heavily polluted environment. The practitioners have to work more than twelve hours a day, and they barely have time to take a bath or wash their clothes. The intense work and terrible food dramatically damages practitioners' health, and they have become weak and emaciated. On top of that, they often suffer brutal torture from the police.
Illegal Agencies Established to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in the Shengli Oilfield, Shandong Province (Photos)
2004-05-16The "610 Office" directed Shengli Oilfield to hold three brainwashing classes. Since 2000, these classes have been used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale. Dafa practitioners are abducted and held for long periods of time at these classes, and forced to watch and listen to Dafa-defaming materials. They are forced to write the "Three Statements" to renounce their belief in Dafa, their salary is reduced or withheld from them, they are beaten, some are sent to mental hospitals, some are force-fed, sent to additional brainwashing classes in Wangcun, sent to forced labour camps, and the authorities assert pressure on their families.
Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp Enslaves Practitioners, Forcing Them To Produce Traffic Control Batons and Toothpicks
2004-05-13In Changlinzi Labour Camp, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, the Dafa practitioners who have better eyesight are forced to weld together traffic control batons used by traffic police. The batons are exported to South Korea. Practitioners with worse eyesight are forced to make toothpicks. The labour camp forces them to work 16-17 hours a day. Those who can't work as fast end up having to work day and night.
UK Falun Gong Practitioner Xie Weiguo: My Fiancée Zhu Yongjie's Situation is Very Worrying
2004-05-11In the UK, Falun Gong practitioners have collected over twenty thousand signatures appealing for the release of Zhu Yongjie, Zhu Baolian, He Jian and other UK practitioners’ family and friends persecuted and detained in China. In China there are many other practitioners like Zhu Yongjie who are investigated by the Ministry of State Security. Their situations are of great concern. Only when more people stand up for the end of this persecution can the situation fundamentally improve.
Details Regarding Death of Heilongjiang Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Sun Yuhua
2004-05-10On January 14, 2004, Dafa Practitioner Ms Sun Yuhua was arrested near Harbin No.3 Electric Power Engineering Company and her home was ransacked and valuables were confiscated. Later that day her 18 year old daughter was also arrested. For four continuous days after Sun Yuhua and her daughter were taken to the Police Department, the police tried to extort a confession by painful torture. Sun Yuhua held a hunger strike to protest against the unlawful persecution and detention. In response she was forcibly fed a high concentration salt solution. After 55 days of such persecution, the once healthy Sun Yuhua died on March 8.
Shocking Report on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-10Since August 2000, Baimalong Female Forced Labour Camp has used all kinds of methods to torment Falun Gong practitioners both mentally and physically. These methods include segregated, forced brainwashing, illegally extended forced labour terms, various types of corporal punishment such as hanging, shocking with electric batons, restricted toilet use, long-time sleep deprivation, confinement in solitary compartments, and other tortures and abuses of human rights.
Barbaric Acts by Staff at Baoding Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-10Mr. Zhang Qingchun is a Falun Gong practitioner in his 50's. On April 5, 2003, Mr. Zhang refused to put on the inmate's uniform at Baoding Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province, because he had not committed any crime. Mr. Zhang was handcuffed to the rails of the staircase for three days and two nights as punishment. What followed was even worse. Guards beat him ruthlessly. Because Mr. Zhang tried to avoid their punches, they pressed his body against the ground and kept shocking him with an electric baton until the battery ran out. By the time they were finished, they had made more than 20 visible burn marks on Mr. Zhang's body. Even to this day, Mr. Zhang is still suffering from the impact of the torture on his lower back.
Shayang City Prison in Uses Slave Labour to Assemble Christmas Lights for Export to the U.S.
2004-05-09Fanjiatai Prison in Shayang City, Hubei Province, forces the prisoners to work long hours under slave labour conditions, assembling products for export. This prison has many contracts with companies in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Fujian. It has been learned that many products manufactured in Fanjiatai Prison are regularly destined for export to western countries.
Chaoyanggou Labour Camp Guards Threaten to "Transform" Dafa Practitioners At All Costs
2004-05-09The police officers from Chaoyanggou Labour Camp asked all Falun Gong practitioners to gather together. The police officers said to us, "there is a nationwide campaign against Falun Gong, requiring 95% of the practitioners to 'transform' [renounce one's belief in Falun Gong and state that Jiang's campaign against Falun Gong is correct]. That is, whether you agree or not, even if you lie, you will have to write statements of 'repentance, renouncing and denouncing'. We then have to turn these written statements in to higher officers; otherwise we will be fired. Whether you want to sign a statement or do not want to, you will be made to write these statements anyway. Any means can be applied to you including beating you to death. This is a dictatorship."
Lecturer Li Xianghong Sentenced to Eleven Years in Prison
2004-05-09Ms. Li Xianghong is about thirty-seven years old. She was a teacher in the Xinjiang Engineering Institute in Xinjiang Province. She was arrested and detained several times. In order to let more people know the truth about Dafa and persecution, realize the lies and awaken their righteous thoughts, Li Xianhong printed and distributed truth clarification materials. In March 2003, she was arrested by police and sentenced to eleven years in prison. She was sent to the Xinjiang Second Prison. At present she is in the process of appealing.
Practitioner Cui Yaning's Life in Imminent Danger at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-08Ms. Cui Yaning has been illegally detained and abused in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Because of her poor health, she was sent to the Internal Masanjia Hospital. A checkup revealed extremely low blood pressure and an abnormal electrocardiogram. Supervisor Zhang Xiurong knew about the situation but lied, saying that Yaning had no problems and was in good health, refusing to release her. Currently Cui Yaning's life is in imminent danger, but prison guards paid no heed to this and simply locked her up in a small solitary cell.
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured Mercilessly in the Shanxi Female Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-08The authorities at the Shanxi Xindian Female Forced Labour Camp are severely torturing Falun Dafa practitioners in an attempt to make them renounce their beliefs. Upon arriving at the labour camp, each practitioner is immediately monitored by two prisoners. They are not allowed to speak to other practitioners. Elderly practitioners are both mentally and physically tortured the entire day. They aren't allowed to rest, and are being treated inhumanely.
Slave Labour and Disguised Extortion in Detention Centres in Hubei Province
2004-05-05Detention centre guards in Wuhan, Hubei Province force detainees to do slave labour in their prison cells. For example, in Xiangfan City No. 1 Detention Centre, they force the detainees in their cells to produce medicine boxes, and to assemble elementary and preschool textbooks. The detention centre enforcers also collect tainted money. Not only do the slave labourers not get a single penny; but on top of that, some detainees are forced to pay 20 Yuan in "accommodation and meals fees" for each day they are locked up.