Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yulan from Nanjing City Enrages People in the Local Community
2004-04-13Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yulan, the local community director in Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province, was arrested at the end of 2000. People went to the local police station and angrily questioned police. "Why did you arrest Zhang Yulan? For seven years, she has volunteered to wash clothes and bed covers for those old people who didn't have children to take care of them." The police answered, "It's an order from the higher authorities. She practises Falun Gong." Zhang Yulan was sentenced to seven years in jail in August 2002 and is still detained at Nantong City Prison of Jiangsu Province.
Shanghai City "Law Education School:" An Isolated Prison Used to Torture and Brainwash Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-11Although Shanghai City Law Education School is called "law education," all the means and tactics used there are unconstitutional and shameful. In actuality, it is a place used specifically to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners. Dong Naiqian, a Shanghai "610 Office" is a leading person stationed in the brainwashing centre. He clamoured, "I am just evil. I am living very well. You can do nothing to me."
More Facts about the Death of Lawyer Li Jian Due to Beatings and Excessive Slave Labour
2004-04-10Mr. Li Jian was a lawyer from Henan Province. Because he refused to give up Falun Gong, the No. 3 Forced Labour Camp of Henan Province tortured him repeatedly. After a long hard day of slave labour and beatings, worn out, Li Jian said on the way back to another practitioner, " I really cannot stand this anymore. They want to torture me to death." He died on April 26, 2002.
Academy of Science Graduate Student Hong Wei Is Secretly Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison
2004-04-10In the summer of 2003, Mr. Hong Wei, a graduate of Beijing University and a graduate student at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Microbiology Institute, was secretly sentenced to ten years in prison for allegedly "disturbing the public order." He is currently jailed in a Chongqing City prison. The authorities manipulated Mr. Hong's relationship with his long widowed father, by twice making his father travel to Beijing in order to pressure him to renounce Falun Gong. This caused the elder Mr. Hong to become ill from worry and stress.
The Story Behind Making China's "Sanitary" Chopsticks -- Exposing Slave Labour Practices Inside Chinese Labour Camps (Part Three)
2004-04-09Methods of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners not only include cruel torture but also forcing high intensity labour in Changchun Heizuizi Female Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province. Overworking practitioners is a method used by the officials of the Camp to break down Falun Dafa practitioners physically and mentally. For example: each person processing the masks is required to finish 500 pieces per day when it is only possible to do about 300. It is impossible to finish. Any practitioner who doesn't finish the unreasonable quota, is punished and beaten. So, the curses and the threats happen every day.
The Misfortunes of My Good Family
2004-04-09My family was previously very happy. But then the claws of the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners reached my family and would let go. My father previously was diagnosed with a cerebral hemorrhage and blood vessel abnormality, and he died when I was in grade four. He left my mother and me alone, and my mother was very sad.
Yoko Kaneko's Submission to the UN
2004-04-08"In the Police Hospital, the police tried to force me to give up my belief. They handcuffed me to a bed. The handcuffs were so tight that my wrists bled. They not only inserted a tube through my nose into my stomach for force-feeding but also used a catheter so that I would not go to the toilet. At that time, I was menstruating. They put me on a plastic sheet with my lower body naked and exposed. When I was finally released from the bed, the skin on my entire back was in a state of putrefaction."
Female Practitioner Detained Seven Times In Two Years While Two Family Members Passed Away
2004-04-06"I am a female Falun Gong practitioner, and I am 52 years old this year. Since I started to practise Falun Gong I was arrested seven times, and I lost two family members in those two years. Because my son and I were arrested at the same time, my mother fell ill due to excessive worry. After we were arrested, my husband suffered from cerebral hemorrhage, so no one was left to take care of my mother. Later my father also passed away while I was imprisoned.
Woman Dafa Practitioner: "The Brutal Force Feeding and other Tortures I Suffered in Harbin Criminal Department and Wanjia Hospital"
2004-04-04" I was deceived into going to the Wanjia Hospital, where I was held for a total of four months and five days and suffered inhuman torture. Since the day I was arrested, I had refused to eat and drink in order to protest the illegal detention. The police sent me to the hospital where I was forcefully injected with a drug that disrupted my mental faculties. Officer Wang said to me, "So you're not eating. OK, this is how we deal with you: force-feed! We don't care if you die from force-feeding. You know that many people have died from force-feeding. But they die in vain. No one cares!" "
Announcement by China Mental Health Watch: Investigating Mental Torture and Misuse of Mental Institutions in the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-04-03Ever since the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners began on July 20, 1999, the media and human rights organisations around the world continuously reported on the Chinese Government's cruelty towards Falun Gong practitioners, including psychiatric abuse. According to incomplete data, about 1,000 healthy Falun Gong practitioners were forcibly sent to mental institutions, and many were forcibly injected with psychotropic drugs. They received forced electro-shock and some were tied up and force-fed for long periods of time. At least 10 practitioners died from this type of maltreatment. Many of these practitioners were held in hospitals for as long as two and a half years. At least ninety mental institutions in China participated in this particular part of the persecution.
Practitioner Xin Minduo's Personal Account of Being Severely Persecuted (Photo)
2004-04-03It is very risky for me to write this letter, and I am not writing for my personal gain. I wish to let you understand the truth about the persecution. After this tribulation of being in the labour camp, I went back to my workplace. I saw the fear of my supervisors of being implicated. Also, my colleagues cursed me, which hurt me deeply. I see the twisted hearts of the people who are deceived by the lies. These lies only hurt those who believe in them. There are also many people who know the evil of this persecution. They appear to be very apathetic. Nowadays, some Chinese really do not understand people who insist on defending the truth with their lives.
Non-Practitioner Witness: Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Shumin Dies As a Result of Persecution
2004-04-02The Dafa practitioners that I know are all kind and wise. I have seen the persecution against practitioners. You could say that it was brutal murder. I think there must be a lot of practitioners being detained across the country, and there must be a lot of people like me being sentenced to forced labour, jailed or detained together with Dafa practitioners, and there must be a lot of policemen or judges who have handled cases dealing with practitioners. We are all witnesses to this persecution against Dafa practitioners. No matter how the persecutors have been beautified on TV or in the newspaper, with their crimes being covered up, and no matter how they deceive with lies people who don't know the facts, and defame the founder of Falun Gong and his practitioners, everything will one day be exposed and the facts will be revealed.
Jiang Zemin's Persecution Against an Entire Family of Dafa Practitioners: Father and Son are Tortured to Death in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2004-04-02After March 5, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners from Changchun City successfully tapped into a cable TV system to broadcast the truth about the abuses occurring throughout China. The police conducted large-scale arrests throughout the Province. More than 5,000 practitioners were arrested in Changchun City alone. A perpetrator of the persecution, Wang Yunkun, went to the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp on April 6 to arrange for the purchase of large quantities of electric batons, torture devices, monitoring equipment and electrified wire nets. The Financial Bureau also went to the labour camp and allotted more funds to build buildings and to give bonuses to the police. Ever since then, the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp has become a concentration camp specializing in the persecution of Falun Gong.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Huang Xiangwei on the Verge of Death after 100 Day Hunger Strike in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2004-04-01In an attempt to force Mr. Huang to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa, the police in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp took turns jogging while dragging Mr. Huang, who was already paralysed and in a weakened condition, on the ground in the courtyard. Mr. Huang's pants were soaked in blood from this torture. Afterwards, Mr. Huang started a hunger strike to protest the torture and his illegal incarceration. As of March 27, 2004, Mr. Huang has been on the hunger strike for nearly 100 consecutive days and is now on the verge of death.
Dalian Dafa Practitioners Injected with Harmful Drugs at the Lushun 215 Mental Hospital
2004-04-01Since the Jiang regime first began the suppression of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, they have abused their power by mobilising their propaganda machine to slander and defame Falun Dafa. They have utilised judicial systems, army troops and all other dictatorial resources to persecute Falun Gong. On that July 20, we went to the Appeals Office in Dalian City to make an appeal for Falun Dafa. On July 21, various police personnel, such as Dalian policemen, anti-riot police and military police, all began beating us. They used electric batons and wooden nightsticks to violently beat all practitioners, regardless of whether they were young, old, male or female.