Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
"Hanging a Barrel" -- A Torture Method Used by the Dalian Police to Persecute Dafa Practitioners (Illustration)
2004-06-28"Later, the police drove me to a remote location to continue to abuse me. They found some hard and strong nylon rope that is used specifically for the boating and fishing industry. They suspended the rope from a roof-level heater pipe and hung me up, with both arms tied, and poured water over my face. The police then located two plastic rectangular "barrels" full of water, each able to hold about 40 to 50 jin [approximately 45 to 55 lbs.]. They said, "Since your are female, we will fill them slightly less." I was tired and in pain, carrying two barrels of water which weighed almost 100 lbs., across my shoulder."
Slave Labour in Chinese Forced Labour Camps: The Inside Story
2004-06-28"I am a Dafa practitioner forced to work in a prison in China. Throughout these years I have faced a brutal reality and have witnessed countless inhumane incidents and circumstances inside the prison. After seeing the investigative report published on about the Chinese forced labour camps producing products using slave labour, I decided to make public some of the facts inside the prison where I work."
Shizishan Labour Camp for Drug Addicts in Hubei Province Stages TV Shows to Deceive the Public
2004-06-27One afternoon in May of 2001, a show was staged and filmed by the Shizishan Labour Camp for Drug Addicts in Hubei Province. Ms Liu Shengli, who had given up her belief in Dafa under duress, was putting on an act talking with Dafa practitioner Ms Deng Taoying as if she was concerned about her. At the same time, Ms Yan Ting, who had also been forced to give up her belief in Dafa, was pretending to talk to her mother on the telephone in Shandong Province. After editing and dubbing, the videotapes were made into a special TV news programme to show how Shizishan Labour Camp "cares, educates, helps and saves" Falun Gong practitioners.
Interview with Zhao Ming in Vienna
2004-06-26Zhao Ming is a former post-graduate student of Computer Science at Trinity College, Dublin. He now resides in Ireland as a refugee. Because he practises Falun Gong he was unlawfully arrested when he went back to China for Christmas in 1999. Zhao Ming was imprisoned for twenty two months and suffered unimaginable torture daily. In March 2002 he was released from prison and he returned to Dublin. Ever since then he has been informing the international community about the unlawful persecution in China.
Canadian Citizen's Mother is Abducted and Taken for Brainwashing in Wuhan, Hubei Province
2004-06-26Police in Hubei Province abducted Ms. Li Guangzhen in March of this year. Ms. Li is the mother of Canadian citizen Mr. Xiao Jin. She was abducted because someone reported her to the police for appealing against the persecution of Falun Gong. After North American media exposed the abduction of Ms. Li Guangzhen, her situation received widespread attention. However, the public outcry from the international community fell on deaf ears. Ignoring the appeals, the "610 Office" forced Ms. Li Guangzhen to attend a brainwashing class that slandered Falun Gong.
Elderly Practitioner Suffers a Fractured Spine from Beatings Received at the Tuanhe Labour Camp
2004-06-26Dafa practitioner Mr. Qian Shiguang is in his 60's and from Lanzhou city, Guansu province. Recent reports revealed that Mr. Qian Shiguang was beaten at the Tuanhe labour camp in October 2003, and suffered a fracture to his spine. He was then sent to the Tuanhe Hospital (a hospital affiliated with the labour camp). There it was found that his injury could not be repaired leaving him unable to care for himself.
Brutal Torture Methods Used on Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp (Illustrations)
2004-06-25The iron cage at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp is about 1.5 meters tall, 70 centimeters in width and about 1 meter in length. A person is unable to stand up straight. He must bend his back and lower his head. The police guards handcuff the practitioner's hands to the top of the iron cage; therefore the practitioner can neither stand straight up nor squat down. One can only do a half squat. It does not take long for the muscles to be stressed and sore in this excruciatingly position. The practitioner is handcuffed and held in this position 24 hours a day.
The Atrocities Committed Behind the Walls of the Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp
2004-06-25At the end of January 2002, we were sent to the Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province. The local policemen who escorted us had stolen from our bank accounts two month's worth of food costs as well as the full cost for sending us to the labour camp. They transferred any remaining money to the labour camp itself. After deducting a physical exam fee, a labour camp uniform fee, a so-called "rental of living necessities" fee (for bed sheets for example), and other expensive costs, the labour camp deposited what was left of our money into an account.
Public Statement of Nanhua University Lecturer Zhang Peng After Receiving an Unlawful Ten-Year Prison Sentence
2004-06-23"My name is Zhang Peng. I am a 29 years old, male, living in Hunan Province and I was a lecturer in the Electric Engineering Department, Nanhua University. In February of 2001 I was abducted in Changsha City. I was tortured, coerced and framed. On November 2, 2001, they convened a "court session" for Ding Shikun, Li Xuexian and me. On the 9th, a so-called "court verdict" sentenced me to ten years; Ding Shikun was given a nine- year sentence and Li Xuexian was given seven years because we refused to give up practising Falun Dafa.
Primary School Teacher Ms. Li Huiping's Family is Destroyed Due to the Persecution
2004-06-23Ms. Li Huiping, a primary school teacher in Yunnan Province was forced to leave her job in 2002 and was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labour. The day after she was arrested her husband Bao Weiyuan was ordered to sign a "Notice for Interrogation." Mr. Bao refused and said, "You arrested and detained my wife for no reason, which infringes upon the fundamental human rights of a citizen and violates the Constitution." About ten days later he was found dead at home. Now, her only son, who suffers from several illnesses, is left at home and nobody is taking care of him.
Anhui Province Police Department Terrorises Family
2004-06-23"On July 2, 2002, people from the Police Department in Haozhou City, broke into my office. They took me to the Longhua Hotel and tried to force me to confess that it was illegal to talk about Falun Gong and the persecution to others. They continued to persecute my family and me for 6 days and finally sentenced me to 5 years in prison. My husband was terrified and shocked. Even though it has been a year now, he is still badly traumatized. My daughter was traumatized mentally and physically. She cried the whole day after she got home and often woke up from nightmares."
Practitioner Ms Zhao Shurong from Bozhou City Lists the Crimes of Local Persecutors
2004-06-23"On March 20, 2002, I was walking on the street when officials from the District Political and Judiciary Committee grabbed my mobile phone from me and threw me into a police van. They took me to a Police Station, where they handcuffed me for at least four hours and then sent me to Bozhou City Custody Centre for months of detention. On June 12 of that year, they sent me again to the custody centre. I have been continuously held since then, suffering terrible brutalities"
Dafa Practitioner Qiu Liying is in Critical Condition, Authorities at the Hedong Police Station Still Refuse to Release Her
2004-06-21Dafa practitioner Qiu Liying from Shijiazhuang city has been on a hunger strike for over 40 days to protest her illegal detention. Her breathing and pulse have become very weak. Since May 22, Qiu Liying's muscles have been cramping, and her life is constantly in danger. Following the orders of his superiors, the director of the Hedong police station, Su Wenxing, still refuses to release her. The police officers there added false accusations and trumped-up charges to her and other practitioners police records in an attempt to illegally sentence them to forced labour terms.
Behind the Pleasant Facade: Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured and Used as Slave Labour at Labour Camp in Henan Province
2004-06-20From the outside, the No. 3 Forced Labour Camp in Henan Province is a pleasant looking place. Officials will tell you how well the prisoners are treated and how the staff "educate inmates, use persuasion to help the inmates change, and how the inmates are remedied." However, insiders and the people that have been held there have an entirely different view. From a folk rhyme that is circulating in the area, we can get a sense of what the place is really like. "The Labour Camp is a demon's training barracks. I'd rather spend three years in jail than one day in the No. 3 Forced Labour Camp."
Getting Out of Police Station With Firm Belief and Righteous Thoughts
2004-06-19"When I returned home on February 18, 2004, there were many policemen there. They confiscated many Dafa truth-clarification materials. Then, they forcefully took me to a Police Station in Qinhuangdao City. Police sergeant Wang said "It's time. Take out the rope." An officer gave him a piece of thin, green plastic rope. He said, "This rope is covered with many practitioners' blood." Two policemen constantly hit my arms. Wang yelled, "Tell me where you got the materials!" I replied, "I picked them up somewhere. I don't know anyone." The other policemen stopped hitting me. Wang called out, "Release her."