Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The Miserable Experience of Falun Dafa Practitioner and His Family
2003-02-06The daughter, who had never left her mother before, became sick, and developed a fever from thinking of her mother all the time. Her grandfather twice brought the little girl to Qinhuangdao City and they were twice denied their request to see her mother, practitioner Wang Shumei. The officials there claimed that if the grandfather did not take away the little girl, they would hire a baby sitter rather than release Wang Shumei.
Inside Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-06Dafa practitioners are often cuffed to the iron chairs or beds 24 hours a day, and are fed meagre portions of corn rolls and salted vegetables. Most of the practitioners detained in the mini-cells are cuffed to a bed even through the night. Sometimes, two hands were cuffed at the two sides of the bed frame for a whole night. Masanjia Forced Labour Camp tries every way to hide the existence of the hell-like mini-cells. This is the major spot where Dafa practitioners are tortured.
Fascist-Style Brainwashing Centre in the Capital of Hebei Province
2003-02-06In this brainwashing centre, the vicious people adopted a tactic of continuous torture around the clock, once for 7 consecutive days, once for 5 days and another for 4 days. One day Ms. Zhang was so exhausted that she fell on the floor and broke her teeth; she was bleeding all over. More viciously, because she refused to accept the brainwashing, they force-fed her with alcohol and forced her to step on a photo of Teacher Li.
Rampant Abuse of Dafa Practitioners in the Beijing Female Labour Camp
2003-02-05Some practitioners lost teeth due to brutal beatings. Some had their arms broken by beatings and became disabled. Some police used plastic shoe soles to beat practitioners' faces and mouths, leaving shoe marks all over their faces. They did everything in their power to torture Dafa practitioners and try to break their will.
Account of the Ill Treatment Suffered by an Imprisoned Practitioner
2003-02-04They used all kinds of tactics to try to shake my belief. They tied my arms and legs to the four corners of a bed so that I could barely move. It was very painful when they force-fed me every day in this position... They would then shamelessly say that it was all for my benefit.
Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing Attempts to Brainwash Practitioners
2003-02-04For those practitioners who had not studied the Fa [ the teachings of Falun Dafa] well, the "teaching assistants" would talk about the so-called philosophy of "the art of being a person," and put up a strong defence in favour of the dictator, using the Party's atheistic logic to fill the practitioners' brains.
Daily Screams from Torture at Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-03The Labour Camp authorities not only ignored the physical violence, but also encouraged such behaviour by rewarding the abusers. They handed out several thousand Yuan cash to the abusers for each "reformed" practitioner.
Experiences of Enslavement, Abuse and Torture in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-03Dafa practitioners are used for slave labour, performing exhausting work with very little rest. The slavedriver guard from the 4th Division forced us to work for at least 13 to 14 hours a day, even on national holidays and weekends.
The Ruthless Treatment Towards Dafa Practitioner in Hunnan Province No. 2 Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-03The labour camp hospital took an X-ray of He Yuanchao and found that his right arm had a compound fracture and required surgery, but the labour camp authorities denied him treatment, knowing full well that he faced a lifetime of disability if he were not treated. When he complained that his right arm hurt and could not function normally, the camp callously ignored the symptom, saying they saw nothing wrong.
Under Severe Torture at Shijiazhuang Forced-Labour Camp, Practitioner Ms. Li Huiqi Loses All Conscious Awareness
2003-02-02As soon as Li was sent to the labour camp, she started a hunger strike to oppose the evil persecution. During her hunger strike, her health was in a critical condition a few times. Her family also strongly requested to see her several times but their request was rejected each time.
Misery Experienced at the Tuanhe Labour Camp in Beijing
2003-02-01During this time I have heard, seen, and encountered so much that I now realize what it means to be persecuted and what darkness really is The police also placed a wooden rod against the back of my legs; two people then stepped on the rod and rocked back and forth. I was not able to walk normally for more than a month afterward. Such agonising torture!..If it were not for my faith in Dafa I dont know how I would have survived.
The Lives of Over A Thousand Dafa Practitioners in Shenyang City Dabei Prison are in Danger
2003-02-01Under the order from Jiang's regime, "Beating [Falun Gong practitioners] to death is nothing, it is counted as suicide." to date, among the Dafa practitioners I know personally, more than 10 have been tortured to death, and yet all their killers still remain at large and are continuing to commit crimes as they are lured by fame and gain. The following are some of their crimes:
Nobly Upholding Justice in Court
2003-02-01Falun Dafa practitioner Li Guiqin defended herself with the force of justice in the court, "Falun Dafa is a righteous cultivation way. Being a good person does not constitute guilt, and following 'Truthfulness, Benevolence, Tolerance' is not a crime. Your persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners is a criminal act.
Australian Falun Dafa Practitioner Nancy Chen To Return to Sydney Due To Successful Rescue Effort
2003-01-31Due to the joint efforts of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the "Nancy Chen Urgent Rescue Team," and many other concerned parties, Nancy Chen was finally released at about 10:30 a.m. on January 30, 2003 (Beijing time).
Forced Labour Camp Tortures Me to Disability for Practising Falun Gong But Fails To Move My Firm Heart (Part 2)
2003-01-31I was a healthy woman, but now I was disabled, skin and bones, with white hair. Whenever my colleagues came to visit, they were shocked, "You no longer look like a person in your early forties. They changed you into an old lady with their torture!" Seeing my appearance after being tortured, people would ask, "Is this the kind of 'caring and love' shown to Falun Gong practitioners in the TV programmes?"