Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Dafa Practitioners Sentenced to Thirteen Years in Prison
2002-11-26At the police station she was barely able to get out of the van, even with assistance. The next day Liu Mei had a headache, severe pain in her arms, legs, and pelvis, and was still extremely shaken. But for the next two days she was threatened, beaten and cursed by the First Department of the Dandong Police Department. Her husband Zhu Changming was hung up and beaten by the Criminal Police Team of Donggang City for six days.
Canadian Citizen Asks for Help in Rescuing His Nephew who was Kidnapped by Chinese Police
2002-11-25He actively clarified the truth of the persecution to everyone around him and encouraged them to clarify the truth, too. Unfortunately, the police illegally arrested him this March and his whereabouts are uncertain. It was said that he might be sentenced to serve in a forced labour camp for several years.
The Relentless Persecution of A Professor and Her Family in Chongqing City
2002-11-24He is suffering all kinds of tortures and is on the verge of death, but the police do not allow Gu Zhiyi to visit him. Gu Zhiyi has to raise the family alone, and take care of her disabled husband, sickly daughter and young grandson.
Chongqing "610 Office" Persecutes Dafa Practitioner Liao Lianhai and His Family
2002-11-24A policeman told Liao Xiaoqing, "You stay put. Your dad will be home in three days."...Four days later, she still did not see her father. The policemen had lied to her.
Police in Langfang Intensify Their Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners Before the Party's 16th Congress
2002-11-24Cao Baochen is still being held in a detention centre. His mother, who is over 80 years old, is left uncared for at response, local villagers have said, "What's wrong with doing an exercise practice? His son recovered from his illness after practising. Does that make someone guilty? Why tear a family apart for that?"
Three Years of Detention Cannot Change My Determination
2002-11-23Police officer Wang Lixin rushed in and kicked me to the floor, then hit both of us with a wooden rod about 2.5 centimetres thick and 80 centimetres long until it broke in half...the group head, Ding Wenxue, brought me to an office and punched me in the face repeatedly. My mouth was full of blood and my nose was bleeding. Afterwards, the pain was almost unbearable when I tried to eat...practitioner Cheng Wan's neck was covered with blisters after being shocked by electric batons, as parts of his skin and flesh were burnt.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted by the Changcheng Police Station in Jiangyou City
2002-11-22Having found out that an older practitioner (in her fifties) was clarifying the truth, they beat this old lady with electric batons, raising four dozen blisters on her body. Having guilty consciences for their criminal acts, when releasing this lady they asked her not to tell anybody what they had done. Afterwards they again brutally beat this lady, causing her to go deaf in one ear. Finally, they illegally sent her to a labour camp.
Brainwashing Centre in Zhangbei, Hebei Province Kidnaps and Brutalizes Pregnant Practitioners
2002-11-21Two of the female practitioners that were kidnapped and taken to the brainwashing center were pregnant. One of them was secretly sent to the Gaoyang Brainwashing Centre where she suffered all kinds of severe torture and abuse. She was beaten so badly that her cervical vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae were dislocated and she couldn't move...They then took her to a hospital and tried to force her to have a C-section. The doctor, however found three uterine tumours, and her life would have been in danger if a C-section was attempted.
"610 Office" Personnel Break the Arm of Cao Cha, An Excellent Teacher From Xinji City
2002-11-20The "610 Office" of Xinji City beat her up and interrogated her with brutal torture methods. Despite all the torture, Cao kept telling the policemen the truth of Falun Gong and gave them the chance to conduct themselves like human beings. However, having lost their human nature, these perpetrators became irritated and tortured Cao even more brutally to such an extent that they broke her arm.
Husband of a Falun Dafa Practitioner From Xinji City Tortured By the Local "610 Office"
2002-11-19The party secretary, who works closely with the Xinji City Public Security Bureau and the Xinji City "610 Office," proceeded to forcefully take Yin's husband Yang Zhanhui, a non-practitioner, into custody to torture and beat him continuously for two days and nights in an attempt to acquire information.
Changchun Detention Centre Collaborates with Township Health Clinic to Torture Dafa Practitioners with Brutal Force-Feeding
2002-11-19While performing force-feeding, he repeatedly and brutally inserted the tube into practitioners' mouths. Such force-feeding causes internal bleeding...
The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Jail No. 4 of Beijiao, Shijiazhuang
2002-11-18Those practitioners were then thrown into the solitary confinement cells, and were brutally beaten...They were put into the confinement cell, where they were under tight surveillance. The guards lashed them with a leather belt. The guards claimed, "As long as there is a chance that you will give up your belief in Falun Gong, it is worthwhile for us to beat your arms and legs until they are broken."
The "610 Office" in Xiantao City Sends Many Dafa Practitioners to Brainwashing Classes and Labour Camps
2002-11-18The "610 Office" thugs hired unemployed hoodlums with huge sums of money, to monitor, follow, and tap the telephones of practitioners. They also threatened the related work units and practitioners' relatives with high-pressure tactics and making use of the implication policy to massively search and arrest Dafa practitioners who were forced to live in exile to avoid further persecution.
An Individuals Shocking account of Torture by Prisoners in Yongchuan Prison
2002-11-17One day, they asked me to roll up my trousers to show them my wounds there. When they saw the wounds in my legs were festering, they asked me where I hurt most. I told them it was my right leg. Then they used bamboo stalks to hit my right leg. After the event, prisoner Zhou Chengbing told me in private, "Team Leader Liu said in order to reform you, it does not matter if we break one or two of your bones."
Gansu Province Courts Give Heavy Sentences to Nine Practitioners Who Arranged to Broadcast the True Situation of Falun Dafa on Cable TV
2002-11-16Practitioners were given sentences ranging from 10 to 19 years by the Chenguan District Court,Lanzhou City. They were sentenced for making Falun Dafa truth-clarifying VCDs and then broadcasting them via cable TV. The court did not notify any of the defendants' relatives about the trial.