Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Young Son Abandoned by Authorities: Mother Persecuted in Shandong Province Labour Camp
2003-02-20Think about what is happening. Look at how many young children in China have lost their mothers due to Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong. Kind-hearted people: our consciences will not let us stay silent any longer, for our friends and relatives are those who are suffering from this persecution. Let us work together to help save this young boy's mother!
Germany: Speaking Out for My Former Classmate, Wang Weiyu
2003-02-19In the September of 2000, I saw Wang Weiyu when I returned to China. At that time, he had been forced to leave school and become homeless. He told me his experience of visiting Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Gong and of being tortured in the police station. In August 2002, he was kidnapped in the company where he worked part time. To date, it is unknown where Weiyu is.
Harbin City's Women Prison Incarcerating and Torturing Nearly 400 Innocent Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-19Everyday the Education Section forces Falun Gong practitioners to watch and listen to Dafa-slandering videos and audios. They even circulate fabricated articles allegedly written by Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong, in order to mislead practitioners. Practitioners who refused to give up their beliefs were punished physically and tortured with excruciating means.
Violence Intensifies: Atrocities Against Dafa Practitioners at Suihua Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-18The policemen started to torture Dafa practitioners there. One after another, practitioners were singled out and beaten mercilessly by five to nine thugs. It was a bloodbath! More than 20 practitioners suffered from the torture. The thugs shocked Liu Zhikun with electric batons so brutally that his whole body was covered with blisters. His chest, and arms were badly burned. The excruciating torment he endured is beyond description.
Dafa Practitioner Brutally Force-Fed Under Duress in the Fushun City Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-18The labour camp adopts such cruel means to torture Dafa practitioners, yet they claim that what they do is for the good of practitioners. One of the prisoners who participated in the torture said, "It would be treated as an accident if I really beat you to death. I am still fine after beating seven or eight practitioners to death." Using abusive language, they threatened to beat Yuanlong to death.
Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp Torture Falun Dafa Practitioner to Wretched State of Paralysis and Mental Collapse
2003-02-17As a result of the torture, he suffered a mental collapse. His hands twitch and one eye bulges. He has great difficulty speaking, and is losing the ability to look after himself. A young man in the prime of his life reduced to this sorry state! In spite of all this, the police refuse to release him.
The Violence and Sub-Human Treatment I Experienced at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-16The evildoers are really afraid of being exposed for what they have done to Dafa practitioners. Once we heard that the higher authorities had requested to inspect Masanjia. The camp authorities made thorough preparations a few days in advance. They chose a few people who had been brainwashed and transformed who were easy to handle... Later, we learned that human rights organisations came for investigation. What they saw was all sham!
Female Dafa Practitioners Life in Grave Danger from Relentless Persecution in Changchun Women's Prison
2003-02-16This criminal even put a mop cloth into her mouth and rubbed very hard, causing a lot of blood blisters. Vindictive policemen also force-fed Mingwei salt and raw corn gruel through a thick tube every day. They left the tube inside her for a long time and handcuffed her limbs all the time so that she couldn't move an inch. This situation has lasted for over 3 months. Now Mingwei is extremely emaciated and weak, and her life is in grave danger.
3 Days of Hell Suffered by Practitioners in Huludao Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-16Since January 6th, all steadfast practitioners were forced into the torture room one by one. In the room were several dozen policemen and criminals. The perpetrators stripped off the clothing of every practitioner, leaving them covered only by their underwear. Against one practitioner in particular, they used more than 10 electric batons to simultaneously shock the practitioner. Every part of the body was shocked and ravaged, including the genital area.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Sentenced to Unjust 18 Years
2003-02-15In December 2002, he was put on trial and sentenced to eighteen years' imprisonment. Such an unjust sentence! His act was most courageous and selfless. His wish was to broadcast the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution to the Chinese people and to break through the propaganda that has shamefully deceived them for almost four years.
Practitioner Forced to Divorce by "610" Office
2003-02-15Not wanting to get implicated, she brought her three-year-old daughter with her to initiate divorces papers. The "610 Office" in the Gangcheng District and the court visited Junsheng in detention centre in order to compel him to sign the divorce papers, but he refused. Nonetheless the court still went through with the divorce procedures without his consent.
The Call of "Falun Dafa is Good!" Shocks and Restrains the Police in Daqing City Detention Centre
2003-02-15In the end, the police told the prisoners, "None of you could change them, so from now on, you should not beat them any more." As time passed by, the prisoners in the cell were all touched by their great compassion and tolerance and never again restrained them from practising the exercises anymore. Just like this, Aunties Liu and Wang practised the exercises every day with dignity.
Police at the Fushun City Labour Camp in Liaoning Province Savagely Torture Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-14A practitioner named Yao Yan became paralysed in his lower body after being forced to sit on the tiger bench for extended periods of time. Another gentleman, named Yao Shengdong, was tortured to the point of becoming mentally ill. There was also a family of three in which both the husband and wife practise Falun Gong. Their daughter does not practise, but because she tried to prevent the bad people from taking her parents away, she was also arrested.
Outrageous Ill-Treatment of Dafa Practitioners at Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp: Burying Them Alive
2003-02-13Police often pull practitioners out at midnight for this treatment. A pit is dug, the practitioner thrown into it, and then filled up to the practitioner's neck. Only the head remains unburied, sticking up above the soil. The heavy weight of the soil pressing down makes breathing very difficult. But the police do not stop there. They cover the practitioner's head with pieces of cloth so that passers-by cannot see that a human being is buried there.
Corrupt Police Traffic in Drugs and Torture Dafa Practitioners in Shanshui Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-13Within a few days after I was taken there, I found that drug addicts in the camp were buying and selling drugs. When meeting with visitors, the addicts are separated from the visitors by a glass plate. They talk to each other via telephone, under strict control. How could they obtain those drugs? Some practitioners reported the drug pushers to the police, but the police prohibited the practitioners from speaking out. Why? The police were involved.