Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The Hardships I Endured in Masanjia Labour Camp
2002-05-31Policeman Zhang Keshan said, "If you're going to die, don't die here (Jinzhou Linan Police Station). Go to the detention centre and die there..."
Secret Plan for Mass Arrests of Dafa Practitioners-"610 Office" in Jilin City, Holds Meeting
2002-05-31 -
Chinese Research Scientist Suffers Mental Breakdown: Tortured in Tuanhe Labour Camp
2002-05-31 -
Secret Concentration Camp Set Up to Detain Falun Gong Practitioners in Hubei Province: More Dirty Tricks from The "610" Office
2002-05-30Jail houses allow 2 hours of outdoor exercise while Falun Gong practitioners are not permitted to see sunlight all day long! Some of them (including grandmothers in their 60s) have not seen any sunlight for the entire winter season, more than 6 months.
The Brutal Violence I Witnessed in Beijing's Chaoyang Detention Centre
2002-05-29At the detention centre, several policemen forced us to squat down for a long period of time while a large policeman periodically kicked us in our backs. There were many elderly practitioners among us, and not even they were spared from this cruel treatment. When one of the female practitioners asked to change her 5-month-old baby's diaper, a policeman slapped her in the face.
Hewan Forced Labour Camp Humiliates Falun Dafa Practitioner - Shaving Eyebrows, Burning Fingers, and Exposing in Freezing Temperatures
2002-05-27 -
Officials in Changchun Heizuizi Labour Camp: "This is China; don't mention labour law to me here!"
2002-05-27 -
Personal Experience: I Was Illegally Sent to a Drug Rehabilitation Centre for 40 Days
2002-05-27During these days I spread Dafa to the drug addicts detained with me and clarified the truth to them...Someone said, "Those of you who practise Falun Gong are wonderful. Once I get out, I will never take drugs again and will practise Falun Gong together with you."
Letter Reporting on the Violence in the Labour Camps in Jilin Province
2002-05-26The guards would use despicable means, such as shocking practitioners' private parts with electric batons. The female guards would get drunk before starting to beat female Falun Dafa practitioners. Perhaps, because if they did not drink so much, they would not have been able to be so brutal.
Universities Send Professors to Labour Camp for Belief in "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance"
2002-05-23Who would have thought that in such prestigious academic establishments such as the Qinghua and Beijing Universities, professors would be arrested and sent to forced labour camps only for their belief in "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance."
Shizishan Labour Camp Officials Add Heroin to Dafa Practitioners' Food
2002-05-22The guards in Shizishan Forced Labour Camp instructed criminals to put poison in Dafa practitioners' food. After eating a biscuit one practitioner felt pain, and was cold and light-headed. These people also added heroin to Dafa practitioners' food.
Wishes for Mother' s Day--To All the Mothers Suffering in Jail for Practicing Falun Dafa
2002-05-18 -
A Trial of Strength between Violence and Belief --- My Twenty-six Days in Prison
2002-05-18[...] Through these twenty six days of tribulation, I deeply understood that with purity and understanding there is nothing that cannot be achieved.
Crimes against Falun Dafa Practitioners Committed by the "610 Office"
2002-05-18 -
Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Zhongmin Brutally Tortured