Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Practitioner Mr. Wen Cunfu and His Family Members Arrested in Liaoning Province
2005-06-16Police broke into the home of Mr. Wen Cunfu and arrested Mr. Wen's practitioner son, Mr. Wen Jingsong, and took him to the Hongqi Town Police Station. The next morning, Mr. Wen took his three-year-old granddaughter, his wife, second daughter and daughter-in-law to the police station to ask for the release of his son. The head policeman responded by ordering other police to violently handcuff Mr. Wen. However he had his granddaughter in his arms and she was crying and screaming. The police grabbed the little girl's feet and forcefully pulled her away from Mr. Wen. The little girl's ankles and chest was injured, and she was in pain for many days. Mr. Wen, his son (Wen Jingsong), his daughter-in-law, and his second daughter were all sent to prison.
Ms Zhang Shufen From Heilongjiang Province Recalls Her Detention and Torture Experiences
2005-06-14Ms Zhang Shufen was imprisoned many times and suffered relentless torture and persecution. She recounts experiences in Harbin's Women's prison, " six people holding handcuffs in their hands jumped on me and began torturing me. They handcuffed my hands behind my back, with one hand over my shoulder and the other hand against my lower back. Jailed criminals held an electrical baton to torture me. They pushed me down onto the floor, sometimes with my face up, sometimes with my face down. They kicked and ruthlessly beat me. While beating me a criminal said, "This is precisely hell on earth.""
The Enslavement of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2005-06-12He Weicheng, a Falun Gong practitioner, was illegally sentenced to a forced labour camp in 2002 and detained in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. In July 2002, he was forced to do slave labour, producing various glass products for Zibo Jiaye Company. It was said that these products would be exported to the U.S., South Korea, and other countries.
Torture Methods Used in the Zhuzhou Women's Forced Labour Camp: "Five Horses Splitting the Body," "Hanging in the Air," and "Modelling in the Air"
2005-06-08"Inside Zhuzhou (Baimalong) Women's Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province, the persecutors tortured me with several of the torture methods at their disposal: "Five Horses Splitting the Body," "Up in the Air," "Modelling in the Air," etc. They were part of the so-called: "Educate and Save," "Re-Educate and Re-Save" and "Ideological Education Like Spring Showers and Breezes" programmes initiated by the purportedly lenient policies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."
A Dutch Practitioner’s Experience of Being kidnapped in China
2005-06-03They asked me many questions. I did not mind telling them my good experiences of practising Falun Gong. I told them all about it. But when they asked me specific things like the names of people, certain events or things I felt that could harm other people, I was not willing to tell them. They were not satisfied with my answers and they told me that I was not cooperating well.
56 Year Old Ms. Liu Yawen Arrested While Distributing Information, Amnesty International Starts Rescue Campaign
2005-06-03According to an announcement by Amnesty International of the United States, 56- year-old Ms. Liu Yawen was arrested on March 31 in Beijing when she was distributing Video CDs containing information about Falun Gong. She was detained in isolation and subjected to interrogation in a detention centre in Beijing. It is likely that she was also brutally tortured. We have learned that officials at the detention centre won't allow Ms. Liu's family members to visit her. In the meantime, officials from the neighbourhood committee and the police station went to search Ms. Liu's house.
The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners within the Chinese Military System
2005-05-31The Chinese Communist military organisation has played a major role in Jiang Zemin's regime's persecution of Falun Gong. During a political background check in a yearly recruiting effort, an army unit even requested each recruit to write three sentences to slander Li Hongzhi (the founder of Falun Gong) and Falun Gong, in order to discern whether or not one was a practitioner. If a potential recruit has any relatives who practise Falun Gong, he would be implicated and be subject to punishment. A young man from Sichuan Province was immediately removed from the draft because it was found that his mother was a practitioner.
Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province Sets up "Dark Cells" to Secretly Persecute Practitioners
2005-05-30"Dark cells" have been set up especially for the persecution of steadfast Falun Gong practitioners in Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp. The police designate two drug addicts to watch one practitioner in the cell, where the walls are covered with profanity smearing Falun Dafa and its founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi. The drug addicts demand that the practitioner read those words aloud, otherwise, they will beat her, force her to squat for a long time, or make her sit on a small stool for an extended time. If the practitioner refuses to follow their commands, she will be deprived of sleep or use of the toilet. If the practitioner goes on a hunger strike to protest, the criminal inmates will brutally force-feed her.
Officials at Henan Province Forced Labour Camp Order Practitioners to Make Pledges to CCP Flag
2005-05-29A Chinese Communist Party (CCP) flag has been hung up in each cell in the forced labour camp since August 2003. All practitioners were ordered to make pledges in front of it. Party members have threatened that the red flag will be painted with blood from anyone who refuses to comply. Officials have also ordered everyone to sing songs in praise of the CCP.
A Call for UN Refugee Agency and International Human Rights Organisations to Help Rescue Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Xinyi
2005-05-28Mrs. Zhang Xinyi and her husband were previously granted refugee status and were under the protection of the UN Refugee Agency in Cambodia. Nevertheless, the couple were deported back to China because she practises Falun Dafa. Then, on April 28, 2005, police officers from Hunan Province arrested Mrs. Zhang, ransacked her home and confiscated her passport. She is being held in a detention centre.
Husband and Wife Arrested in 2004 Secretly Sentenced to Nine Years In Prison
2005-05-28Husband and wife Mr. Deng Yulin and Ms. Chi Hongtao were secretly arrested in 2004 in the so-called "9-18 Midnight Terror" planned by the 610 Office . They were then secretly sentenced to a nine-year jail term. Their 11 year old child was left at home alone.
An Analysis of the Heavy Sentences Imposed by a Court in Beijing Against Ms. Chu Tong, Mr. Yu Chao and Mr. Wang Weiyu
2005-05-27The entire process used by the Chaoyang District Court of Beijing to try and deliver heavy sentences against Chu Tong, Yu Chao and Wang Weiyu was seriously flawed. Their arrest, prolonged detention, public prosecution and trial were based on unlawful applications of the law. None of the definitions of the nature of the "crimes", the investigation, the evidence, and the application of the laws followed proper procedures. This is a typical example of the Chinese Communist Party illegally manipulating the legal system in the persecution Falun Gong.
Arrested and Mercilessly Beaten by Multiple Policemen for Upholding My Belief in Falun Dafa
2005-05-27"I was arrested by the police when I went door to door to give out leaflets exposing the persecution. One policeman told me during the interrogation, "We are the machines of the CCP. If the CCP has us beat you then we will beat you." They also said that if the CCP orders them kill people, they would do it, because the CCP will give them money. They had no trouble getting my mouth to bleed during the beatings. As I used my hand to wipe the blood away, they forced my hand away from my mouth. They beat me to the point where I became dizzy and lost my eyesight."
One Hundred Days of Persecution at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-05-26"A police officer searched my home, found Falun Dafa books and leaflets exposing the persecution. I was arrested and sentenced me to two years in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. The police officer threatened, "The guards at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp are reincarnated ghosts from hell!" In Masanjia I had to endure intensive brainwashing. There were many consecutive groups, one after the other, who tried to brainwash me. I was forced to get up early and come to the classroom, where collaborators surrounded me and tried to confuse me with distorted ideas. Each day from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., except for meal times, they approached me in groups and tried to brainwash me, yet they could not "reform" me."
"I Am Still Alive!" -- Told By a Practitioner Recently Released From Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-05-26"My name is Xu Qingyan. I was recently released from the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. The Mansanjia Forced Labour Camp is just one of the concentration camps where Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted. I am still alive, although I was near death. I want to solemnly declare here that I am innocent, and not guilty of any charges levelled against me. I have been persecuted for my beliefs. I'd like to tell everyone all that I experienced in the forced labour camp during the past year."