Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Jiaohe City Officers Detain Nine Practitioners in Four Days
2011-08-21Seven practitioners were taken to brainwashing centres and two were taken to forced labour camps within four days, from August 1st-4th, in Jiaohe City, Jilin Province. Mr. Wu Dexiu and Mr. Wang Aiguo were taken to a forced labour camp to serve a one and a half year term on August 4th. They were arrested on July 20th, and interrogated by the Jiaohe Criminal Police Team officers under physical duress. Mr. Wu was arrested six times in the past. He was harassed often and had to leave his home. This is the third time he was sent to a forced labour camp.
Mr. Wang Zhige, Blinded in His Left Eye Due to Torture, Arrested Again
2011-08-20Mr. Wang Zhige was arrested at his home on July 28th. At the time, Mr. Wang was sleeping after working the night shift. The police ransacked his home and confiscated a computer, mobile phone, Falun Gong books, and other personal belongings. Mr. Wang is currently being held in the Yilan County Detention Centre. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. Mr. Wang has been detained and mistreated during the past twelve years. In 2005, he was tortured and force-fed by the Fangzheng County police, which resulted in blindness in his left eye. He later served three years in prison and was tortured in many different ways.
Ms. Li Yushu Tortured Daily in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2011-08-19Ms. Li Yushu, a 62-year-old practitioner from Mohe City, Heilongjiang Province, was sentenced to a 12-year prison term without due process in May 2002. She has suffered more than nine years of persecution in Heilongjiang Women's Prison. She was held in a small cell once and in an isolation cell six times. She has been resisting the persecution by hunger strike for almost seven years. She is emaciated now and suffers daily torture. Ms. Li recounted the torture she has suffered recently: "Guards kicked me, beat me and stomped on my body. They taped my mouth shut with duct tape and twisted my arms behind my back. They also cut off my shirt and trousers with scissors."
Ms. Zhang Ziqin from Gulin County, Sichuan Province, Recounts Her Suffering
2011-08-19Ms. Zhang Ziqin is a 55-year-old practitioner. Here is her personal account of the persecution she has suffered: "At the Gulin County Detention Centre guards held me down and injected me with unknown drugs. Afterwards, I felt chills all over and twitched uncontrollably for a long time. They also force-fed me with unknown substances. A guard beat me so hard that my whole face was burning with pain."
Wu Zhifang of Qianxi County, Hebei Province Detained
2011-08-19The police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Zhifang at home on July 6th. She was then sentenced to one year of forced labour on July 15th and taken to the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan city without her family knowing. Ms. Wu, 40s, started practising Falun Gong in 1999 before the persecution began on July 20th. Towards the end of 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. She was sent back by the National Security Team of Qianxi County, but was not detained because she was still breastfeeding at the time.
Several Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in Jilin Province
2011-08-18Several Falun Gong practitioners have been confirmed to be detained at Siping City Detention Centre in Jilin Province. Lin Liyan, Zhao Fenglan, and Wang Guizhen have been held for over three months, and family members have been denied visitation. They held a hunger strike to protest the persecution, demanding unconditional release. No further information has been released by the detection centre, even though the practitioners' lives are at risk. The only communication by detention centre employees has been to family members, demanding that they pay more money in fines.
Daughter Living Outside China Urges Chinese Court to Stop the Trial of her Mother
2011-08-18The Shenbeixinqu Court in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province is scheduled to hold a trial of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Min. The police are currently monitoring Ms. Wang around the clock. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have persecuted Ms. Wang many times. She was at one time imprisoned and persecuted in Dabei Women's Prison in Liaoning Province. When Ms. Wang's daughter, who lives outside China, found out that her mother would face another trial, she publicly urged the personnel from the police station, the Procuratorate, and the court not to be deceived by the CCP's lies. She asked them to stop the trial and release her mother.
Five Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia
2011-08-17Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Ren Suying and Ms. Yang Guizhi were sentenced to prison terms recently, while Mr. Yu Shulin, Ms. Ren Suxiang and Ms. Yang Guihua were given labour camp terms. A few days ago, Ms. Ren was sentenced to five years in prison and taken to the First Women's Prison of Inner Mongolia for further persecution. Ms. Yang Guizhi was the principal of Wujia High School in Yuanbaoshan District. She maintained her faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and was subsequently removed from her position, and then forced to work as a school gate guard. Finally, she was removed from her guard position for practising Falun Gong.
Disabled Practitioner Mr. Wang Anping Recounts the Persecution He Has Suffered Over the Past Twelve Years
2011-08-16After the nationwide persecution began on July 20th, 1999, I was arrested numerous times because I insisted on having my belief. My home was also ransacked many times. I was sent to a brainwashing facility, put into a forced labour camp three times, and fired from work. In Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp guards poured cold water on me in the winter. I had to sit motionless on a small plastic stool to do forced labour. If I moved a little, I would be beaten with a stick, leather belt, or electric baton. We started at 7:00 a.m. and finished at 6:00 p.m. We would be beaten whenever we slowed down a little.
Ms. Wang Jixiu, a School Teacher from Mengyin County, Shandong Province, Repeatedly Arrested and Tortured
2011-08-16On July 20th, two Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Jixiu and Mr. Zhang Mingxia, were arrested for practising Falun Gong. The police ransacked Ms. Wang's home, confiscated her personal collection of Falun Gong books, and took away her car. Ms. Wang was arrested in 2001 and sent to the forced brainwashing facility. A group of guards forced her left hand to the ground to make her squat on a pile of ashes, while they punched and kicked her in attempts to make her tell them whose home she had been hiding in. She was forced to squat on top of a pile of ashes in the middle of the winter throughout the night.
Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 610 Office Operates above the Law
2011-08-15One day in 2006, police broke into my house and ransacked it. They told my wife, “You have to come with us.” She asked, “Where are we going?” They replied, “To the police station.” They then forced us to go with them. I was taken to the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). One police officer asked, “Have you participated in any gatherings?” I said no. Then they sent me to a detention centre. After I was held for more than twenty days, the 610 Office agent told me, “You are being sent to a forced labour camp.” I asked, “Why? What evidence do you have that convicts me? On what legal basis do you send me there?” He would not answer my question directly but just sternly said, “Even if you do not say anything, we will still sentence you.”
Ms. Song Guixiang from Qingdao Arrested Again
2011-08-15On June 24th, 66-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Song went to the Jiaozhou City Police Department to request a visit to see her Falun Gong practitioner daughter, who had been sentenced to seven years in Jinan City Women's Prison, and to demand the release of her husband, who also pracises Falun Gong and was arrested on March 23rd. However, they refused to respond to her requests and she was pushed out of the building. Ms. Song started to shout, “Falun Gong is good,” in the yard of the police department. Police beat her and then dragged her into a police car. She was taken to Sanlihe Police Station.
Mr. Wen Zhiming from Liaoning Province Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison Without Due Process
2011-08-13Mr. Wen Zhiming is a Falun Gong practitioner from Suizhong County, Liaoning Province. He was secretly sentenced to seven years in prison by a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) court on July 12th. On April 26th, 2011, officers from the Suizhong County Police Department arrested Mr. Wen from his home and sent him to the Suizhong County Detention Centre. Mr. Wen's home was ransacked and his computer, printer, Falun Gong books and some personal belongings were confiscated.
Crimes Committed at the Zhaoyuan City "Law Training Centre" in Shandong Province
2011-08-13The "Law Training Centre" in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province is a brainwashing centre used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners who have served terms in forced labour camps or prisons are brought to the brainwashing centre before being released, so that the authorities can extort money from their family members. On the 2nd floor, there is a torture chamber, which has an iron chair. When they torture a Falun Gong practitioner, they tie him/her to the chair and shock him with electric batons, beat him with wooden sticks and clubs, whip him with a “rope” made with several wires twisted together, or hang him up in the air.
Over a Hundred Practitioners in Tangshan City Detained in May and June
2011-08-12In May and June 2011, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) arrested and detained Falun Gong practitioners from all over the country, including Tangshan City. The persecution was planned and carried out according to orders from “above”. There was a quota that the CCP authorities had to reach and a list of names on their blacklist. Officers from the Domestic Security Division and the local police stations arrested practitioners either at work or at home. Furthermore, their homes were ransacked and their personal property stolen. In two months, more than 120 practitioners have been detained—over 80 of them are imprisoned in detention centres, with 16 in Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan alone.