Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Police Officers from Shijingshan District in Beijing Break into Ms. Dong Xinzhen's Home Without a Warrant
2011-05-27On January 11th, 2011, police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Dong Xinzhen's home. Her personal belongings were confiscated, and she was detained for one and a half months. Ms. Dong has suffered serious physical and mental persecution. On January 12th, Dong Xinzhen was sent to the Shijingshan District Detention Centre. During her detention, she was humiliated and cursed at by the inmates and guards. She started a hunger strike but the detention centre refused to release her. The detention centre's ordered inmates to hold her down so that the centre's doctor could force-feed her with soy milk and unknown drugs. The doctor even punched her during the process. The force-feeding caused Ms. Dong to lose teeth and vomit blood.
Several Dozen Practitioners Arrested in Zunhua City, Hebei Province
2011-05-27Officers from Zunhua City Police Department arrested around 50 Falun Gong practitioners on May 10th. More than 20 are still detained. Police ransacked Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Shuyun's home and family-owned photography studio in Puzidian Town and took equipment including a computer, printer, and copier, among other personal property.
A Compassionate Doctor from Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, Detained and Tortured
2011-05-26Jieyang City police went to the home of Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Yang Xizhi on the night of December 14th, 2010. They deceived her into going to the police station, saying that they needed to talk to her. Later that night the police called Ms. Yang's family to report that, because "Yang Xizhi will not give up Falun Gong, she has been arrested." She has been arrested and detained for four months now. The police did not even let her go home for Chinese New Year. She has elderly parents and young children at home who are now being taken care of by relatives.
Xie Chengxin Arrested and Missing, Husband Imprisoned
2011-05-26Police and local arrested Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials Ms. Xie Chengxin at home around April 19th. Her whereabouts are unknown, as authorities still have not notified her family. In mid-April, a week prior to the arrest, Ms. Xie, along with her daughter, went to visit her husband, Mr. Jiang Zonglin, who is imprisoned at Deyang Prison. The prison officials refused to allow Ms. Xie and her daughter to see Mr. Jiang and said that he was being subjected to brainwashing. Worried about her husband, Ms. Xie reported the situation to the prison administration office. Ms. Xie planned to visit them the following week, but was arrested before she could do so.
Firsthand Account of the Persecution Suffered by Li Dasen in Guangxi
2011-05-26Seventy-four-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Dasen was sentenced to three years of imprisonment by a judge at Xingning District Court, Nanning, Guangxi. He was supposed to be sent back to Nanning First Detention Centre on April 2nd, 2008, before being transferred to prison. Due to his high blood pressure, however, he was instead taken to Maoqiao Prison Hospital (now Xinkang Hospital). Afterward, he was sent to the detention centre and detained there for nine months. During that period, he was hospitalised in the Maoqiao Prison Hospital three times. The third occurrence took place on the afternoon of December 26th, 2008, when he lost consciousness. Mr. Li was transferred to prison four days later.
The Persecution I Was Subjected to at the Xuzhou Mental Hospital in Jiangsu Province
2011-05-25After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, I was taken to detention centres and forced labour camps several times. In 2001, local 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) sent several practitioners (including me) to the Xuzhou Mental Hospital. We were injected with unknown drugs as soon as we arrived. The drugs made us feel ill, flustered, and agitated. At night, the doctors ordered us to lie in bed all night long without moving. Anyone who did not obey the order was tied to the bed and injected with additional drugs.
Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Shouguang City, Shandong Province, Detained and Tortured
2011-05-25Between April 15th and 20th, officers from Shangkou Township Police Station and the Shouguang Domestic Security Brigade arrested seven Falun Gong practitioners from Shangkou Township, Shouguang City, Shandong Province. Currently, three of them—Ms. Zhang Shuyun, Ms. Wang Xinlan, and Ms. Zhang Huiyun—have been detained in the Shouguang Detention Centre and subjected to cruel torture such as being bound to an iron chair.
A Belated Mother's Day Wish
2011-05-25Mother was arrested and imprisoned three times for exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. For many nights I cried for mother in my dreams, and when I awakened, tears were all over my face. Every time I telephoned the forced labor camp, my request to talk to mother was rejected because she refused to be transformed [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. I couldn't write to her or visit her. Later, I found out that they had tortured her into a state of disability. Early in 2009, I went to the forced labor camp to see her. When the heavy gate slowly opened, I was disappointed to see a policeman emerge instead of my mother. After a long interrogation-style conversation, the policeman still did not let me see mother.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Jiang Botao Undergoes Violent “Transformation” in Jiamusi Prison
2011-05-24For the purpose of forcing Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their belief, Jiamusi Prison set up a “strict management team” in February 2011. The brutal persecution started on February 21st. Within 15 days, three practitioners, Qi Yueming, Yu Yungang and Liu Chuanjiang had been tortured to death Mr. Jiang Botao suffered tortures in Jiamusi Prison such as brutal beatings, freezing and sleep deprivation. After he was beaten until he passed out, he would be doused with cold water to wake him up and then the beatings would continue. This violence did not stop until he became delirious and under pressure wrote the so-called repentance statement to give up his belief in Falun Gong.
My Seventy-Year-Old Mother Sentenced to a Twelve-Year Prison Term and in Critical Condition
2011-05-24During the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Ms. Gao Deyu, my 70-year-old mother, didn't renounce the practice. She was sentenced to a 12-year prison term on September 14th, 2010 by the Xichang City Court. She was transferred from the Liangshan Detention Centre to the Longquanyi Women's Prison on April 10th. Two days later she was in critical condition. Apparently, she did not meet the "four requirements" when she was taken there, as her blood pressure was far too high. Within a few days of staying at the Jintang Prison Hospital, one of her teeth was knocked out. Her hands, arms, legs, and thighs were bruised as a result of beatings, and they extorted 5,000 yuan from her family.
Attorney Zhu Yubiao Put On Trial, Gallery Seats All Taken by 610 Office Personnel
2011-05-24On May 5th, Haizhu District Court of Guangzhou City put Falun Gong practitioner attorney Zhu Yubiao on trial. All of the gallery seats were taken by personnel from the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Attorney Zhu was arrested and prosecuted by the authorities based on the accusation that he was “preparing to commit a crime” because the authorities found staplers and printers at his home.
Wuhan City Police Department's Domestic Security Division Arrests Over a Dozen Falun Gong Practitioners in Two Days
2011-05-23Over the course of two days, April 19th-20th, 2011, a dozen practitioners in Wuhan City were arrested at nearly the same time, and their homes were also ransacked. According to sources, this operation was planned and carried out by the Wuhan City Police Department's Domestic Security Division. Mr. Xiong Weiming was arrested at his home. His family members later discovered that his apartment had been turned upside down. His computer, mobile phone, printer, and other belongings were confiscated. There were also cigarette butts all over the floor. The whole house smelled of tobacco, and there were 7-8 empty water bottles scattered on the floor.
Summary of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Chenzui County, Wuqing District, Tianjin
2011-05-23Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yan is in her sixties. Prior to the 2008 Olympic Games, she was detained at the Chenzui Police Station overnight and then monitored, intimidated, and harassed around the clock. She was forced into homelessness to avoid further persecution. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pang Hongqi has been detained in a detention centre three times, each time for one month. In May 2001, Mr. Pang was sentenced to a six-year prison term at Liyuantou Prison.
610 Office Orders Arrest of Nine Falun Gong Practitioners in Hunan Province
2011-05-22On April 28th, 2011, several officers from the Jinpenling Police Station in Changsha City broke into the home of Miss Xiong Xiaolan. They indiscriminately arrested Professor Gao Desi, a retired professor from the Hunan Institute of Finance, Hunan University, and seven other guests, by force and without due process. They were taken to the Jinpenling Police Station. Under orders from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), they were taken to the “black prison,” which operates outside the rule of law. The 610 Office calls it “the base.”
Remembering My Mother and Brother
2011-05-21My family lives in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. There were five people in our home, including my father, mother, oldest brother, second older brother, and a younger sister. We all practised Falun Gong and followed the principles of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” Our life was a simple but happy one. We respected, cared for and loved each other. Not long after the persecution began in July 1999, the harmony in this family of five ended. Two are now dead and three severely harmed. The oldest brother is still being held in jail, which has left our younger sister, who has suffered all sorts of abuse, alone with our father, who has lost his sanity.