Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Documenting the Bizarre Trial of Mr. Li Shujun in the Xingcheng City Court
2014-05-20Practitioner Mr. Li Shujun was arrested on August 24th, 2013, by police. His home was ransacked. His telephone had been bugged and monitored prior to his arrest. On the day of the trial, March 28th, 2014, it the court lobby, security checkpoint staff asked if anyone was a Falun Gong practitioner, and, if so, that person would not be admitted. During the trial when the judge and prosecutor spoke, the speaker volume was loud and clear. When Mr. Li and his lawyer spoke, the volume was abnormally low. In the end, the court did not allow any time for debate as is usual for such cases, nor was the verdict announced.
Ms. Sun Libin's Personal Account of the Persecution She Suffered for Upholding Her Belief
2014-05-20Ms. Sun Libin, 59, previously suffered from migraines and stomach problems. She benefited physically and mentally after she took up the cultivation practice of Falun Gong. However, she was arrested and imprisoned merely for distributing DVDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Ms. Sun was sentenced to three and a half years of prison in Harbin Women's Prison in 2011. She developed tuberculosis as a result of the torture and poor living conditions she suffered while imprisoned, and was detained in the prison hospital for more than seven months. The prison did not allow her medical parole.
70-Year-Old Mr. Lou Zhenkang Secretly Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2014-05-06The brother of 70-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lou Zhenkang received a letter from the Zhejiang No. 2 Prison in February 2014, saying that Mr. Lou was sentenced to three years and has been taken to the prison on January 24th, 2014. Prior to this, his family had received no information about him for the past one and a half years while he was being held at the Jinhua Detention Centre since his arrest in August 2012.
The “Transforming” Torture Package Used by the Beijing Forced Labour Camp System
2014-05-06I was detained in Beijing Forced Labour Dispatch Division in 2008, and afterwards incarcerated in Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp. I suffered through every single step of the “transforming package” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] that the forced labour system uses. As a result I was severely traumatized, both mentally and physically. Practitioners are forced to sign their names on the pre-drafted statements to accept the contents that slander Falun Gong. Refusing to sign the statements results in the practitioners being subjected to a series of “transforming” methods.
A Schoolteacher's Firsthand Account of Persecution in Mental Hospitals and Brainwashing Centres
2014-04-21“... I looked at myself in the mirror. I was cross-eyed and my hair was a mess. The blood stain in the corner of my mouth reminded me of the previous drug torture I had endured, the details of which I could only vaguely remember. Tears ran down my cheek. I no longer looked like a normal human being as a result of the persecution! My hands were trembling uncontrollably, my body stiff, limbs out of control.” – a personal account of persecution by Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chang Ping.
Brutal “Hang and Cuff” Torture Used by the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2014-04-21The “Hang and Cuff” torture used by the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp of Heilongjiang has a brutal and sinister history. The guards handcuffed practitioners to crossbars in a position where they could neither stand up nor squat. Over time, this position caused excruciating pain. Some practitioners were handcuffed in this way for seven days at a time, and some endured this for over 20 days. The camp has been disbanded but shall be remembered for this torture method.
Persevering Through Torture and Humiliation—Excerpts from a Young Woman's Diary Written While in Detention
2014-04-08“How I wanted to paint again, everything I have gone through: the feeding tube, the handcuffs, the iron window, the logo on the uniform! I saw clearly the bruises on my hands, the dried blood on my lips, my bare feet, the filth in my hair....tears run down my cheeks again....” This is an excerpt from a young woman's diary written while in custody at a detention centre in China. Simply for telling people how to break through the Internet blockade, Ms. He Wenting was arrested for a second time on December 18th, 2013 and has been detained since.
Well-Respected Property Manager Twice Sentenced to Forced Labour for His Belief in Falun Gong
2014-04-01A well-respected property manager, Mr. Li Zhongwei, from Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, has been twice sentenced to forced labour for his belief in Falun Gong. Mr. Li needed medical treatment several times as a result of the brutal torture he suffered in the labour camps. After Mr. Li was assigned as the property manager of Guanjing Village in June 2003, he quickly solved many of the town's practical problems with his resourcefulness and high moral character. The residents of Guanjing Village were outraged when Mr. Li was arrested in June 2006. Many members of the community tried in earnest for several days to come up with a way to obtain his release.
Torture in Fenjin Forced Labour Camp “Hell on Earth”
2014-04-01Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cui Hongjun was admitted to Fenjin Forced Labour Camp on August 29th, 2011. Guards shocked him with electric batons, made him sit on a small stool, tied him up on a small stool, stabbed bamboo under his fingernails, and beat him. Mr. Cui was tortured until he almost passed out. Since returning home, he often wakes with nightmares in the middle of night. He still has vivid images of being tortured, has splitting headaches, and can no longer can speak clearly. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Cui was persecuted, harassed, incarcerated, and taken to forced labour camps.
Ms. Zhang Chunhe Recounts Abuses at Guangdong Women's Prison: “I Was in a State of Horror Every Day”
2014-03-25Ms. Zhang Chunhe was arrested by police from the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) on July 23rd, 2008. Despite the fact that she suffered from a large fibroid tumour, she was sentenced to three years in prison for her belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Zhang said:"During the days when I was detained at the 4th division, I was living in a state of horror every second."
The Top Three Brainwashing Centres Involved in the Torture Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners
2014-03-25In the summary report, “ The Role of China's Brainwashing Centres in the Torture Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners ,” we analyzed 3653 confirmed death cases of Falun Gong practitioners over the past 15 years of persecution. We found that 746 (11%) experienced torture in brainwashing centres, and 367 deaths took place in the brainwashing centres.
Healthy Falun Gong Practitioner Forced to Take Four Blood Pressure Medications Every Day for Over Two Years
2014-03-25The Yunnan Province First Prison forced healthy Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Peng Pingguo to take four different kinds of blood pressure medications three times a day for two and a half years straight. According to medical professionals, these four drugs, Metoprolol, Nitrendipine, Compound Hypotensive Tablets, and Enalapril, are intended for patients with severe symptoms of high blood pressure, and should never be casually taken together. Long-term use of the four-drug cocktail, especially by people with no blood pressure problems, will cause dire consequences to their health. In one physician’s words, “Such use would be like suicide in slow-motion.”
Ms. Zhang Chengjun, 75, Sentenced to Three Years' Imprisonment
2014-03-18Ms. Zhang Chengjun, 75, was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, and is being held at the Yaojia Detention Centre. Ms. Zhang has been arrested and persecuted many times because she practises Falun Gong. Officials from the Dalian Procuratorate have had her sentenced to forced labour twice over the past 13 years.
Arrested a Year Ago for Exercising in the Park, Thirteen Practitioners Face Unjust Trial in Shenyang City
2014-03-18Dadong District Court in Shenyang City scheduled a trial for 13 detained Falun Gong practitioners on March 18th, 2014. These practitioners, ranging in age from 48 to 73 years old, were arrested for participating in morning exercises almost a year ago. They were severely tortured while in police custody. The police shocked Ms. Fu Hui's thighs and private areas with electric batons. Several practitioners were disfigured from beatings.
Blood Washed Away in the Rain - Tortured for My Belief
2014-03-12Because of his firm belief of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Yufu was arrested in July 2008 and sentenced to five years in prison. He recounts: "As soon as I entered the prison cell, several prisoners forced me to the ground. They punched and kicked me. My face became so swollen that I could hardly open my eyes. The guards wanted me to put something in writing to renounce my belief, but I refused. Incited by the guards, the prisoners brutally beat me. My teeth became loose and two of my front teeth fell out shortly afterward."