Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Ms. Dong Shuyan from Mudanjiang Brutally Persecuted and Arrested Multiple Times
2010-09-11Several police went to Ms. Dong Shuyan's home, where they arrested her and searched her home on August 20th, 2010. Previously, Ms. Dong was sent to the Second Detention Centre in Mudanjiang in December 2002. Every day she was tortured so that police could force a confession from her. Liu Jinqun, the director of the detention centre, and other policemen were known for torturing female Falun Gong practitioners and sexually molesting them. When they heard that Ms. Dong was continuing her hunger strike at the Second Detention Centre, they instigated inmates to drag her out of her cell and put handcuffs and shackles on her. They put extra salt in a bowl of milk and force-fed her, causing her to feel like her stomach was burning.
Ms. Yang Yufan and Others Tortured at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-11Guards in the No. 3 Division of Masanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, recently tortured Ms. Yang Yufan and other Falun Gong practitioners, only because they refused to give up their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Guards suspended Ms. Yang by her handcuffed wrists. The hanging lasted for one and a half days, followed by brutal beatings for a long period of time. On July 12th, guards Zhang Huan, Wang Danfeng and others shocked Ms. Yang's breasts with electric batons, which caused damage to an old wound and was extremely painful.
Ms. Wang Lixin and Ms. Li Xiurong in Jiamusi City Detained for the Past Two Months
2010-09-11On July 19th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Lixin and Ms. Li Xiurong were arrested by officers from the Changqing Police Station. They are still in the detention centre. On August 3rd, both Ms. Wang's and Ms. Li's families went to the Women's Federation for assistance. They said, "These poor children have no one to take care of them since their mothers have been arrested. Their mothers practise Falun Gong and conduct themselves according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They are good people and they are innocent." The lady at the Women's Federation helped them call the Suburban Police Department and asked if they could let the children see their mothers, but their request was denied.
Ms. Gao Shuhua from Boli County, Heilongjiang Province, Arrested Again
2010-09-10Ms. Gao Shuhua, 47 years old, was arrested by the Boli County Domestic Security Division again on July 21st. She is now in Qitaihe City Detention Centre. Previously, she was held in Boli County Detention Centre and she was denied visitation rights. On August 10th, police told Ms. Gao Shuhua's husband to sign the documents sentencing his wife to forced labour.
Parents Arrested, Three-Year-Old Son Left Behind Unattended
2010-09-09Ms. Lin Xiumei and Mr. Pan Shunyu were arrested on August 3rd, 2010, by police, who broke into their home. The couple's three-year-old son was left behind unattended. Officers ransacked the family's home at the time of arrest, confiscating personal belongings worth over 60,000 yuan and the house keys. The authorities have refused to return the confiscated keys. Ms. Lin and Mr. Pan are currently detained at the Suihua City Detention Centre.
Lengthy Litany of Mistreatment, Torture, and Brainwashing Offences at Shaanxi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-07In the forced labour camp, the officials persecute Falun Gong practitioners for only one purpose, that is, to "transform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] them. Because Ms. Li Cuifang practised the Falun Gong exercises she was repeatedly tortured, such as being beaten, hung up in the air, and handcuffed and hung up on the upper level of the shelf. She fainted and collapsed after such torture. When she was hung up the handcuffs bit into her flesh and she bled profusely. Meanwhile, a policewoman beat her violently with electric shock batons. Her hips were beaten black and blue, which caused her to walk with great difficulty. They also used force-feeding as a means to torture her. They handcuffed Ms. Li behind her back and tied her to a steel shelf, then they used a tool to pry open her mouth.
Ms. Wu Shenghe Tortured at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre in Lanzhou City
2010-09-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Shenghe, in her 40s, was arrested on February 11th, 2008 as she distributed informational materials about Falun Gong. Police took her to the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre and brutally beat her. After the beating, they handcuffed Ms. Wu behind her back and locked her onto a bunk-bed frame. This torture method has been often used on Falun Gong practitioners held in brainwashing centres. The practitioner can't move, and if she moves a little bit, the handcuffs automatically tighten, biting into the flesh of her wrists and causing unbearable pain. This torture method prevents the practitioner from either completely straightening her back or sitting; she can only half-squat or half-kneel on the cement floor.
Falun Gong Practitioners Given Long Prison Sentences in Loudi City, Hunan Province
2010-09-06On August 3rd, 2010, nine Falun Gong practitioners were secretly sentenced by the Louxing District Court in Loudi City, Hunan Province. Five were given long-term jail sentences: Cao Gongxun was sentenced to 10 years; Liu Xinping 9 years; Zhou Qingfeng 5 and a half years; Ouyang Zhong 3 and a half years; and He Jinlin 2 years. Four other practitioners were sentenced to 3 years but their sentences were suspended and they put under surveillance for 4 years. These practitioners found the sentences unacceptable and sent an appeal to a higher court. The ruling of the Louxing District Court on August 3rd came after the date required by statute, which is six weeks after the trial. Pronouncing the sentences more than four months after the trial was illegal.
Accountant and Doctor Arrested, Their Lawyers Prevented from Getting Involved
2010-09-05Zeng Yuxian, a former accountant, and Cui Weikai, a former emergency centre doctor, were arrested by police on March 26th, 2010. Their families have hired lawyers, but the communist regime has harassed and subjected them to intimidation, trying to force them to drop the case. Mr. Zeng was fired from his job for practising Falun Gong. He was also detained in a forced labour camp many times and subjected to brutal abuse. Prison guards poured hot water on him, resulting in his head being scalded. Wire clamps were used to clamp his teeth. He was deprived of sleep for several nights and not allowed to go to the toilet, so he had to relieve himself in his trousers. They also put shackles on his legs and used handcuffs to restrict his movement. Mr. Cui was arrested for handing out brochures that explain the facts about Falun Gong. He was severely beaten by the police and subsequently sent to a hospital for treatment.
The Persecution Suffered by Sichuan Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Liu Yingxu
2010-09-04After the Chinese Communist regime began to suppress Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Liu Yingxu was persecuted many times. He was sent to a labour camp twice and imprisoned for three years in total. He was once detained in a brainwashing centre for seven and a half months. Recounting his ordeal in a labour camp: "I was assigned to make bricks. I often had to work until late at night, and with the lights on for quite some time. Initially, I was assigned to push the dump trucks and shovel debris. However, it was too strenuous for me, and I nearly fainted several times from exhaustion. My whole body ached after finishing work for the day. My hands were blistered, and I could not straighten my arms."
610 Office in Baoding City Arrests Over Sixty Falun Gong Practitioners, Harasses Over One Hundred More
2010-09-04The 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] in Baoding City, Hebei Province have recently escalated the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.Police have arrested and harassed Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale. The police officers broke into practitioners' homes. They kicked in the doors, pried opened the locks, and took away cash and private property. Over 60 practitioners were confirmed arrested. Most were imprisoned in a forced labour camp. Over 100 practitioners were harassed. Wang Heli is now demanding that each county hold its own brainwashing session.
After 10 Years of Repeated Imprisonment and Crippling Torture, Mr. Bai Sanyuan Is Imprisoned Again
2010-09-03Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Bai Sanyuan has now been sentenced to six years in prison and was taken to Lanzhou Prison on July 12th, 2010. He has been on a protest hunger strike since the end of May. He was force-fed once a week with 500 ml of a mixture of corn porridge and powdered milk. More recently, he has been force-fed and given intravenous fluids daily. He passed out because of his extremely feeble condition on July 28th and it has been reported that he had leg convulsions while unconscious. His face is pale and he is as thin as a skeleton. He looks like a completely different person now than he did just a few months ago. Mr. Bai also suffers from muscular atrophy in the legs and lumbar disc herniation from his last imprisonment.
The Jilin City 610 Office Sends Falun Gong Practitioners to a Forced Brainwashing Centre
2010-09-02Falun Gong practitioners were recently arrested and detained in a brainwashing centre in Jilin City. The guards attempted to brainwash the practitioners with the goal of forcing them to renounce their belief in Falun Gong. The guards threatened practitioners that they would be sent to a labour camp or a mental hospital unless they gave up their belief in Falun Gong. Two inmates were assigned in the room to monitor each practitioner. The prison inmates worked two shifts a day, with two in each shift.
Tangshan Police Arrest Three Falun Gong Practitioners in the Middle of the Night
2010-09-01On August 11th, 2010, police pried open the metal window covers of 57-year-old Liu Baoqin house to gain entry, and then ransacked her home. They took Ms. Liu Baoqin, her husband and her daughter to Changningdao Detention Centre in Tangshan City. Liu Baoqin's family have been persecuted many times since the persecution began in 1999, for practising Falun Gong. In order to avoid being arrested, Ms. Liu left her home and became destitute. She was detained for more than a year at the Second Detention Centre in Tangshan. While being detained, Ms. Liu exposed the violent acts committed by the guards, so she was shackled with a chain weighing more than 60 pounds for ninety days. She still suffers from numbness and pain in her legs.
Eleven Falun Gong Practitioners Sent to Brainwashing Centre in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province
2010-09-01Eleven Falun Gong practitioners from Jianyang City, Sichuan Province have been arrested since June 29th, 2010. Wu Bangrong was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong, while others were arrested directly from home. Some are being detained at the Erehu Brainwashing Centre, while others are missing. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials said that this time Falun Gong practitioners must be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. If they won't give up their practice, or won't sign the three statements to renounce practising Falun Gong, their sentences will be quite severe.