Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Ms. Pang Yali from Jilin Province Subjected to Abuse and Torture at the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-27Ms. Pang Yali, aged 53, lives in Yushu City, Jilin Province. Since she started practising Falun Gong, she has conducted herself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and she has informed the world's people about the persecution of Falun Gong. As a result, she has been arrested, harassed, detained, and subjected to forced labour and torture by agents from the 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong]. Ms. Pang Yali recounts her experience: "While in the labour camp, guards slapped my face because I resisted their persecution. Guard Zhang Yuxue handcuffed me and locked me down on a bed; then Hou Zhihong, shocked me on my arms, my neck, my head, and my face with an electric baton for 40 minutes. My face was swollen as a result of this torture."
Baoding City Court Officials Refuse to Accept Falun Gong Practitioner's Lawsuit
2010-09-27Police took Mr. Li Dezhi to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp on December 8th, 2009 to hold him for one and a half years. Mr. Li's wife hired two lawyers who submitted a statement of complaint on February 8th, 2010 to the Xicheng District Court's Case Filing Chamber in Baoding City. But the court has not filed the case, having refused to accept the complaint. The officials based their refusal on the communist regime's political and judiciary system's "Three Don'ts" policy for Falun Gong petitioners, that is, don't accept [the plaintiff], don't accept [the case] and don't provide an explanation.
Ms. Li Guizhi Arrested Thirteen Times
2010-09-26On August 25th, 2010, police demanded that Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Guizhi sign a guarantee statement that she would renounce Falun Gong. Ms. Li refused. The following day Ms. Li Guizhi and Xu Shaojin were arrested at their home. They are held at the Langfang Brainwashing Centre. Since the persecution began in 1999, Ms. Li has been harassed and arrested by the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and police over and over again, a total of thirteen times.
Villagers Condemn the Police for Attempting to Arrest Two Senior Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province
2010-09-26On August 1st the officers went to Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Shuwen's home and found the door locked. When they were seen searching everywhere, villagers told the police, "Liu Shuwen is nearly 80 years old and he did not commit any crime. Why do you want to arrest him?" After being reproached, the police left.
Ms. Li Shihong from Wuhan City Imprisoned
2010-09-26Ms. Li Shihong was sentenced to four years in prison, and sent to the Baofenglu Women's Prison on September 7th. Ms. Li Shihong was arrested on March 31st, 2009 for practising Falun Gong and held in the Wuhan City No.1 Detention Centre for one and a half years. A lawyer entered a not-guilty plea for Ms. Li. Neither the procurator nor the judge responded to the lawyer's defence and inquiries.
Ms. Li Yushu Brutally Tortured in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2010-09-25Ms. Li Yushu was sentenced to a 12-year prison term in Heilongjiang Women's Prison in May 2002 for practising Falun Gong. She was held in a small cell once and in an isolation cell six times. She ended up emaciated. Ms. Li recounted the torture she suffered during her imprisonment: "Guards force-fed me. On December 10th, Li Mingying pinched my nose and Wu Xiangfeng and Liu fengzhen sat on top of me, forced my mouth open, and poured liquid food down my throat. I resisted with all my strength and vomited. Generally, force-feeding went on for one to two hours, twice a day. After each episode I was exhausted, had blood all over my face, and sustained injuries to my mouth."
Ms. Tu Xiaomin Recounts the Persecution She Endured in Huhehaote Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-25Huhehaote Women's Labour Camp bought 40 detainees from the Beijing Forced Labour Dispatch Division on January 24th, 2008, to be used as slave labour. Ms. Tu was one of them. Here is her account of her experience: "Guard Lu Junqing again asked me what I thought of Falun Gong. I told her I would never change my mind regarding Falun Gong and that she should give up trying to "reform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] me. Lu Junqing put drug addict Xia Congling to watch over me. Xia had brutally beaten many practitioners. Xia grabbed my hair and starting hitting and kicking me. She also put me in a headlock and nearly choked me and knocked me down. My glasses were twisted, and my face and hands bled."
Qingdao Judge: "I Gave You a Three-year Sentence Because You Hired a Lawyer"
2010-09-24On May 3rd, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shang Dexing was arrested by police because his seven-year-old grandson gave someone a Falun Gong CD. He was sent to Qingdao No. 2 Detention Centre. He was tried in Laoshan Court on August 5th. Judge Yu Yong didn't give a verdict inside the courtroom. Yu Yong went to the detention centre to announce his verdict and told Mr. Shang, "I told you not to hire a lawyer but you insisted on hiring one. I planned to pronounce you not guilty. Now I am giving you a three-year sentence because you hired a lawyer." Mr. Shang asked him, "I'm not guilty. Why do you still sentence me?" Yu Yong answered, "I gave you a three-year sentence just because you hired a lawyer."
Twenty-three Falun Gong Practitioners from Quyang County, Hebei Province Arrested, About Half Sentenced to Forced Labour
2010-09-24Police from Quyang County, Hebei Province arrested 23 local Falun Gong practitioners and ransacked their homes on August 15th-16th, and more than ten of them were sentenced to forced labour. All of the male practitioners were held in the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp in Gaoyang County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, while the female practitioners were held in the Women's Forced Labour Camp of Hebei Province in Shijiazhuang City.
Dr. Cui Wei Tortured and Sentenced to Forced Labour in Fushun, Liaoning Province
2010-09-23On August 19th, 2010, police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cui Wei and ransacked her home and confiscated expensive electronic items. They took Ms. Cui to the Fushun Detention Centre. Ms. Cui Wei was violently beaten because she refused to give her fingerprints. Ms. Cui began a hunger strike on August 26th to protest her detention. By September 3rd, Ms. Cui had been force-fed three times at the hospital. Without any judicial process Ms. Cui was sentenced to three years of forced labour.
Attorney Ms. Gu Hong from Pingdingshan City, Henan Province Arrested
2010-09-23Ms. Gu Hong, in her mid-40s, is a senior lawyer and Falun Gong practitioner. On July 23rd, police officers from the Xinhua District 610 Office and local Domestic Security Division arrested Ms. Gu Hong at her workplace. They confiscated her computer, Falun Gong books and some of her personal property. On August 20th, the Xinhua District Procuratorate announced the arrest warrant for Ms. Gu and is processing a lawsuit against her.
Kind Lady, in Her Sixties, Sentenced to Prison for Practising Falun Gong
2010-09-22On April 24th, 2010, police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jia's home. They arrested her and her husband, Mr. Li Hua, and took them to Wujiawa Detention Centre. Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chaoyang Political and Legal Committee, and Shuangta District Court jointly conspired to sentence Ms. Jia to 13 years in prison and Mr. Li to three years in prison with five years suspension. Mr. Jia appealed but the court called Ms. Jia's family members to threaten them. It also prohibited Ms. Jia from seeing an attorney even if she hired one. It wouldn't schedule a trial for the appeal and had already decided to uphold the original verdict.
Ms. Guo Lingna Sentenced to Another Three Years in Prison for Talking in Public About Falun Gong
2010-09-22Ms. Guo Lingna, 49, has been persecuted on several occasions by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for persisting in practising Falun Gong. In 2007, Ms. Guo was arrested by police and sent to the Yunnan Province Women's Forced Labour Camp to serve a two-year term. While she was in the forced labour camp, Ms. Guo's company terminated her work contract. Ms. Guo's husband was forced to divorce her, when he came under the threat of being fired by his company. Ms. Guo was arrested again in December 2009, for giving a person a Falun Gong DVD. The court sentenced her to three years in prison. Ms. Guo Lingna is very weak as a result of holding a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
Tortured for Seven Years: Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yinying from Beijing
2010-09-21Ms. Zhang Yinying, 52, started practising Falun Gong in February 1998. She has been detained in a forced labour camp three times for her firm belief in the practice. Ms. Zhang was tortured in Daxing Women's Forced Labour Camp in Beijing and Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. As a result of the torture, she lost almost all of her teeth. In her own words she recounts: "Guards locked me in a small room with six detainees who were ordered to beat me. Some hit me, while others stomped on my stomach. One of them used a water bottle to hit my legs. I got two black eyes after the beating that night."
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Zhixian Sentenced to Four Years
2010-09-21Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Zhixian was put on trial at the Tiedong District Court on May 7th, 2010. Her lawyer defended her and entered a "not guilty" plea. The chief judge interrupted the lawyer many times during his defence. However, the lawyer firmly continued with his defence, and asked the court to release Ms. Wang unconditionally. However, she was sentenced to four years of imprisonment by a court which is controlled by the Anshan 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong).