Individual Accounts
Practitioner Zhang Guirong on the Verge of Death
2001-10-01 -
Firsthand Experience of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Held in Jinzhou City Labour Camp
2001-09-30The labour camp medical department chief Shi used a pair of pliers to open my mouth to the maximum, which in the end loosened my teeth and caused severe bleeding. They repetitively inserted very thick tubes into our throats, which were used in hospitals for cleaning and pumping out the stomach. They moved the tubes back and forth for a long time in order to cause us the maximum amount of pain. The noises from the practitioners who were vomiting and painfully sobbing were really awful.
A Falun Dafa Practitioner's Persecution Experience in China
2001-09-29At the same time that they detained me, they did not stop looking for my husband. However, they did not find him, even after they went to Beijing to search. They were so furious that they started to persecute my son. On the night of June 2, they took my son away and detained him illegally for 21 days. When my relatives went to ask for his release, the head of the police department and the secretary of the Politics and Judiciary Committee shouted with their hands striking the table, "If we cannot find the father, we will arrest his son, and we won't release the son until we catch his father!"
First Hand Experience of the Brutal Persecution
2001-09-22He shocked me twice with an electric baton. He hit my shoulder(s) with his fists, yanked my hair and forced me to kneel. I was also forced to squat for about two hours. Yang said, "If I throw you out of the third storey, are you still going to practice? I'll fine you 5,000 Yuan [about US$625]. If you don't have the money, I'll tear down your house." I was aching all over from the beatings and couldn't sleep for over ten days. I also suffered great psychological stress.
Victims of Persecution
2001-09-08The different victims of the persecution. No section of society has escaped the persecution. This includes babies,women,the disabled and the elderly.
New Camps Built to Imprison Practitioners and Other Latest News from China
2001-09-08 -
Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Sentenced to 17 years Imprisonment
2001-09-08Case of Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Sentenced to 17 years Imprisonment
My Experience of Appealing for Dafa Six Months After I Started Cultivation Practice
-On the way to appeal, the Beijing policemen interrogated me. They took away my appeal letter and all of my money, and tried to force me to slander Dafa and Teacher. If you did not obey them, they would beat you up. After I was illegally detained for a couple of days, my work unit brought me back home. The public security office then asked for 3,000 Yuan as a penalty, and my work unit later laid me off.
Brutal Torture of Practitioner Ms. Xu Menglan to Extort a "Confession"
-Lawless policemen required Xu to admit that she bombed a building in Harbin City. As long as Xu didn't admit it, they kept brutally beating her, kicking her and tortured her into unconsciousness three times, but each time they revived her by splashing cold water on her.