Individual Accounts
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Brutally Tortured and Sentenced Without Cause in Mudanjiang City
2001-12-09When their hands began to hurt, they then slapped her face with books until her face turned dark purplish and became swollen. Sun could not even open her eyes. Despite the injuries, these brutal police officers did not stop. Instead, they became more brutal. The police bent one of her arms towards the back from above the shoulder, the other from under, and tied both her hands with tight ropes. To tighten the rope further, they changed ropes three times, and placing beer bottles behind her back to raise her lower arm. When she still refused to give in, the evil police force-fed her twice with chili and mustard powders.
Anther Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Brutally Tortured and Illegally Sentenced in Xinjiang Region
2001-12-09According to sources, the prison terms for sentencing Falun Gong practitioners are predetermined internally. The court procedure is just a formality and is unconstitutional. Attorneys have revealed that the judicial authorities have issued orders that, in principle, Falun Gong practitioners cannot have attorneys to defend them. And defense by attorney has to be approved by the judicial authorities, and attorneys have to report their contacts and conversation with Falun Gong practitioners at any time when asked to.
Wujiabaozi Labor Camp Officials Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioner Shi Jinling
2001-12-09They poured cold water down her neck for two days completely soaking her. They also force-fed her. When she was force-fed the first time, Shi Jinling refused to cooperate with them, so her torturers forcibly pulled out one of her teeth. She was force-fed twice a day. After force-feeding her, they injected her with tranquilizers. During the daytime, they played high-volume disco music over loudspeakers to disorient her and not let her think clearly. Dafa practitioner Shi Jinling is still determined and unyielding.
A Dafa Practitioner Is Tortured to Near Death
2001-12-09In order to safeguard her own freedom of belief and citizen's rights, she began a hunger strike. Ignoring the safety of her life, Nanzhao police have increased her torture and persecution. They have force-fed her every week despite the possibility of her death. In the one month since the persecution began, Chen has been tortured until she has appeared as emaciated as a stick and is on the verge of death.
Practitioner Liu Qingtao is Persecuted
2001-12-05With Liu in jail his family suffers. His mother, son, and wife all live on his wife's low income, and his wife has to pay a fee for his living expenses at the detention centre. It is unimaginable how difficult it is for his family now. His relatives went to see officers at both the local police station and law enforcement departments seeking a solution. However the officers took no pity, they just passed the problem back and forth.
Lawless and Heartless Authorities Persecute Victim of Cultural Revolution
2001-12-05This is a report on the grave situation of Pan Xuanzhi caused by the illegal acts of various departments. We call on the international community to uphold her legal rights and to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Urgent Call for the Rescue of a Fifteen-Year-Old Girl and Her Mother
2001-12-05 -
Dehui Police Torture Practitioner Until She Became Bedridden But Still Refuse to Release Her
2001-12-04They also covered her head with a plastic bag to suffocate her, burned her chest, and beat on an iron bucket which they had placed over her head. Liu fell into a coma several times; now she is numb on half of her body, and cannot control her bowels and urination. She can only lie in bed all day long; however police still refuse to release her.
A 15 Year-Old Girl's Ordeal
2001-12-03..he threatened me saying, "If you do not listen to me, I will open the window and throw you out. Throwing a little kid like you is easy."
The Torture of Li Fenyou
2001-12-03All the criminals who saw it were greatly moved. They said, "Those who practise Falun Gong are good people, they only speak the truth, while the police beat them up so hard." Without a trial or chance to appeal, Li Fenyou was illegally sent to Ziyang Forced Labour Camp after the director of police department signed his name. In the labour camp, she endured more tortures and was injected with psychotropic drugs causing mental disorientation and distortion. She was tortured until she was bent over and dying, then the detention centre called her family to carry her home. A smart and capable woman was tortured to the point where she was almost dead simply because she practised Falun Gong. Who are the real criminals destroying families? Who is actually destroying society?
Dongjiao District Policemen Wickedly Torture Practitioner Zhao to Try and Extract "Evidence"
2001-12-03In order to extract information from the practitioner so that they could use it to further persecute other practitioners, the wicked police that night savagely tortured him with "rope tightening," "piercing finger tips with needles," and "scraping the bone with coins" methods. They used the rope tightening method on Zhao three times in a row. [Note: The police tie up the practitioner with a thin rope, circle the rope around his neck, and tie his hands behind his back. Then the police use all the force they could muster to tighten the rope. The rope becomes tighter and tighter around the body of the practitioner, and makes it more and more difficult for him to breathe. The pain is so intense that the practitioner sometimes loses control of his bladder. There are instances when the rope was tightened enough to break or severely injure a practitioner's arm.]
My Experience of Being Beaten by the Vicious Police in the Wanjia Labor Camp.
2001-12-01 -
Account of Torture and Attempted Murder
2001-11-29 -
Female Practitioner No. "1015" Was in Critical Condition
2001-11-26 -
Practitioner Jiang Jing was Cruelly Tortured by the Secretary of the Politics and Law Committee and His Associates
2001-11-25She was seriously injured. Her pelvis was severely dislocated and inflamed. The evil thugs paid no attention to the serious condition of her injury. They dragged her onto a narrow wooden bed only three planks wide and put handcuffs and shackles on her.