Death Cases
Personal Account: The Whole Story about How Dafa Practitioner Wang Lixin was killed
2002-02-03They asked Feng, Zhang and Xiaohong to bring practitioner Wang into the Supervisor's room. Then the screams of pain from Wang could be heard. After more than half an hour, they sent Wang back to No.6 prison cell. Wang had both his hands tied behind his back and there was a white towel tied across his mouth. He could only make muffled sounds. Wang was sent to the hospital but he died two days later.
Appeal to Kind-hearted People
2002-02-02Kind hearted and interested people may contact the offending parties at the numbers listed ...
Police Arrests Lead to Neglect and Subsequent Death of 78-Year Old Mother
2002-02-02 -
Phone Numbers of Those Responsible for the Death of 54 year-old Female Falun Gong Practitioner Zheng Fangying
2002-02-02 -
How You Can Help: Contact Details of Those Responsible for Chen Biyu's Death
2002-01-31 -
How You Can Help: Contact Those Responsible For the Death of Zhan Wei
2002-01-31 -
How You Can Help: Tel. Numbers of Those Responsible for the Death of Liu Chunshu
2002-01-31Those who persecute Falun Gong think that they are hidden from the eyes of the world, and are immune to justice. Experience shows that a phone call from overseas really shocks them, and makes them think twice about their actions in the future.
Authorities Twist Murder Into Deceptive Propaganda
2002-01-31 -
Young Mother Tortured to Death
2002-01-31Ms. Wu was tortured to death simply because she wished to practice Falun Gong. She left behind a 15-month-old baby.
Practitioner Murdered in the 3rd Detention Centre of Jilin City
2002-01-30 -
Falun Dafa Practitioner Huang Zhiyi from Gansu Province is Tortured to Death
2002-01-29He unbuttoned his shirt and showed them the foot long scar on his chest to prove his point. He said that the government made a mistake in persecuting Falun Dafa. The police were moved. They said, "Sir, we also know that Falun Dafa is good. But someone in the Central government has ulterior motives. He really wants to persecute people through this movement."
The Tragedy of My Wife and Unborn Daughter's Deaths
2002-01-28 -
Telephone Numbers of Those Who Murdered Falun Dafa Practitioner Yan Xiuzhong
2002-01-27 -
Practitioner Dies from Severe Injuries as a Result of Police Torture
2002-01-27Seeing that he was on the verge of death due to the torture, the police released him. By the time of his release, GU had lost the capability to move around and function normally by himself. His face was burned. His back and legs were covered with numerous wounds and bruises. His left leg was broken. His foot was burned by hot pitch and was swollen.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Dies from Torture and Abuse in a Hubei Detention Centre