Peaceful Protests

  • Ireland: Practitioners Protest against New Crimes Committed by the Chinese Communist Party

    On March 25th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference at the Chinese Embassy in Ireland protesting against arrests of large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners on China on the eve of the Olympic Games. The practitioners called on the international community to be concerned about human rights in China, and to put pressure on the CCP to release all illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners in China.
  • Ukraine: Practitioners Protest Peacefully at the Chinese Embassy

    On December 13th, 2007, Ukrainian Falun Gong practitioners held a protest at the Chinese Embassy urging the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to stop its eight year persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners distributed truth material and newspapers to tell the people that in China Falun Gong practitioners had been illegally thrown into labour camps, mental hospitals and even been tortured to death and that the CCP’s purpose was to force them to give up their belief.
  • Germany: Falun Gong Association Holds a Rally Condemning the Chinese Communist Party for their Attempt to Interfere with the Chinese Spectacular

    On February 12th, the Falun Gong Association, one of the sponsors of the Shen Yun Spectacular, held a rally in the shopping centre of Duisburg, a city in the west of Germany. On learning that the Chinese Communist Party (the CCP) attempted to stand in the way of the Spectacular being held in Sweden, Karl Eilert who has already retired said with a sigh, “I cannot simply imagine the CCP even wanting to interfere with a cultural performance such as the Shen Yuan Spectacular. We are living in a democratic country, the CCP has gone so far to extend its influence here and this is really very hard to understand".
  • Turkey: Turkish Falun Gong Practitioners Protest at the Chinese Embassy

    On the morning of December 24th, 2007, a group of Turkish Falun Gong practitioners staged a peaceful protest against the Chinese Communist Party and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at the Chinese Embassy. The persecution has lasted for the past eight years in Mainland China and over three thousand innocent people have lost their lives.
  • Raising Awareness about the Chinese Communist Party Removing Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

    In order to stop the CCP from persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and from its conduct of removing organs from living Falun Gong practitioners as soon as possible, Falun Gong practitioners in over one hundred of cities all over the world have been disclosing and protesting against the CCP atrocities by using methods such as staging re-enactments.
  • Italy: Rallies Held in Rome and Turin to Support the Human Rights Torch Relay

    Senator Sergio D'elia stated that the rally was very important because it let people in the free world know what is happening in China. He said that one of the reasons that human rights violations take place in China is because the international community doesn't pay enough attention to them. He pointed out that what we need to do is to let the free world know what is going on and then ask them to exert pressure on the dictators. Senator Malan proposed a resolution which would require the Italian media to report on human rights issues in China when reporting on the 2008 Olympics.
  • United Kingdom: Human Rights Torch Arrived in London

    On the afternoon of 25th October 2007, the Global Human Rights Torch Relay arrived in London. Vice-President of European Parliament Edward McMillan-Scott chaired a press conference at the Foreign Press Club and gave a speech on Trafalgar Square along with other politicians and representatives from human rights organizations.
  • Personal Experiences from Sweden’s Human Rights Torch Relay: “I did something meaningful today.”

    This was an extraordinary parade with people of all ages from white haired old men to young children - flyer distributors, runners, bicycle riders and families in their cars followed. They were from different races and genders, but came for the same purpose: to call for an immediate end to persecution in China.
  • United Kingdom: Human Rights Torch Relay in London

    A grey wintry day in London was brightened by a torch of hope on Thursday, October 25th. The torch is the symbol of the Global Human Rights Torch Relay. This event draws attention to the human rights abuses committed by the CCP and resolutely states that “Olympics and crimes against humanity cannot coexist in China”.
  • Norway: Global Human Rights Torch Relay Arrives in Oslo

    On Saturday the 13th of October, Bislet Stadium, where the Olympic torch was lit during the Winter Olympics in 1952, was again the centre of a torch relay. This time, though, it is the arena for the Global Human Rights Torch Relay. The Torch Relay started in Athens in August this year, one year before the opening of the Olympics in Beijing, and is being passed on to thirty five countries around the globe, with a demand to China to fulfill its promise about respect for human rights. The Torch Relay has received wide support from people, politicians and previous Olympic medalists both in Norway and internationally.
  • Ireland: “We Will Wake Up People with Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.”

    In downtown Dublin, a ceremony and rally for the arrival of the Human Rights Torch were held. The purpose of the torch relay is to call upon the international society to pay attention to the human rights violations and the persecution of Falun Gong in China, and to ask them to boycott the 2008 Olympics if they are held by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
  • Sweden: Human Rights Torch Arrives in Capital City Stockholm

    On 14th October 2007, the Olympic Human Rights Torch Relay arrived in the Swedish capital Stockholm. Stockholm is the 22nd city since the start of the Relay initiated by CIPFG on 9th August. Swedish relay runner Per-Arne Brjesson took the lead in carrying the torch through Stockholm.
  • Sweden: Human Rights Torch Relay Receives Massive Support in Gothenburg

    On October 8th, the Human Rights Torch Relay arrived in Sweden’s second largest city, Gothenburg. MPs from seven different parties gave speeches at the event and many human rights organisations, artists and young athletes were there showing their support. They all condemned the persecution of the Chinese people by the CCP regime.
  • Sweden: Human Rights Torch Reaches Malmö

    On the 7th of October, the Global Human Rights Torch arrived in Sweden’s third biggest city, Malmö after leaving the Danish capital Copenhagen. Sydsvenskan (Swedish Southern Daily) TV station and many local newspapers reported on the event. Many politicians and a famous singer came to the event to call for human rights in China.
  • Holland: Human Right Torch Arrives in Dutch Political Capital The Hague

    On October 3rd 2007, the Human Rights Torch Relay initiated by the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) arrived in the Netherlands’ political capital The Hague, which was the first stop of the Relay in the Netherlands. Among those who participated in the relay were musicians, poets and representatives from all walks of life.