Peaceful Protests

  • Denmark: Human Rights Torch Arrives in Copenhagen

    On the 6th of October, the Human Rights Torch was passed from the Netherlands to Denmark’s capital Copenhagen. It was a rare sunny day during autumn. All present wore yellow ribbons in support of lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who has lost his freedom due to persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and is still being persecuted in China.
  • Belgium: St. Niklaas is Fourth Stop for Human Rights Torch

    October 1st is the National Day of Mourning in China. On this day, the Human Rights Torch Relay arrived at St. Niklaas City, the fourth stop in Belgium, where the sixtieth Peace Festival was just celebrated. The Mayor decided to let the city hall become the recipient of the Torch as a part of the Peace Festival, to express support from the city for human rights in China.
  • Belgium: Human Rights Torch Relay Arrives in Ostend

    Ostend’s MP Wouter De Vriendt and Great Flanders’ MP Gino De Craemer held the post of ambassadors of the Human Rights Torch Relay in person. They started from the city centre, Wapenplein Square, ran along a big coastal road to today’s main meeting field Deli Harpers Sculpture and attracted the attention of many tourists.
  • Germany: Participants Share Their Thoughts at the Global Torch Relay for Human Rights in Munich

    The torch relay is to protest against the Olympic Games being held in Beijing when such terrible human rights abuses are happening there and among other issues demands the release of adherents of the peaceful meditation practice Falun Gong. A United Nations report regarding torture revealed that 66% of torture victims in China are Falun Gong adherents. According to reports, these people are systematically murdered in Chinese slave labour camps for their organs, which are traded for economic profit in world markets. The torch relay is meant to put pressure on the Chinese Communist regime and bring hope to the people in China.
  • Belgium: Global Human Rights Torch Relay Reaches Brussels

    The Human Rights Torch arrived in Brussels on the 28th of September 2007 after passing through over ten cities in Europe. Belgian senators, athletes, representatives from human rights organisations and citizens gathered at Schunman Square near the European Union to greet the arrival of the Human Rights Torch and witness this historic moment.
  • Belgium: Human Rights Torch Arrives in Antwerp

    After a morning of heavy rain, the torch from Brussels in the hands of two torch relay messengers led the supporters of the relay, which started from St John Square and finished at the venue of the rally Queen’s Square near the railway station. The route covered the biggest China town in Belgium and attracted local people’s attention.
  • Lithuania: Human Rights Torch Relay Lights Up Kaunas City

    Local human right organisations gathered at Unity Square in the centre of the city to welcome the Torch. Donning traditional costumes, two Lithuanians and representatives from human rights organisations escorted the human rights torch ambassadors to the National Independent Monument to ignite the Human Rights Torch in front of the Monument.
  • Germany: The Spirit of "Never Again" at the Human Rights Torch Relay in Munich

    At 11am on August 25th, the Human Rights Torch Relay arrived at the main stadium of the Olympic Centre in Munich for its opening ceremony. The event focused on China's human rights atrocities and demands to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and other groups. The relay started in Athens and passed through Berlin before coming to Munich. Mr. Nehring from west Germany had an opportunity to lead the Torch Relay, running with the torch in hand. He said, "The International Olympic Committee is obligated to select a host country safeguarding human rights and should treat China in the same way. If Chinese people are tortured and killed, and their organs are being harvested against their will, the Games should not be held in Beijing.
  • Sweden:Commemorating Eight Years of Persecution at the Chinese Consulate General in Gothenburg

    Falun Gong practitioners in Gothenburg are usually outside the Consulate regularly to request an immediate end to the brutal persecution that practitioners in China are facing. On July 20th, there was a larger gathering because it was eight years to the day since the brutal persecution was initiated by the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Germany: Human Rights Torch Reaches Berlin as People Condemn Persecution Against Falun Gong

    The Human Rights Torch Relay, started by the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG), reached Berlin on August 18th 2007. A ceremony was held at Olympic Square, and many human rights activists attended. Attendees condemned the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and called for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.
  • Germany: Protesting Against the Persecution at the Chinese Consulate in Hamburg

    Falun Gong practitioners went from all over Northern Germany to demonstrate against the eight years of persecution suffered by their fellow practitioners in China. They demanded an immediate end to the persecution of innocent people whose only desire is to be able to practise the Falun Gong exercises and to live according to their spiritual beliefs.
  • France: Eight Years of Steadfast and Unyielding Opposition to the Persecution of Falun Gong

    Falun Gong practitioners once again held a rally in Human Rights Square, protesting against the persecution of Falun Gong. Since the persecution began on July 20th 1999, Falun Gong practitioners in France have been unremittingly raising awareness about the situation in China to tourists passing by the place, appealing to kind people to help stop the brutality.
  • Denmark: Rally at the Chinese Embassy against the Persecution of Falun Gong

    To mark eight years of brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist regime, Falun Gong practitioners in Denmark held a rally at the Chinese Embassy in Copenhagen, strongly condemning the Chinese Communist regime’s crimes against humanity.
  • Spain: Practitioners Protest against the Persecution of Falun Gong at the Chinese Embassy

    On July 20th, 2007, eight years since the CCP started the brutal persecution of Falun Gong, practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy in Madrid to condemn the CCP’s crimes against humanity and to call for an immediate stop to the persecution.
  • Hungary: Mourning the Deaths of Over Three Thousand Practitioners

    To mark eight years since the CCP persecution of Falun Gong began, Hungarian practitioners held a protest on July 20th at the Chinese Embassy in Budapest. During the few hours that the practitioners were there, many passers-by stopped and read the posters. Practitioners gave them leaflets and explained what Falun Gong is and why it is being persecuted.