United Kingdom: Falun Gong Procession in London’s Famous Lord Mayor’s New Year Parade
2005-01-05This was a great opportunity for practitioners of Falun Gong to show the beauty and goodness of the practice and Chinese culture to literally hundreds of thousands of people. At the same time, as the procession passed people on the street, many leaflets where handed out letting people know about the persecution against Falun Gong in China.
Czech Republic: Tourists Join Practitioners' Parade Calling for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-10-14On the afternoon of September the 11th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners held a parade through Prague city centre to let people know about the campaign of genocide that is happening to practitioners in China and has already claimed at least 1059 lives. Many tourists asked for leaflets because they wanted to learn more about the persecution and some joined the parade.
Greece: Falun Gong is Introduced to the World in Athens
2004-08-26According to statements from the parade organisers, it is distinctively precious for Falun Gong practitioners to have been given permission to carry out such an event during the days of the Olympics. The Chinese Embassy placed a large amount of pressure on the Greek Government, even at the last moment, to prevent this event.
Greece: After a Successful Parade Falun Dafa Practitioners Gather in Syntagma Square and Show the Beauty of Dafa
2004-08-16The beautiful Falun Dafa parade made its way through the centre of Athens and came to an end in Syntagma Square, which is located next to Greece's Parliament. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, handed out leaflets and performed Chinese waist-drumming and the lotus dance. The event attracted the attention of the media.
United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Press Conference and an Anti-torture Parade in Edinburgh
2004-08-16After participating in Edinburgh Arts Festival Cavalcade and winning the 1st Prize for best float in the Community section, a portion of UK Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from France and Ireland held an anti-torture parade in Edinburgh, exposing the cruel persecution and the brutal torture that Falun Gong practitioners suffer in China.
Greece: Dafa Practitioners' Athens Parade Attracts Media Attention
2004-08-15On August the 11th 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners held a successful large-scale parade in Athens. When the procession passed through Syntagma Square in the city centre, it attracted attention from locals and visitors, as well as various media including TV, news agencies and radio.
Greece: The Only Parade Granted Permission and Warmly Welcomed in Athens at the Start of the Olympics
2004-08-14On August the 11th 2004, two days before the Olympic Games began, a colourful Falun Gong parade took place in Athens, the capital city of the host country of this year’s Olympic Games. With surprised and happy smiles, people stopped and applauded the Falun Gong practitioners who carried banners reading “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance,” and “Falun Dafa is Good”.
Greece: Photo Report - Successful Parade in Athens Attracts International Media
2004-08-13On the 11th of August 2004, a grand parade was successfully held by Falun Dafa practitioners in Athens, Greece. The parade started from Kotzia Square and went through the city centre to Syntagma Square attracting local people, tourists, and reporters from different television channels, newspapers and radio stations. Twenty different media organisations were present, taking photos and interviewing Falun Gong practitioners
United Kingdom: Photo Report - Falun Gong Practitioners Awarded First Prize at the Edinburgh Festival Cavalcade for the Third Consecutive Year
2004-08-10 -
United Kingdom: Warm Response to Falun Gong Parade at the Edinburgh Cavalcade
2004-08-09Before the Falun Gong display had even reached them, the onlookers at this year’s Edinburgh Cavalcade had already been touched by the generous heart of the Falun Gong practitioners. Walking before the parade, practitioners in traditional Chinese dress handed out hundreds of paper lotus flowers into the outstretched hands of children leaning over the barriers.
Russia: Parade and Anti-Torture Exhibition in Moscow Calling for the End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-08-04After holding a peaceful appeal at the Chinese Embassy on July the 20th, 2004, to mark five years of the Jiang regime’s persecution of Falun Gong, Dafa practitioners organised a parade in Moscow. The parade ended in the busiest Square where practitioners demonstrated Falun Gong exercises and held a live anti-torture exhibition as well as a poster display.
Russia: Practitioners Hold a Parade and Anti-Torture Exhibition to Expose the Persecution
2004-07-31Falun Gong practitioners in Russia held activities on July 20th, including a parade, and an anti-torture exhibition, to protest against the five year-long persecution of Falun Gong in China. All activities took place in a peaceful atmosphere, which obtained high praise from the police as well as human rights organisations.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Frankfurt Multicultural Parade and Win Second Prize
2004-07-02Downtown Frankfurt was bustling on Saturday June 26th as the Frankfurt Multicultural Parade was in full swing. More than one hundred organisations participated in the parade and it attracted tens of thousands of people to watch. The Falun Gong procession also won favourable praise from the president of the parade and was awarded the second prize.
Falun Gong Parade Through the City of Vienna: Dafa is Spreading Widely
2004-07-01Although Jiang’s political gang of scoundrels began the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China on July 20th, 1999, Falun Dafa still spread through different countries in the world and received over a thousand commendations and prizes from different governments and organisations.
Parade in Vienna Captured the Hearts of Many Onlookers
2004-06-28The parade through the centre of Vienna attracted the attention of many people as it made its way through the crowded streets on the 19th of June 2004. As they absorbed the unexpected display of traditional Chinese culture, thousands of people took leaflets and materials, and many stopped practitioners to ask them more about the significance of the parade, and about Falun Gong.