Grand Falun Gong Parade Through the City of Vienna: The Dancing Performance
2004-06-26When Falun Gong practitioners paraded through the city-centre of Vienna on June 19th, the residents were deeply moved. The second part of this parade was a dancing performance, which was composed of the lotus dance, the flower-basket dance, the fan dance, etc. performed by female Falun Gong practitioners in colourful Chinese costumes.
Grand Falun Gong Parade Through the City of Vienna: The Waist Drum Performance
2004-06-24On June the 19th 2004, people crowded the pavements to watch Falun Gong practitioners parading through Vienna’s busy city centre. At the front of the parade were the waist-drummers. Throughout the parade the marching musicians reinforced the rhythm of the drums with a resounding cry of “Falun Dafa is Good!"
Grand Parade through the Centre of Vienna
2004-06-23On Saturday the 20th of June, Dafa practitioners from Europe and the Asia Pacific region held a grand parade through the crowded city centre of Vienna. Many people lined the pavements to view the beautiful and varied parade performances. The procession was lead by a waist drum team followed by traditional Chinese Fan Dancers and Lotus Flower Dancers.
Photo Report: European and Asia Pacific Dafa Practitioners hold a Grand Parade through Vienna
2004-06-20 -
Ukraine: Second Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference held in Kiev
2004-06-06From the 28th to the 30th of May 2004, the second Ukraine Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held in Ukraine's capital city of Kiev. Through this Fa conference and its related activities, many people come to learn about Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution against the 100 million people who practise it in China.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate and Perform in the Edinburgh Easter Parade
2004-04-17The Edinburgh Easter Parade has become a special attraction during the Edinburgh Spring Festival and attracts many people to come and take a look. Falun Gong practitioners have been invited twice to take part in the parade. On April 11th, performances by Falun Gong practitioners were warmly welcomed by local people.
United Kingdom: A Warm and Colourful Performance in the Edinburgh Easter Festival Parade
2004-04-13 -
Photo Report: Dafa Practitioners held a Parade in Geneva and Demanded the Chief Perpetrator of the Persecution of Falun Gong be Brought to Justice
2004-03-18 -
Large-Scale Activities in Geneva Bring the Hope of a Brighter Future to the 60th Anual United Nations Human Rights Congress
2004-03-16On Monday the 15th of March 2004, the 60th annual United Nations Human Rights Congress began in Geneva, Switzerland. Around 500 Falun Gong practitioners from countries all around the world gathered in Geneva, to us this opportunity to raise the profile of the persecution of Falun Gong in the international community, and to explain in more depth the nature of the persecution.
France: Nearly 1,000 Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Parade in Paris
2004-01-27After Jiang's regime unjustifiably impeded Falun Gong practitioners from joining in the Chinese Spring Festival Parade in Paris, French Falun Gong practitioners decided to invite fellow practitioners from other European countries to come to Paris and jointly hold two parades. Local Chinese people who love Chinese culture and support Falun Gong also joined the parades.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners' Parade in Paris Draws Media Attention
2004-01-26According to a report on January the 23rd by Radio Free Asia, about five hundred Falun Gong practitioners from various countries in Europe participated in the parade through Paris to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, which attracted a lot of tourists and French citizens.Dressed in traditional Chinese costumes, they performed a fan dance, drum dance, and danced wearing dragon masks, as the parade marched from Piazza di Repubblica to the Bastille.
UK: Falun Gong Performance in London's Famous Lord Mayor's Parade
2004-01-03The support from the people of London touched the practitioners’ hearts. Many people received a leaflet revealing more about the exercises of Falun Dafa and the persecution against this peaceful practice in China. Practitioners also handed out beautiful handmade paper Lotus Flowers with labels reading exactly what one of the official parade announcers told the audience: “The world needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance!”
UK: Falun Gong practitioners Hold a Rally and Parade on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-20Letters of support from Members of the European Parliament, UK Parliament, Scottish parliament, as well as members of the Greater London council, were read out. They said that human rights have no boundaries, and that only if the leaders of China truly respect human rights can they win respect from the world.
UK: Scottish Dafa Practitioners Hold a Parade on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-18On the day, the wind was strong with slight rain. The banners were blown vigorously by the wind and were difficult to hold, but every practitioner stuck to their task and the parade went ahead despite the wind. The effect of promoting the Fa was very good and was beyond practitioner's expectations.
UK: Press Conference Opposite the Chinese Embassy Held on International Human Rights Day
2003-12-11On 10th of December 2003, International Human Rights Day, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference opposite the Chinese Embassy in London. Speeches were given by Lord Thurlow and by the Chairman of UK Falun Gong Association. Several statements issued by UK public figures in support of Falun Gong and condemnation of the persecution were read out