Local Events
Denmark: The Twinning of Aarhus in Denmark and Harbin in China - Chinese Ambassador Intervenes
2007-04-16Heilongjiang is the province with the second highest death toll among thirty provinces. One third of the deaths took place in the provincial capital, Harbin. There are large quantities of concrete testimonies from the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong with specific dates, times and locations in which the persecution was perpetrated, as well as names of perpetrators and witnesses. 500 pages of testimonies tell of atrocities, which include shocking Falun Gong practitioners with electric batons, force-feeding them with human excrement and various other cruel torture methods. The brutality is beyond imagination.
Denmark: Rally in Copenhagen to Support Twenty Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2007-04-15On April 1st, an activity to support twenty million people quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was held on Town Hall Square in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Lots of people passing by stopped to look, converse and discuss. On the central square of the oldest city in northern Europe, banners and signs caught people’s eye.
France: Activities in Paris to Mark the Twenty Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2007-04-15On March 31st, 2007, the French Branch of the Global Service Centre for Withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held activities in Chinatown in the thirteenth District of Paris marking twenty million Chinese people withdrawing from the CCP and its affiliated organisations. They called on the Chinese people to recognise the evil nature of the CCP.
Ukraine: Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong to the People of Slavjansk
2007-04-14Falun Gong practitioners in Ukraine held activities in Slavjansk, introducing Falun Gong to local residents and exposing the truth about the brutal persecution of practitioners in China. Practitioners displayed photos and information posters and demonstrated the five simple Falun Gong exercises.
United Kingdom: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong and the Persecution in Woking
2007-04-14People asked if it was really true as they simply could not believe that such things could be happening these days. Some people also expressed their support for us. A few footballers stopped by and very happily imitated the movements of practitioners along to the calm music. Although expecting it to be a kind of martial srts, after telling them that for doing these exercises people are being killed in China, each young footballer took a flyer before they went to watch the Woking football team conference match.
United Kingdom: Film and Discussion in the Peace Studies Department of Bradford University
2007-04-13On March 13th, a Falun Gong practitioner arrived in Bradford to share her experiences of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and to draw attention to recent allegations of organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. The event was held at Bradford University and was made possible with the assistance of staff from the Peace Studies Department.
Spain: Spanish People Support Activities Marking 20 Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2007-04-13With these activities, the bleak square seemed to come to life. The hustling people started to slow their pace and came in groups to view the display boards exposing the Chinese Communist regime’s atrocities. From time to time, we could hear people condemning the atrocities and expressing their support for the campaign against the persecution.
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in a Health Exhibition in Skvde
2007-04-13On March 24th and 25th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners attended Skvde's annual health exhibition and set up an information booth in the city’s election hall. Reporters from local newspapers came to interview practitioners. They wanted to know the benefits that Falun Gong had brought to practitioners as well as Swedish citizens.
Germany: "CCP's Dictatorship Makes This Kind of Things Become Possible"
2007-04-12On the night of March 29th, 2007, the seminar hall inside the Victims of Stalinism Memorial Library in Berlin was fully seated, and some attendees even went to find chairs elsewhere. The topic which kindled so much interest from the German attendees is "The Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners".
Sweden: Rally to Support the 20 Million Brave People Who Have Quit the Chinese Communist Party
2007-04-12On March 31st, 2007, Chinese people living in Sweden held a rally in front of the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm to support the 20 million Chinese who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They made speeches and read out their messages to the Chinese Embassy with a loudspeaker, urging staff to quit the CCP.
Ukraine: The Chinese Communist Party’s Ruthless Conduct Shocks the Ukrainian People
2007-04-12When practitioners informed people that two days earlier, due to pressure from the CCP, the Russian authorities deported a Chinese Falun Gong practitioner and her eight-year-old daughter to China, even though they held the status of international refugees, they were indignant. After hearing about this injustice, many of them signed a petition calling for the mother and daughter to be rescued from China as soon as possible.
Czech Republic: Touring the Cities of Moravia (part 5)
2007-04-12Just as they had in previous cities, many people in Vsetín rushed to sign the practitioners' petition calling for an end to the persecution after hearing about the suffering inflicted on Falun Gong practitioners in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). After practitioners thanked them for signing the petition, a lot of people replied something along the lines of: “Do not thank me. Signing this petition should be everyone’s duty“.
Czech Republic: Touring the Cities of Moravia (part 4)
2007-04-11Many people expressed their worries about innocent practitioners having their internal organs harvested and sold to transplant seekers before the practitioners’ bodies are cremated. One lady took a handful of leaflets and placed them in a City Information Centre. Lots of people signed the petition calling for an end to the organ harvesting.
Germany: People in Langen Condemn Organ Harvesting Atrocities
2007-04-11“This is horrific and beyond human imagination! Where can I sign?” A woman asked, after a practitioner recounted a testimony of a Chinese surgeon's ex-wife in which her husband was ordered to remove more than 2,000 corneas from innocent Falun Gong practitioners in two years and the bodies were cremated after other organs were also removed. The woman's face showed fear and agony. After she signed the petition, her two boys said that they wanted to sign. Before they left, they expressed their best wishes: “We wish you success! Thank you!”
Belgium: “The Chinese Communist Party’s Cruel Persecution of People Must Stop”
2007-04-10On March 31st 2007, volunteers from the Belgium “Quitting the CCP Service Centre” along with Falun Gong practitioners, held an activity at the city centre of Brussels in support of the 20 million Chinese people who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). People were shocked upon learning about the CCP’s crimes of brutal persecution of the Chinese people.